My life has been transformed recently.
In 1993 I was was losing weight as all food shot through and smelling like a dung-heap I was exhausted and the imbalance in my body started to affect my nervous system with waves of depression.
A self controlled elimination diet found that I had become intolerant to virtually all foods and had become Coeliac. Visits to Allergists, homeopath and a specialist allergy clinic using EPD all ensued but the diarhhoea continued.
Thirty years of explosive diarhhoea, lurking in bushes, only visiting places with readily accessible toilets, not venturing out before noon when the majority of 15 a day incidents had passed, ensued.
Visits to GP and Gastroenterologists, endoscopies, colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy ultrasound and xrays all failed to change anything until a visiting locum, while clearly not an expert, suggested pancreatic insufficiency could be the problem and prescribed Nutrizyme - but only one capsule per meal.
That was the start of the end of 30 years of misery.
I discovered a sensible dosing regime and applying some lateral thinking I also started a high dose pre+probiotic.
Within no time at all I have normal bowel movements twice a day and normalcy has returned.
I will never know whether the answer is PERT (Nutrizyme 22 and Creon 25000 as available) or the pre/probiotics but my new Gastroenterologist supports my approach and I will continue with both added into my daily dosing regime ....🤣