Hello I am from England and suffered an injury while jumping onto a bucking bronco (pretend bull) I jumped up with legs open and my physio thinks I hit my right sitting bone and may have torn muscle there but I think I’ve also disturbed the nerves there perhaps pudendal nerve, not yet diagnosed though. The first 4 weeks after the injury I got period pains and inner thigh subtle soreness but wasn’t that painful, I actually thought I was pregnant! Wasn’t so then went back to the docs and he asked if I had injured myself but couldn’t recall, so I started to worry and thought I had cancer or endometriosis had ultrasound come back clear, however had infection and inflammation in blood test, so thought back and thought perhaps I did damage when jumping? So then saw physio which has been treating my lower back but not had any professional help regarding my right sided vagina pain which goes from anus all way to the vagaina a entrance like a stinging and sometimes throbbing pain gets worse as day goes on, does this sound like pudendal? I have no idea who to see about this , I have a urologist gynae apointment im hoping she may refer me for an MRI to see what’s going on as been 4 months since accident also get odd tingles down my right leg and under right bum cheek currently taking amitriptaline at night 1 and half tablets for nerve pain. Any advice regarding pain relief treatment options in Uk would be grateful
potential pudendal pain in vagina and... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
potential pudendal pain in vagina and bottom treatment options Uk

Hi there! I had pelvic pain for months...to cut a long story I had lots of checks and nothing showed up. I tried Amitriptyline and that did help but for me it was asking a problem so I came off it and found a physiotherapist that specialises in pelvic pain. After 6 appointments I am pain free and even better she found out what was causing my nerve pain.
Not sure where you live but she is based in Nottingham at The Heathcote Clinic.
I hope you get sorted, I know this pain can be awful.
Hello Thankyou for replying! Yes since this post I have been seeing a pelvic PT the last 3 months and she discovered a tear in one of my pelvic floor muscles on right side caused by me sitting on bull with bare bum cheeks and rocking side to side causing muscle to tear inside!! It is very slowly healing it has been nearly 10 months since injury (probably should have been sewn up at the time) but I didn’t know what I had done as all inside. My nerves have calmed down a bit but still get tingles down leg especially after a wee, muscle is near bladder which doesn’t help and sore feeling where it’s healing . What was causing your pain in the end??
Ouch that much of really hurt!!!
Thank goodness you add getting sorted & you know what’s going on. That’s was the worst not for me...not knowing what was causing it and no one wants to get pain down there!
So mine is caused by scar tissue from my episiotomy! The physio noticed straight the way that was a really tender point for me.
I couldn’t even ride a bike but now I m out cycling again! Hope you continue to get better which I m sure you will now you are getting the right treatment 😊👍🏻
So how long ago did the tear happen for you? Are you fully healed now? Yes I was so down and depressed when I did t know what was wrong and if it would ever end, but I can see things getting better a bit at a time so feeling more positive
Well don’t be alarmed when I says it’s from when I had my son 10 years ago!!! But it actually started 2 years ago with the nerve pain on & off. But then I got into spinning classes and for some reason it aggravated it and the nerves became irritated. I do get the old twinge still now but I know what to do to relieve it. Honestly there is hope...stick with your treatment plan and avoid googling!! 😊
I know googling is what sent my anxiety through the roof so much negative stuff online scary! Everyone situation is different isn’t it. Yep I’m hoping things get better I can live with a little pain but even though it has got better would like it to get slightly better than right now 🙈 but who knows. Sadly at mo can’t see my pelvic physio as she is NHS
Absolutely!!! I got so obsessed with googling!! You know it’s wrong but you can’t help it!! 🤦🏼♀️
Yes definitely stick with the physio...also I don’t know the type of physio you have but mine actually did ‘internal’ physio. I don’t know if you are having that? I know not everyone does that but I do really think that helped. Good luck and stay positive 🙌🏻