I have just recently been diagnosed with PBC. Got blood test done because I had repeated swelling and SEVERE itching of the eyes. they did a lupus test which came back negative but found abnormalities so they then tested for PBC. now here I am. I am 22 and have had the eye lid swelling and itching for almost 2 months (they have me on antihistamines to control the swelling), nerve pain down my legs for 2 years now (unexplained), recent joint/bone pain, pain in my abdominal, troubles with my stomach after eating, lung and chest pain (feels like angina), pain with bowel movements, random spotty bruising on the top of my thighs. The abdominal pain is getting so bad that I'm starting to have the same dream every night that I have been shot in the abdomen and I wake up with extremely bad abdominal pain. My GP has ignored most of my symptom's for years and now she is telling me that a lot of my symptoms are unrelated to the PBC yet shes doing nothing to figure it I don't think she even really understands PBC.