End of the treather with pelivc pain. - Pelvic Pain Suppo...

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End of the treather with pelivc pain.

shellydew profile image
10 Replies

First of all sorry about the spelling.

Ive suffered with cronic pelivc pain diverticular disease, ovarian cyst , trapped nerve syndrome depersion since 2010.

Ive had a hysterectomy with ovaries still prescent c section herian repair and appendix removed and have adishons.

Im in constant pain and feel like ive been pushed from pillar to post and made to feel like im a hypochondriac from scertain health professionals.

Over the years ive been prescribed movicol, pethidine, co codomol , tramodol , orimotph and zomorph. The zomoroh did edge the pain.

Ive now moved to leeds and my new gp is reluctant to prescribe it.

The pain is so bad that last year in april i tried to end my life.

Ive been admited to hospital with cronic pain 4 times this year. I have had a tumor maker scan and told the cyst had grown since last scan but also told its could be stuck with the adishons.

I have no quality of life im always in my pjs and my relationship is suffering as I cant stand the pain.

I feel so let down even my own mother thinks im a hypochondriac. Am I going mad is this all in my head.

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10 Replies

Hi, I can see that you are very distressed and desperate for help. One thing you have got going for you is that you have moved to Leeds. Leeds General Infirmary has an excellent pain management department. Please Google Leeds Hospitals, neuromodulation and pain management centre. Every patient is assessed and a pain management program specifically for each individual patient's needs is arranged. You could also discuss your past medical problems and get advice. The main thing is to first get your pain managed effectively and after this is done discuss with your pain management specialist if an opinion from another specialist is required. The pain management doctors will know which is the best specialist to refer you to in conjuction with your pain management. After you have googled this site and want to be referred to the NHS neuromodulation and pain management centre ask your GP to refer you ASAP. Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on and hope that very soon your pain is under-control and that you have a better quality of life. XXX

shellydew profile image
shellydew in reply to

Thanks very much for the info. I have my initial phone appointment for pain team in the morning.

Since my last post ive now been diagnosed over the weekend with a large bakers cyst in my leg.

I just like my health is detirating im constalty worries and anxious.

I keep you posted on how things go.

in reply to shellydew

Hi, shellydew, I have just googled ' bakers cyst 'it sounds very painful. Have you googled this? It suggests you place a bag of frozen peas at the back of your knee held in place by a pressure bandage. Any way if you google this yourself it will explain treatment. It is a good thing you will be seen by a pain specialist soon. I think when you are in constant pain and stressed over a long period of time it will effect your immune system. Once you get your pain managed and feel better you will have a better quality of life. Take a look at your diet and see how you can eat healthily and drink plenty of water to de-tox.as you get a lot of toxins building up in the lymphatic system. Treat yourself to a massage when you feel you can get out more and start looking foreward to a healthier happier you. Please keep in touch.

shellydew profile image
shellydew in reply to

Hello again cvbn thanks again for info on the bakers cysy.

I had a debribement and hagalunds deformety and bakers cyst surgey on my right leg in January this year. Ive only been out of a air boot a week. I was so disappointed this weekend when I realised I have have the cyst on the left leg.

So along with pelvic pain and abdominal pain I now have a sore leg and struggling to move about.

On the plus side ive finally been referred to a gyni doctor and have my first chronic pain appointment in person on monday.

Ive been managing pain with parractomol and tramodol , also a hot water bottle.

Im so glad I found this site as im less anxious as I realise that im not alone and not going mad.

I will keep you all posted on how I get on.

in reply to shellydew

Hi once again, eventually every thing seems to fall into place and now that you are in Leeds you will get the specialist help that you deserve. You have been through so much pain and suffering and I can only applaud you for being such a strong and beautiful person. Keep in touch with us if you need more advise or support. We are all here for you.

shellydew profile image
shellydew in reply to

Cvbn thank you so much for the kind words.

Kind regards michelle

This may be redundant for some who follow this network, but do you have some sort of case manager to support you and help coordinate treatment? When you are in this much pain, it is overwhelming to figure all this out. In the US, certain social workers and/or nurses perform this function, often for free.

1bluefairy profile image

Don't worry about your spelling, mine's not so great either. I'm so sorry for your suffering. My pain comes from nerve damage having a tumor removed from my spine.

I know people are just trying to help, but they don't understand nerve pain if they've never dealt with it. Examples: I just ignore my pain. I push myself.

I keep going no matter what. Try meditation. Just have to make the best of things, like I do. You'll just have to be tougher.

Makes you want to break their finger or something then see how they deal with the pain.

It doesn't stop the pain, but it is helpful to talk with other people who understand what you're going through. I just found this site, I'm so glad.

We'll all be there for each other. That is wonderful. Turn to us when you get down.

Have you looked into a spinal stimulater implant? That has helped me some.

It doesn't stop the pain, but it makes more bearable at times.

Sure hope you find some relief, I'll be praying for you.

shellydew profile image
shellydew in reply to 1bluefairy

Hello 1bluefairy

sorry to hear your in pain to. I also was diagnosed with trapped never syndrome and had a steroid injection. Due to movimg out of town to a new city ive had to start all the process again.

Im limited to moving at the moment has I had a drbirdment speed bridge tendon and cysy surgery in January. Im now in a air boot but now.got a cyst in the other leg. So as for moving and keep going im finding hard to cope with the leg pain along with chronic pelvis pain...

I have finally been refured to a gyni doctor and see pain team monday.

Im so glad I found this site as I really thought I was going mad

Thanks for your kind support and words.

I will keep you posted in how I get on.

shellydew profile image

Update so far.... had my appointment with cronic pain team. Found out the cyst on my ovaries is small but adjacent to it I have a 6,5 cm abdomial cyst can anyone tell me wot this is ? Im so cross as the gp siad "it shouldn't cause pain" well belive me it dose hurt and hurts badly. To the point of fainting and being sick.

Hopefully I'll know more once the pain clinic have a review on Thursday.

Today ive had to attend a medical for benefits. It's took the stuffing out of me and now in so much pain, not only from my abdomen but also with my legs and knees.

Had to set of by bus at 10 am only just back at 4pm.

Im dopped up with tramodol paracetamol and hot water botle.

So glad I see the mental health team tomorrow as im at breaking point.

Any one else suffer emptying there bladder and bowles. Im constantly on the loo and so sore.

Really down and feel like rubbish

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