IM 25 YO male and obese
12 Days ago I had vibrating in my feet even when I was sitting or lying down they was constantly tingling on there own, That has gone but what has came now is when I put my feet on the floor its like ive out them in a vibrating floor and it goes all up my legs. but they dont tingle anymore when they are not on the floor
7 days ago I started getting tingling in my fingers on my right hand
5 days ago I started getting body tremors where it fills like my body is trembling all the time
The worse is my fingers and hand when sitting down using my laptop i slightly tremor in both hands, I pick something up it moves on its own,
2 days ago I started getting achy dead arm in the same right arm.
It feels like its all getting worse.
Some background I have had high blood pressure for 6 years on Ramipril 5mg one a day and lanzeoprazel.
For many years also ive had pain all over my body in joins like wrists foot ect. Achying pains come on suddenly and then go away.
I am extremely sensitive to pain all over my body, If you push down on my arms for example they throb for ages and are painfull
I Currently take 50000 Units of vitamin D as have a deficiency. Been on them for 5 weeks
At night when i try and sleep my heart feels like its pounding out my chest " its normal rate around 70-80BPM" I can hear it when I lie down on my side very loud.
I can feel my heart beat all over my body, So if I am holding my hand or finger I can feel a strong beat there, or if i out my foot on my leg I get it in my foot a strong pulse.
, Dont think its anxiety
I had a Brain MRI yesterday as I was having headaches everyday for 2 months,
"Which now has gone"
Ive had several ECG done over pass months all normal.
I go tomorow for blood rests but expect them all to be normal.
My worry is that its to do with my heart or I have MS or Parkinson's.