Can someone in UK please recommend some excellent eye drops for dry/itchy/stingy eyes? Thank you. 😊
Dry eyes: Can someone in UK please recommend... - PBC Foundation
Dry eyes

Hi Beatris03,
I suffer from that all the time. You should ask your doctor to refer you to an eye specialist as you probably have Sjogrens/ sicca syndrome which is an associated symptom of PBC. I have prescription eye drops I use when it gets really bad.
For everyday use, I use Hylo Forte eye drops for daily use. I get them in Boots. You need to use them at least 4-6 times a day for relief. Hope this helps
Thank you. I have checked the Sjogrens/sicca syndrome symptoms on online and I don't have all the other symptoms, just dry eyes. I have seen an eye doctor, the drops she recommended are useless but she asked me to use it twice a day, morning and evening. Obviously not enough. I also use the computer 9 hours a day so that doesn't help either. X
If you go to gp he will give you something for that. I use visoclear eye drops
when I was with the doctor and asked about eye drops she gave me a one word answer "more" meaning that I should use the drops more often during the day however the optician who was more forthcoming suggested I use
I have just ordered a different one which is also preservative free
I have dry itching eyes and I use Celluvisc 1% these were prescribed for me from the hospital. You can buy them from over the counter but it’s from the pharmacy (no prescription needed) They com in little individual doses and I found 1/2 % useless but 1% brilliant. I have also used Systane gel drops and they are good just not as good as Celluvisc. Also use a warm compress on your eyes for 10mins a day. Hope this helps
I use clinitas eye gel, I get it on prescription and although doesn’t solve the problem it does help,🌸
Dear Beatriso3, I have the same problem and have been seen by the specialist and been and been advised to use natural tears. I use clinitas soothe dry eye relief drop from Amazon and been very happy.
Hope it helps, goodluck
I use “carbomer eye gel ” which is sometimes sold as “viscotears.” I get this on prescription from the NHS.
My doctor prescribed me with Viscotears gel and Celluvisc drops.
I was prescribed Hypromellose drops. I also have Sjogren's like Elaineq. It was diagnosed on biopsy of salivary gland even tho most doctors I saw along the path to diagnosis said they thought my mouth and eyes were'nt dry enough. They had quite a bit of experience in dealing with Sjogren's (a London teaching hospital). It was they who then referred me for PBC screening, which was positive.
My eyes are drier after screen exposure, and also if I eat too much sugar of any form.
I also use artificial tears really helps
Hi. My father suffered from dry, gritty eyes in his latter years which would become very sore, sticky and developed into conjunctivitis at times. This could be cleared up with antibiotic eye cream however it would always return. I spoke to a home visit optician about this and he advised bathing the eyes with cooled boiled water with a few drops of baby shampoo once or twice a day. This would clean the eyes and also the lashes. I'm not sure if my father actually had an eye condition or if it was age and health related but we followed this advice and it worked really well. There was no further need for prescribed treatment. We used a cotton wool pad for the bathing. Hope you find something to relieve things.
I see you have lots of replies & that might confuse you! Mine are so bad I have punctal plugs inserted. I’ve tried everything! HyloForte has been the best eyedrop by far. In my case I use every hour. I also use viscotear or vitalism A gel at night. Hot warm compresses. Do not use the nasty cheap drop gp prescribes with preservatives (they made things worse/lots of evidence not to use these). Are you sure you do not have Meibomian Gland Disease? Ask your ophthalmologist. If you do, the hot compresses very important. I’m now on high doses of testosterone for this & it’s done wonders. Hormones are directly related to dry eye and in particular testosterone stimulates Meibomian glands which oil our eyes naturally keeping moisture in. I had to do all the research myself as no doctor even mentioned testosterone but I found experts who guided me through & then found Uk ophthalmologists that confirmed the evidence that it helps & supported me in starting treatment with i now attend a GYNAECOLOGIST who prescribes and overlooks the testosterone treatment. I’ve had a vast improvement with eyes which were severe & my severe fatigue has drastically improved too. But this all must be run by any consultant for pbc etc. Check your eyes close properly when sleeping (easier said than fine ha!) because this can cause dry symptoms. Humidifiers at night good. This might be overkill but I wanted to cover everything as people with more severe symptoms might read this thread. I also am on cyclosporine eye drops permanently (Ikervis) but this is for very severe problems. Steroid drops good too if you have bad inflammation
Meant to say “Vitapos A, not vitalism A
And yes I had biopsies etc for Sjogrens but negative though I do have sicca symptoms both oral & eyes. I’ve been through the ringer with this!
Ps. I’ve stopped using computers. They are the worst thing for dry eye. I bought some lab goggles to wear when doing computer work when I really had to and they helped to moisturise eyes. You can get special computer glasses well worth investing in. We humans are not meant to be at computer screens 9 hours a day. That is pry your main problem. Set an app on computer telling you to move away from the screen at regular intervals and do it. Use preservative free drops during the intervals. Do squeeze and blink expertises to get The Meibomian glands working.
Vitapos-A, HyloForte, blephaclean wipes (baby shampoo will do the trick but my eyes so bad I needed to clean them Often so needed wipes on the go) visvotears are all prescribed on nhs. My GP was trying to get out of prescribing but I researched and found through NICE they all are approved on nhs as long as you need them of course. It required ophthalmologist prescription but then put on permanent repeat.
Hycosan Extra works for me. It lasts for ages, keeps out of fridge for 6 months when open and can be used with contact lenses.
Available on line, in pharmacies and from opticians for about £10.