It has been recommended that I check with your website for info on webinars. Could you please send me the url for this. Thank you.
Webinars: It has been recommended that I... - PBC Foundation

I cannot share the url as I do not know how to do that on a mobile but if you google search The PBC Foundation it will take you to their home page where you can find a lot of information on all subjects once you have become a member. Are you a facebook user? If you are there are all the presentations from International PBC Day which is 24 hours of presentations from specialists in English and some other languages. The PBC Foundation has been live on social media almost every day since March giving support in the way of fun and frolics and once a week a leading professional has given an hour of his time to answer questions.
I hope this helps get you started until someone with more technical savvy can help you.
Best wishes

So I am not sure which URL you seek.
is our home page where you can register for free (including magazines, leaflets, self-management App, etc) is where you can find the webinar details.
I hope that answers your question.