I was diagnosed with PBC in december last year. I've suffered with psoriasis for years since I was 21. But have only had 2 bad outbreaks of it. I appear to be having another at the moment. Normally stress related for me but I'm not this time. I believe this is auto immune related too. I'm itching all over and small patches are appearing and ideas to help. Please
Does anyone else suffer with psoriasis ??? - PBC Foundation
Does anyone else suffer with psoriasis ???

Reading on the net I think it may be related to the bout of tonsilitis I've just about got over. I do have guttate psoriasis and this can be a cause of outbreak. When will it end lol. I've had enough at the moment. Diagnosis, toothache then abcess, tonsilitis that took over 2 weeks to go with no antibiotics and now this. Help me but the 😊 still there
Hi Louedwards,
I had bad episodes of psoriasis when I was a child and have had minor flare ups when highly stressed as an adult.
It is a long time since I have had any significant patches on my body but I do get the odd ones in my hair. I use nizoral for that.
If my patches start to get more I go to the doctors for prescription treatments.
I itch mildly all day every day and some days I itch badly but it's not because of psoriasis. I'm not being any help I know.
I hope you start to feel better soon, sounds like you have had a really bad run of it.
Take care Jxx
Hi - I too have had psoriasis since I was 21 and PBC. for the past 15 years. I can only assume Its all related to auto immune related. Nothing gets rid of the psoriasis but some of the treatments from the doctor help.
Taking Urso for PBC which seems to help. Have you been prescribed Urso?
Good luck dealing with these conditions - its not easy.
Docs sorted me with creams. Hope it clears off soon and the lovely warm sunshine makes an appearance like promised. Thatll sort it too
Oh and she says you can get out breaks after in infections. The last time i had one was after tonsilitis aswell. Oh well
Yes I have it too. It is autoimmune.
Hi Yes my feet are covered maybe more Eczema than Psoriasis but still really bad i have tried every thing under the sun as they say but not a thing helps they are such a mess and itch so bad and bleed i have had Puva light treatment which was a waste of time been under skin Consultant for years even he as run out of ideas what to try so got to live with it we go on holiday in a few weeks and get so embarrassed my two feet are covered completely all around my ankles and the top of my feet strange only on my feet but think it may be starting on my legs .
Hi Louedwards, I've had psoriasis on sole of feet & palm of hands over 20 years. I use Rx clobetasol propionate ointment ( heavier than cream) on affected area, cover with Saran ( plastic) wrap, put cotton sock over area, much better in morning. Have found wearing 100% cotton socks most calming to feet, believe other textiles aggravate the area. For hands, use gloves when cleaning, Nivea cream on hands . Stress will aggravate psoriasis as will infection, getting run down. Take care / protect skin as psoriasis changes the response of the skin, even in areas that look clear. Also used to soak affected areas in doak oil ( hard to find). Good luck!
Recently discovered I have a mild case of psoriasis on my arms and legs. Dermalmd is a superb psoriasis serum for all kinds of skin issues. It is delicate and smells a little herbal and is excellent in curing my psoriasis lesions - they fade, turn red and then are gone. It is expensive but contains only natural ingredients and is well worth the cost. I would replace all my facial creams with dermalmd.