Hi Everyone,
An up date to pushing the exercise, its kind of working well so far been around fourteen weeks now, flare ups are bad, FND moves, I have to put into practice all I learnt at both optimise and my current help from Oxford Sandra , who understands as much as you can about FND , Flare ups and my brains roll in this, My problem is that when the Pain comes on and disables me at the same time my brain goes into a mixture of deep upset, mixed of course with crippling pain and a bit of FND to top it all up, so it takes me sometimes a little while to stop and recognise why I have now thrown myself into deep depression mixed with anxiety, worry , concern my brain starting to catastrophizing the situation this bad place I am in hurting all over, assuming the worst, then my brain pulls on child hood fight in flight systems, so very unhelpful, so sorry in this moment of distress, I manage to tell myself first it ok, my brain is causing this, pull on my tool kit, now I have stopped recognised the situation, I can put the first building block to recovery, Have compassion for myself, can I take my medication, except , rest, um don't have any choice I am disarmed , tell myself I know only for a while and if I don't start thinking about this situation in a compassionate, respectful way things will not recover so quickly, so now do I get in a hot bath under a shower, just get warm, feel the pain coming up through my foot, recognise it tell it it is ok along with the spine killing me the leg not working miss wiring, great this, now meds, warmth , comfort, Music, acceptance, know my emotional thoughts through a fight in flight response is pulling on bad child hood abuse for me just being told I was useless all the time thick , stupid and then smacked, punched, my hair pulled or have my toy broken in front of me, constantly being threatened with hot water or the stick from the drying cabinet, not allowed to go out, watching my sister going through this, I did not know this was child abuse , hard to believe my parents where both teachers , they died early my father at 61 and my mother at 63, at first it was upsetting, but very quickly it became a great relief, no more expectations, why am I telling use this, because now thanks to Sandra Wiltshire a brilliant physiocratic pain specialist, she explained to me my cognitive coping mechanisms are mixing past feelings and the pain I am in, the fight in flight response is making my pain worse. I can now stop eventually and calm this situation, know it was not my fault my past, know that this is causing my pain and FND to be worse a hundred times worse. Pain feeling useless, its ok, I am not, Brain its ok, I have fully backed down, know this could be an hour or three days, longer if I don't pull on my knowledge about this situation, Meds, get warm, , get comfortable, put on a lidocaine patch low back, My I Pad music for pain or Shamanic -spiritual music, concentrate on the tune the beat, be respectful of my situation change the music around, my head hurts, brain fog, tell myself its ok part of the journey to recovery, what's the difference now to a year ago, 30 years ago, I get it, its true pain in the brain, its real, it hurts, I am stronger through the gym and playing pickable, even though it hurts, it would anyway, how I think tick, bring in emotions will change the pathway of recovery.
So why did I right this, sorry, I did not think it would be so long, because, I have learnt for me everything in life , including the past, the unknown think patterns, play a part in my pain, Sandra has made me see the pain circle, I realise that my anxiety , Stress , will make my pain worse, my recovery longer, well why would you not be stressed and have anxiety in this world of the NHS facing terrible staff shortage, hospitals falling apart, No doctor or normal hospital even understanding pain and the Brain, let alone FND. Really not helpful being told it is all in our head.
For me it started with losing L5 disc and being told I had just pulled my sacrum, three years, loads of scans and know one picked up, L5 had burst, thats what I call it and my back dropped, then many failed surgery's , now what's amazing , I have met people in terrible pain with FND and they suffer through, just abuse or PSTD, so many different symptom's. I never knew through one hell of a journey. That , I was correct , I do suffer real pain , pain is real, injury is real, the whole body in certain circumstances is effected . including my gut.
I will live life with this but how I think about my situation and what is going on will effect my outcome. Great, so I am trying, very trying. At the moment the exercise is working, body balance is good for me, I have more strength to deal with a bad situation, I feel better for doing things and I realise, I will get a flare up, weather I do this or not.
I hope this crazy long up date helps a few of you realise, we are not mad, we do need more help
and understanding, otherwise that's another pain to mix up our brain with more.
Its late I am tired so I am going to leave it there. Love to you all , I am sorry you all suffer to you are not alone and apparently its ok. xxx