Does anyone with PBC take Vitamins . I
A, D and K? I read that we will become deficient in these vitamins. I also take calcium and omega 3's and a baby aspirin
Does anyone with PBC take Vitamins . I
A, D and K? I read that we will become deficient in these vitamins. I also take calcium and omega 3's and a baby aspirin
Most people shouldn't supplement vitamin A, as deficiency is uncommon and it's easier to overdose on it. Many people DO tend to be deficient or insufficient in vitamin D, however, particularly those of us with autoimmune conditions, so supplementation is usually recommended. You need to have a serum vitamin D level checked and see where you stand (easy blood test). If low or even in the low half of the normal reference range you can easily supplement with vitamin D3. Most people find they will need to take 5,000 IU/day to get and keep their blood level in the optimal range. I have to take 10,000 IU/day to keep my serum level at 70 or above, which is where my doctors want it. Vitamin D2 is not as well absorbed, so D3 is what you want. It is fairly difficult to overdose on vitamin D, with serum levels up to 100 and somewhat above still considered fine. However, at very high and prolonged doses it is possible, which is the main reason vitamin K is sometimes recommended to take at the same time. I used to take K to protect against any possible D toxicity but no longer do. I think the benefit is small, and I stay on top of my lab work. Be sure to check your serum D at least a couple of times/year if you decide to supplement as it will help you figure out if you are taking the needed amount. Optimal vitamin D levels help health status on many levels, so is definitely worth making sure you're where you need to be. Good luck!
* I should disclose that I do not have PBC, but am being watched closely in case I develop it, since I am positive for AMA (and numerous other autoantibodies).
I am on the same boat as you Dianekjs. I take D3, B complex, Omega 3, Zinc, E and selenium.
Monitoring AMA, liver enzyme, CA19-9, amylase and Lipase.
My GI & university heptologist requested I take a multivitamin daily with the prescribed vitamin D 50000 units weekly.
I take E, D & garlic.
And I have read K is good idea. I'll check with my GI next visit
I take d & they're going to check a & k soon
You should get vit A and k from food like green leafy vegs, liver, sweet potato, and fruits unless you have chorns disease, celiac disease or any diseases that interferes gut absorption.. k supplement can be toxic...Please, take a dr advise before you start k supplement!!!
I take b12, d3(8000ui) a day, and b6 every other day Rest I try to get it from food!
B12 and D