I would be interested to know if URSO would be prescribed to someone possibly already at advanced stage when diagnosed with PBC.
I am in a bit of a quandry and do not know what to do for the best!! I think my 78 year old mother MAY have PBC!. I was diagnosed with PBC 19 months ago and from reading the PBC patient information booklet I know it can run in families. And have identified that my mother has 7 out of 8 of the common symptoms (not itching) and 3 out of 5 of the common signs of PBC in more advanced PBC - (not jaundice, not sure about reddened palms). She has had numerous scans and probes etc. However she has never been tested for PBC as far as I am aware. PBC has certainly never been mentioned by anyone as I accompany her on all of her GP/Hospital appointments. She has for many years suffered with angina, rheumatoid arthritus, dry eyes, abdominal pain, fatigue hieatus hernia, diviticulitus (please excuse spelling). She has restless legs and for the last year has had many problems with her lower legs being very painful, swelling and leaking. I am aware that some of the PBC symptoms can also be attributed to her other conditions. But to me - I may be wrong - but it seems too much of a coincidence that my mother is showing all these signs and also because I have a positive diagnosis of PBC already. My PBC was picked up following blood tests - AMA result. The only symptoms I presented with were very painful joints and fatigue. When my diagnosis was confirmed by liver biopsy I was put on URSO straight away.
I ask my question because from personal experience I do not want to have to put my mother through having a liver biopsy unecessarily. From all the signs she could have advanced PBC so if URSO is not prescribed for advanced PBC she would have had to go through an invasive and painful experience for nothing. I know it sounds as if I am putting the cart before the horse so to speak as she hasn't even had an AMA test yet. But, she is not very well at the best of times and has a lot on her plate with being a full time carer for my wheelchair bound father. She is a proper worrier so I do not want to cause her any unecessary stress etc by asking for tests to be done on her if there is no benefit at the end of it.
She is such a worrier I have not even told her that I have PBC, she thinks I have 'a bit of
arthritus'. If I told her otherwise she would blame herself because she gave birth to me so anything wrong with me would be her fault. See what I am up against! And I would have to admit to having decieved her for 19 months - a thing I do not relish.
I would be grateful for any input.