I am new to health unlock and would like to introduce myself. I have a lot of pain issues I go through daily. I am going through a bad flare up now I have been in extreme pain for three days now.
Having bad flare up but would like to introdu... - Pain Concern
Having bad flare up but would like to introduce myself to everyone

Hi Robey2014
Welcome! I am so sorry to here about your flare. Have you had one last this long?
I hope you feel better
I have had one this long but was not in this much pain. Normally I can at least walk and get myself standing. This time its lay down or scream and cry to stand up. I ask my mother in law to take me to the er tomorrow because my dr won't help but maybe they can get rid of the pain.
welcome robey. hope you feel better soon. whats causing the flare? your among friends here love grace xoxoxo
Thank you for caring. Its been over a week and a hospital visit and the flare up is still bad. The hospital didn't do jackcrap to help my pain. They told me what they gave me was the strongest the the ER had but I know better than that. They gave me three different medications and I was still in as much pain as I was when I got there. They tell me to get an check up with my doctor. Why would I do that because he won't give me nothing than what he is giving me now. My doctor is no help and the pain clinic he referred me to can't see me for another 2 months. What is causing my flare up who knows because no doctor wants to do much testing, the doctor I have is going off testing that I had almost 10yrs ago. So I am up a creek without a paddle on this.
Hi Robey sorry to hear you're having a flare up we all understand this site is fantastic and we will be here for you whenever you want to rant moan or just talk I'm going through a flare up myself woke up this morning and couldn't get out of bed my poor hubby had to help me to a sitting position well anyway hoping that your coping what causes your flare ups? Linda x
My fiance can't even touch me when I have a flare up. I am normally stuck in bed till I can get myself to the standing position. If I am luck I can walk. But this time around I have ended up laying on the floor from a stanging position because my back grabs or I get a back spasm and leg spasm at the same time. I even fell off the toilet this time around because I can't even handle to sit. Its stand up or lay down are my only two choices.
Hello! I'm in a flare myself and haven't been able to get comfortable for days. You're at the right place to get understanding and friendship for this awful thing called chronic illness. Gentle hugs - Christy
I am new too. I know exactly how you feel. It was my level of pain and desperation that lead me to this forum. I have never been on a forum before. But my back is causing so much pain, embarrassment, sleepless nights, depression and stress it's crazy. I final got to see my GP yesterday, who has sent me for a new MRI. It was so bad that the GP had to pick up my handbag when it fell on the floor, she looked at my struggle and face as I attempted to retrieve it and her comment was what will I be like when I am in my 50's if I am this decrepit and I am only 40!! i did not find her comment helpful. I have been suffering with Sciatica since 2005, a few years back it was so bad that I had to give up work as it had affected both my legs and I literally could not walk. It comes and goes, but yeah I have had a recent flare up, which even affects my bladder. I could moan all day. Just to say you are not alone in your suffering.
Perhaps my experience might throw some light your way. Briefly I have had slipped discs, sacroiliac joint fractured and Sciatica for years. All healed even though 4 years ago I twisted it all back out by simply climbing a spiral staircase and there was a crunch, chronic pain and ended up on crutches. SO no 1, if your symptoms are similar, you WILL be fine again. For the sciatica (excruciating debilitating, I know 😞) put as little stretching pressure on it as possible. Example being at kitchen sink, open press door and put bad (foot) on lower shelf. Do not make beds standing up, go on knees. Sitting watching tv, raise foot to rest on lower rung of a kitchen chair. Antiinflammatory medication should be rubbed on root of sciatic nerve 3 times a day. Paracetamol 8 tablets per day is the mildest painkiller. Sleep with a pillow between your knees to realign back. I bought a back massage for a chair in Lidl which has kept me going when Sciatica calms down and you need the blood circulating at the spinal discs to prevent future trouble. Your own body will let you know if any above will help you. I am now back free of pain but everywhere else looks like I have RA! You are still young enough to heal yourself.👏👌
Thank you that could help. But not knowing the true cause of my back is the main problem with me. My doctor will not reevaluate my conditions he his just going by my medical records and my last evaluation was about 8 or 9 years ago. On top of that he will give me nothing for pain except taylona 3 with codine. When I tell him that and the muscle relaxers are not helping he says tell the pain clinic I referred you too. He doesn't understand I haven't seen them yet they can't see me till November. So with him passing the buck I am screwed till November.
My doctor recently diagnoised me with siatica.my specialist said it is severe sacrum pain.so now i get a pelvic xray.hope this helps you

My doctor won't even take the time an diagnose me he wants to look at past history with my pain and blame it all on my weight. Went to the hospital in pain not as bad as it is today and they said it could be nerve damage from my spinal blocks I had during my c-sections. But the doctor I have right now like to pass the buck on to anyone else instead of treating me himself. And can't get into the pain specialist for another 2 months.
Hello.im new 2.i called a chronic pain specialist they said they would take me now just need doc referal.try to call new ones yourself.yes my doctors blame each other.doc blames obgyn.obgyn blames doc.i now have a urinologisit /obgyn.who diagnoised my nobody gotta clue back pain.as pelvic pain.sacrum stressed.so now getting pelvic xray.going in that direction.also.no doctor cares about mrsa.which is ever adapting to change .only a nose swab tests for it.i read psalms to help.

I have been referred to a pain specialist but they can't see me till November so no matter what I am screwed till then. None of the medication the good for nothing dr gives me. He thinks muscle relaxers and tylona 3 with codine is a fixer but it ain't strong enough if the pain keeps me in bed and can't even walk. If I try I end up on the floor or back where i was crying.
You have come to a good place everyone is so helpful, I am pretty new myself. I have found the people on this site are so helpful and it makes you realize that we are not the only ones suffering and that helps. I am having a bad time at the moment, I keep telling myself it will pass and I will have a couple of good days. I hope you feel a bit better soon.

I have tried telling myself that but having a 10 month old here at home puts all the weight on my fiance when I can't even get out of bed without cusing or crying.
Oh! Robey it is not easy looking after a young baby at the best of times and when you are in pain, it is almost impossible. Sounds like your fiance is one of the caring people. I hope you start to improve soon.
Oh please, please describe in details exactly what you mean by flare-ups. I am new to this RA, 4 months, and desperately need to know what and how long they last. Where do they hit most? Is there any order as to the painful joints? What type of food stuff bring it on? I appreciate we are all different but there must be some coincidences in this disease. Do all joints suffer in the same way when you have flare-ups? Is it worse day or night? I can be fine until late in afternoon and by (early) bed time at 9, I am completely invalided in shoulders, wrists, fingers, thighs and knees. Can hardly climb stairs or get undressed and facing another hell night of pain. I would seriously appreciate a description of a flare-ups. Many thanks 😊
To be honest with you all flare ups are different just as us we are all different. With mine I just have to move wrong and I am dealing with a flare up. Also its trial and error on what sets them off. With the variation on how long they will last I am not sure. Sometime I am hurting for a couple if days some times its weeks. But I don't let them get that far if my medication is not working I will go to the ER to see if they know how to releave my pain.