Polls - Chronic Pancreatitis Support | HealthUnlocked

Chronic Pancreatitis Support

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We are so glad to have you here. What is your top reason for joining this community?

Does your menstrual cycle trigger pancreatitis symptoms?

Please only complete this poll if you have been diagnosed with EPI. Which symptom(s) of EPI due to your CP do you consider bothersome?

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On a Scale of 1-5, how much do you feel your diet impacts your CP related abdominal pain?

How often do you restrict/change your diet to avoid chronic pancreatic symptoms (such as abdominal pain, bloating, gas, diarrhea, etc.)?

Have you modified your diet in an attempt to control your Chronic Pancreatitis (CP) related symptoms?

How does CP-related pain affect your mood, or that of the person your care for? (Select all that apply)

Which of the following topics are of the most interest to you, as they pertain to chronic pancreatitis? (Select only your top choice)

How does CP-related pain affect your relationships, or those of the person your care for? (Select all that apply)

Which of these non-medicinal approaches have you (or the person you care for) tried for relief of CP-related pain? (Select all that apply)

How often do you take medication for pain related to your chronic pancreatitis?

What is your relationship to pancreatitis?

First poll! Which following statement represents the stage in your Chronic Pancreatitis journey? Join in by choosing one of the following:

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