HI I first posted on here in September last year asking about my vitamin B12 levels which were over 300 at the time, I had another test in October and that came back as 257. The help I received from this site gave me the information to ask my GP for the injections and I will be having my third one on Monday. I think I am already starting to feel better.
I also found out in Oct that I had a Vitamin D and zinc deficiency and have been on meds for this since December.
Could anyone please help advise me whether my serum folate is at a good level please, it is 11.9 ug/l - no range, so have no idea what the ideal for this would be and my ferritin is 27 ug/l range 15 - 300.
I did mention to the nurse that I thought that my ferritin was low, but she advised that it was within range, she had no idea about the folate.
Thank you for any advice you can provide