When I was 12 I had my entire bowel removed and had a pouch, then 3 years later, I had a reversal, so I have always suffered with stomach problems. I got admitted to hospital with pancreatitis about 5 years ago, but never got anything about my condition explained to me. I now have chronic pancreatitis and epi. I saw a dietician and got told I should cut down on fatty foods, leafy green veg, pulses, red meat, processed food and avoid alcohol. Some of these foods I have to avoid because of my ulcerative colitis, but I feel it can't be good cutting out so many food groups, especially as absorption is an issue. I was thinking about taking a Zoe test. Has anyone done this and is it worth it? Also, I am really struggling to live a full life. I work in the construction industry, and as a woman in this environment, I feel I have to put on a brave face at work. I've had so much time off sick and have read that this condition will shorten my life, so is there even any point in re training? How long can we live with this condition? I have cut myself off from my friends as they like to go out for meals and drinks. This has made me feel isolated and lonely. I'm also not getting on with creon as it makes me feel sick and gives me pain after eating. Does anyone have any ideas as to how to live a more normal life with minimal pain, or is this it? I have really been left in the dark by thw medical profession and don't know what to believe on the internet.
How do I live a life as normal as pos... - Chronic Pancreati...
How do I live a life as normal as possible?

hi, first, did they tell you that timing is everything with Creon, It's best to have everything you're going to eat ready or even in front of you, then take the medicine and start eating, If it takes you more than 20 minutes then you should take another pill or two, depending on fat and protein remaining. I would recommend if you feel like you're having a lot of digestion issues try to eat more of whole food like meat potatoes vegetables, Less junk food like with fat and sugar combined especially. I find that my digestion lags, so if I ate something and didn't take enough Creon or eat wrong, I'll I'll feel it then, but I'll also feel it for days and the same way getting better, takes days. I don't know, I hope that makes sense. if you have any questions feel free to message me