I have had severe pain in my right side for 8 months or so. Had CT scan during admission but as always my lungs to precedence. Seen pain management in February after scan showed tiny impact fracture. But it's not that. I do have lots of bone pain and may have another nerve block. This pain is at waist level and spreads out. It feels all tight as if something is blocked. Constipation is an issue too. I am waiting for a colonoscopy now but I still have no idea if it's a colon thing, a lung thing, a bone thing. I have oramorph for the pain but it doesn't really work. Also on amytriptiline 10mg per day. I'm scared to increase it because of not knowing what's causing the pain. Doctors on phone are really not much help. I think I need to go to a&e soon. It's excruciating? Does anyone have experience of similar pain?
Pain in side?: I have had severe pain in my... - Pain Concern
Pain in side?

It could be a blockage in bowel or maybe your ileocecal valve is blocked. Try taking chlorophyll for a couple of weeks. It’s supposed to help that valve work well.
Do you have any metal medical hardware inside your body? Parts can migrate. Clips can become embedded in bladder, rectum, intestines and even lungs! Demand an X-ray be done to be sure.
Your vagus nerve may be tense. Gentle pressure with your fingers might calm it down. You can read about techniques on Google.
A product called Pascoflaire, which is made of passionflower, can be bought at any health food store. It will calm your Sympathetic Nervous System which gets aggravated with long term pain. It’s an natural analgesic and anti anxiety product.
Fermented drinks like kombucha or coconut kefir will help with constipation as will flax seeds added to a 1/4 milk.
CBD capsules can help with inflammation.
Good luck.
Thank you so much! I do think it's a blockage
Your tips are very helpful. I haven't heard of any of these. The doctors just throw more morphine and antibiotics at me. I will be having an x-ray of my lungs so I'll ask them to look more closely at my side. I had CT because ultrasound wasn't available. I'll ask about that again too. Thanks again for your help.