chronic pain in arms and shoulders: Hi, I have... - Pain Concern

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chronic pain in arms and shoulders

salamander160 profile image
14 Replies

Hi, I have been diagnosed with tendonitis for a long time but for several months now I have been experiencing a lot of pain in my shoulders and upper arms. Let me just explain, I have been using a wheelchair for nearly 50 years, i am classed as paraplegic although have recently found out I have cerebral palsy, it was diagnosed in 1985 but that is another story. Because I use my arms so much, transferring, weight baring, wheeling my chair obviously my arms get a lot of abuse but I have noticed the pain getting much worse over the last few months. I am waiting for an ultrasound scan on my shoulders, it was booked just before Christmas but they cancelled it due to health reasons. I have been taking naproxin, codein, oramorph if I need to but nothng really helps. The pain feels like a real tightness in my shoulders, some years ago i tore the rotary cuff in my left shoulder so can expect some pain after that injury but some of the pain feels like it is in the actual bone below my shoulder. I canmove my arm normally but it is just very painful. The right arm is tighter, I am right handed though so that one gets more use. I also have osteoporosis, could this be linked with that?

I fell asleep on my recliner today, somebody rang my door bell, I tried to get up on to my wheelchair, the wheelchair is a bit higher than my sofa but I can normally do it but I really struggled today, I had no strength. If I fall asleep or when I go to bed, my arms are almost locked up in the morning, the pain can be much worse. Because I had very little strength today, I almost fell getting from my sofa to the wheelchair, I am really starting to worry about this. It is catch 22, if I exercise it helps in some ways but it really agrevates my arms. If I go around the outside of the building where I live, it is almost a km right round, it is a good work out for my arms but I haven't been able to do it because of the pain.

I wonder if anyone has any ideas what this could be? My shoulders feel quite swollen and whilst I am typing this I can feel the pain getting worse.

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salamander160 profile image
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14 Replies
Blackknight1989 profile image

Hi and welcome. Sorry you are suffering with what sounds like typical osteoarthritis. I suffer from genetic, early-onset osteoarthritis that led to 20 plus orthopedic surgeries culminating in in bilateral knee replacements, bilateral hip replacements and bilateral ankle fusions. I suffer from rotator-cuff tears and the same osteoarthritis (stage 5 along with many others like you and like you diagnosed in ‘85 unlike you I’m 55…lol) in all joints but will not have any more surgeries unless a life-threatening issue.

If you are unfamiliar most of us aren’t medical professionals or even in the medical field. Many have specific experiences that by charging can offer help. However, we all should tell you to consult your trusted physician for a proper diagnosis of your specific medical issue. Thus, please consult your doctor for a proper diagnosis. Due to the opioid epidemic in most Western Countries pain management techniques have vastly improved to offer more than just meds. Directed exercise usually initiated by a physical therapist is prescribed along with alternative treatments such as acupuncture and massage. If in the US visit for some good info on osteoarthritis. OA versus Rheumatoid Arthritis is often a question. RA is caused (usually) by an autoimmune disorder and can be treated with RA specific (non-opioid) medications. Autoimmune disorders cause RA, Lupus, Gillian-Barre Syndrome and psoriasis and others. OA is a deterioration of the joint space cause by normal wear and tear. Especially in someone such as yourself using their arms as you do especially for the length of time you have been forced to do so. Finally, as you know pain is a symptom of OA and I do suffer moderate to severe pain every waking hour. My total knee replacement were nearly unbearable pain wise so I’m really to chickens#%t to have my shoulders replaced as I’ve been told they are considerably more painful than the knee replacement…lol! Finally, while OA is a disease of the joint space normally the pain manifests, in the case of the shoulder in the underarm not the joint itself as you would think. Get an appointment and see your doctor for a proper diagnosis as your arms are too important to put it off. Hope that helped some and my best to you!

salamander160 profile image
salamander160 in reply to Blackknight1989

Hi, I am 54 and 55 later this year. I have o.a. in my hands so I shouldn't be surprised I have it in my shoulders too. I will phone for physio this morning as it is making it increasingly difficult for me transferring and weight baring so I need to get it properly treated like you said. Plus I am going on holiday at the end of March so need to get it diagnosed because of travel insurance. I will use oramorph for this as codein doesn't really seem to work. Ok thanks for getting back to me though, it gives me a better idea of what I am dealing with.

Blackknight1989 profile image
Blackknight1989 in reply to salamander160

Well you know what they say about ASSUME! I made a fool of myself filling in information about you so forgive me. Because of your better use of our shared language I am guessing you are a UK resident! If you don’t mind me asking are you a veteran of either the US or British military? I had a solider at my first duty station that was a British citizen who worked directly for me. He gave me the honor of swearing him in for his (dual) US citizenship and was a true friend.

