Posts - Chronic Pancreatitis Support | HealthUnlocked

Chronic Pancreatitis Support

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Sharing comfort food recipe

Hi! I came across this post about making mashed potatoes with less fat and no da...
Sshe profile image

Problems With Drinking Water

Hello Friends. Can anyone speak to the phenomenon of burning pain simply from dr...

Water Only Fasting

Hello Friends: Has anyone found benefit in water-only fasting? This may seem lik...
PomPupLove profile image
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10 Years Of Pain, Shame, Confusion & MEN1

Hi Out There! I began having steatorrhea 10 years ago while taking care of my ex...
PomPupLove profile image

Information please

I had a CT scan of my pancreas and it came back abnormal. As of yet we don't kno...
Popcorn12345 profile image

Presentation on Advocating for Your Child with Pancreatitis in School

Hi everyone! 👋 Rebecca’s Wish is hosting a presentation on how to advocate for ...
Olivia_MC profile image

2 months with pancreatitis

I had a pancreatitis attack 2 months ago. I was in the hospital for 6 days. I’m ...

Chronic Pancreatitis

Hi, I am from India. Though I have had annual, half-yearly- and quarterly episod...
Katzemutter profile image

Are Your Periods Affecting Your Pancreatitis Symptoms?

Have you ever noticed that your pancreatitis flares seem to line up with your pe...
Olivia_MC profile image

📣 Discussion Topic: What are your strategies for keeping a healthy sleep routine with pancreatitis?

Pancreatitis can make it hard to maintain a good sleep schedule. Share your tips...
Olivia_MC profile image

Night time peeing

Has anyone found that. Creon has increased the number of times they pee during t...

Does PERT even work?

Is there anyone who takes replacement enzymes successfully and what that might ...
Ozette profile image

What is your top reason for joining this community? Take part in our latest poll!

We want you to get the most out of being part of our CP Support Community. We wo...
ChronicPancAdmin profile image

Creon vs. Zenpep

Anyone else still trying to navigate the costs and efficacy of Creon and Zenpep?...

📣 Discussion Topic: How do you enjoy your day when your pancreas feels okay?

We all know how precious those good days can be! When your pancreas feels okay, ...
Olivia_MC profile image

Need advice

I did EUS and the GI said I have mild chronic pancreatitis . I had dull pain un...
Milletlovermale profile image

Chronic Pancreatitis

Salam!I am from Lahore, Pakistan. I have been a patient of chronic pancreatitis ...
Taimoorjutt profile image

📣 Discussion Topic: What Comforts You Most During a Pancreatitis Flare-up?

Books, pets, people? What brings you comfort when you need it most? Share your e...
Olivia_MC profile image


I have had necrotizing pancreatitis since 2013. Currently I am a patient at Clev...

plant based whole food

Has anyone had luck following a plant based whole food diet in stabilizing chron...
Sapphire55 profile image

plant based whole food diet

Has anyone had luck alleviating symptoms with a plant based whole food diet?
Sapphire55 profile image

Disorder of the Brain Gut

anyone heard of disorder of the brain gut? it's been 8 months of being told chro...

Mental health?

I developed EPI after having Covid. In August of 2021. My fist attempt at eating...
Ethelknows profile image


new member just diagnosed - coming to terms! On Creon and waiting to see how I ...
Extraspace profile image

Genetic Testing

Greetings, I'm concerned about my condition (chronic/acute pancreatitis) being ...

📣 Discussion Topic: What is the Nicest Thing Someone Did for You During a Pancreatitis Flare?

Living with pancreatitis can be incredibly challenging, especially during flare-...
Olivia_MC profile image

Webinar Recording: 'New Pancreatitis Treatments in Development: Chemical Pancreatectomy and Electrical Stimulation (TEA)' is now live!

Hi everyone! 👋 A big thank you to everyone who joined our webinar! For those wh...
Olivia_MC profile image

lipase, fatty liver disease and elevated triglycerides

I’ve got severe bile acid malabsorption, fatty liver disease and elevated trigl...

Creon shortage and Pancrex V 125

Hi all, I was prescribed Creon 25000 about 3 months ago. Not great difference to...
Nomojo56 profile image

looking for information on pancreas insufficiency

Good afternoon to you all, Just wondering if anyone has, had faecal Elastese ...
Buttsy profile image
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