When I first got my period at about the age of thirteen, it was relatively light and pain-free. Only at about the age of sixteen or so did I start to get cramps. By about eighteen they were out of control - I would be in so much pain I would end up on the bathroom floor crying and I was taking three times the dose of anaprox then I was supposed to, still without much relief. I had been on the pill since I had become sexually active (at seventeen) and my doctor had switched me to Seasonale so that my period would only be every three months. The cramps continued to worsen and sex started to be painful - with a deep pain (after being with the same partner for just over a year).
At this point my mother took me to a new gynecologist who did a pelvic ultrasound (it showed nothing), and endo-vaginal ultrasound (likewise, clean) and since they could find no immediate cause, instead he decided to try a few different contraceptives to see if any of them would be more effective. My pap smears are always clean, I was not nor have I ever been pregnant and my STD panel was clear. Over the course of the next year we tried the depo-provera shot (which did not help the cramps but did make me extremely emotional) and the nuva-ring (likewise no change). At this point the cramps were so bad that there was at least three days a month that I was missing my university classes and my doctor was now proscribing me oxycodone for the pain (where usually I don't even bother taking advil, preferring to tough it out), on top of which my sex life with my boyfriend was nearly impossible because it was too painful. At that point in May 2010 I opted for a laproscopy to see if anything could be found that way, but afterwards the only diagnosis my doctor could offer was "phantom pelvic pain".
That diagnosis made me feel like a mental patient, so I went to see my GP who recommended a colleague of his in gynecology who had a more creative flair. She decided to try the Mirena IUD (which my previous gyno had been reluctant to proscribe because I was only twenty one and had never had children). After about three months this seemed the magic cure - while I still didn't have a diagnosis, the Mirena stopped me from having my period and that stopped the cramps. My sex life returned to normal and I basically felt like I had my life back.
That is until the end of April 2013 that I got my period again, completely out of the blue. It only lasted for two days and it was so light I thought it might just be stress related, but it happened again at the end of May, only worse and for longer - so I made an appointment with my gyno for mid-June (soonest they could fit me in). The period at the end of June was like one of my old periods - I missed three days of work and the oxycodone just barely made it tolerable. My doctor sent me to get a new endo-vaginal ultrasound in hopes that the IUD had just become dislodged, but it was perfectly in place and all they found was a small cyst on one of my ovaries - consistent with the fact that I was just finishing my period.
There seems to be nothing physically wrong with me - except that after two years with no change I have started getting my period again and it is still as painful as it was. I am now twenty three years old. Unless a diagnosis can be found, my doctor has suggested I start considering more radical surgical options, like severing the nerve attached to the uterus. I am hoping for a less invasive alternative - I was hoping someone on this specialized forum might have an idea what is wrong with me?