I have a history of anaemia, low vit D and low B12 (i take igennus super B complex). I went down the route of exploring whether I had pernicious anaemia because I have a high MCH and b12 levels at the lower end. Ive been on high strength B12 supplements since April 2020. Now, what is weird is that my folate has gone up since xmas 19 but my b12 has actually gone down since taking these supplements.
previous folate and b12 levels:
folate 12.14 ug/l (range 3.9-19.45)
active b12 94.9 pmo/l (range 37.5-187.5)
current folate and b12 levels:
folate 19.8 ug/l (range 3.9-19.45)
active b12 87 pmo/l (range 37.5-187.5)
Is my current b12 level OK now?
I should also add that I have several PA symptoms.