I visited my GP last week to request more frequent B12 jabs as I was still presenting a lot of symptoms a month after my 12 week jab.
This was the result: range in brackets
Serum ferritin 115 (12.00-250.00)
Serum folate 8.3 (2.00-18.80)
Serum vitamin B12 >1500 (150-1000)
Serum TSH 2.8 (0.3-4.5) -i'm on throxine
Rheumatoid factor <5.0 (0.00-14.00)
Full blood count (note next to result says tell patient acceptable no further action)
Haemaglobin estimation 129 (115-165)
total white cell count 6.3 (4.0-11.0)
MCV 97.6 (82.00-100)
*Haematocrit 0.366 (0,37-0.47)- a bit low
*Red blood cell count 3.75 (3.80-5.80)- a bit low
*Mean corpos. haemoglobin (MCH) 34.5 (27-32) -a bit high
Those were the main results. The ones that concerned me the most I have put a star beside. The B12 result was as I would expect 4 weeks after a jab and I also take sublingual tablets and drops.
Looking at the starred result and having done some of my own research. I think I may have macrocytic anemia which I understand is related to a B12 deficiency.
My main symptoms are tiredness, aching and stiff joints, palpitations (I had an ECG which confirmed this), pins and needles, earache and tinnitus.
As the doctor has said no further action required I would like some advice form anyone with B12 experience and maybe some medical knowledge as to what to do next. I am going to try adding a bit more iron into my diet as that may help but i'm wary of iron supplements as they can often do more harm than good.
Thank you all once again.