I wanted to provide an answer as I hate to see unanswered new posts if I have a similar and since I didn’t recognize (too lazy to look) the username I assumed some things. But, your specific issues meant something to me as I have (due to my multiple issues) just been forced into a wheelchair and cannot imagine having to have used only my arms to move around to the nearly 40 years you have. It’s still something I’m adapting to and while it sucks it’s my new normal. Anyway, your Osteoarthritis site is the but the is a good site if you can access. My best to you!

salamander160 profile image
salamander160 in reply to Blackknight1989

Hi no worries, it is fine, I don't know you and vice versa so it is ok to get things wrong the first time. You get used to being in a wheelchair, it isn't easy, I have been like this for over47 in fact nearer 50 years, I can't remember not being in a wheelchair, you come to terms with it. I have grown up with it and don't know any different. Not only have I the problems mentioned above but I am also completely blind and have a brain injury but I try not to let it get to me. The current health problems are causing me more issues, the pain and discomfort, again I have been like this for so long, I often forget I am completely blind, it is the norm for me. When you are in constant pain though and nothing helps it, it is really hard to focus. I have an njury on my left foot which has taken nearly 3 years to heal up and it is gradually getting there but after they change the dressings, they did that today, the pain is horrendous, I have taken codein and oramorph but nothing works, trouble is there is only so much opiate you can take. They are using silver dressings on me and the pain is often harder for me to handle, not sure why.

No I have never been in the forces, I use salamander because we had salamanders where I used to live in France and I thought it was a good nick name. By the way my name is Adrien. Hopefully though I can get this properly diagnosed and I will feel much better for it.

Blackknight1989 profile image

You and your positivity despite your long-standing health issues are why I come to this site. My whole situation especially with the confinement to the chair recently as well as my 56th birthday in exactly 4 weeks had me feeling sorry for myself. How can I allow that when your reply to me was so uplifting. The phrase “Ahh there but for the Grace of God go I,” is appropriate when I am weighed down with self-centered “Oh poor me thinking,” and He does put another like you who truly suffers with serious afflictions I know would destroy my will to live on my path. Thank you for expanding on your challenges and for your patience with me. I needed your example and positive attitude post New Year’s Day!

salamander160 profile image
salamander160 in reply to Blackknight1989

Hi, well the way I see it is that there is somebody always worse off than myself. But yes it is very easy to get blinkered and not see what is going on around us, I have always tried to be posative as best I can, this current episode of health problems has really tested me though. I think these forums are far more important because we can help one another, a doctor may be trained but unless he/she has the particular health problem they don't know what it is really like.

If you want to chat off list that is ok if you wnt to message me directly. Take care and thanks for your help too.

Blackknight1989 profile image
Blackknight1989 in reply to salamander160

I’d love to communicate of this forum. I’ll reach out and we will figure it out. I agree with you, we can get the medical facts about our specific afflictions from our doctors as well as what we need to do to best address or manage our illness but here we can find practical information about how to live with our diagnosis!

salamander160 profile image
salamander160 in reply to Blackknight1989

Ok will wait to hear from you but somehow you can message me directly through the forum, not sure how though, haven't done it.

Yes the medical professionals mostly know what they are doing but sometimes get it wrong, talking to fellow sufferers is better but unless we are medically trained, we could get it wrong too. Just because the symptoms sound like something similar to what somebody else has, doesn't mean it is that health problem, I try not to self-diagnose but like to see what others say about it.

Batty1 profile image

Sounds like arthritis .

salamander160 profile image
salamander160 in reply to Batty1

hopefully it is something like that, have enough complex problems.

timbowPSP profile image

Have you tried any physical therapy? I used to be one till recently (Bowen Therapy/Technique and NST). Your body is probably crying out for some proper balancing before bunging more pills into it! If you like any more suggestions I can send to ur email if u wish. Best of luck/health/wishes. TimbowPSP

salamander160 profile image
salamander160 in reply to timbowPSP

Hi, I am trying to get myself strong again, when I lived at home with my parents, I had a lot more exercise than I get now and I think my muscles have just got so weak, they hurt when I use them more so any effort causes more pain so as I rely on my arms so much, I need to keep them strong and supple. I have just come in from a trip around the building, it is a good kilometer right round the outside buildingof the where I live so build that up, it will and does help. I also need to start using my weights.

SouthernSally profile image

Perhaps a heating pad might help a little?

timbowPSP profile image

Yep, exercise is really important, great what you are doing! All the basics: exercise, good diet, certain supplements, maybe some therapy?, and good friends to encourage. And advice from people on this page! Best of luck! Timbow

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