I had a hysterectomy in Feb 2012 and had a general anaesthetic and epidural and I have suffered from severe chronic lower back pain which radiates through my pelvis, buttocks and both legs. I have severe burning and cold sensations down the front of my thighs with tingling to my lower limbs and feet. I constantly feel nauseous and anxious. I have had CT and MRI scans which show no cause for my pain . Have been attending physio for 8 months, acupuncture and have tried Pregabalin, gabapentin and amitryptilline but cannot tolerate the side effects. I am unabke to sit or stand for any length of time and have been unable to work since my operation but have to get back to work soon or will have my contract terminated.
I suspect some damage was done to my nerves with the epidural but cannot think what else I can do to help my situation. I have been referred to Neurology but the waiting list is extremely long so don't know when that will come through and when it does have no idea what they will do.
Any feedback would be gratefully received.