Treatment for constipation: Hey, My mother-in... - Pain Concern

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Treatment for constipation

ChristyDaniel profile image
11 Replies


My mother-in-law is almost 70 years old. She has been suffering from chronic constipation for several years and trying out different medicines. She is very conscious of what she eats and always try to include fibrous food. However, She still suffers from pain. I wasn't able to take care of her due to my busy schedule, but for the last two days, I was at home. Like you all know, what happening in the world around us. Every place, every country is affected by COVID-19. So like all people, I also made myself safe at my home. Somehow it helped me to know more about how my mother-in-law is suffering from constipation. She was in a total heartburn and hopeless stage. I don't know how I can help her. But I tried to find some effective medicines to get relieved from constipation. In my search, I found a website providing medicines to treat constipation. It's a website providing colace products like colace capsules ( ), stool softeners and all. So I would like to know whether any of you are familiar with these products. Or Do you know how effective these products are to treat constipation? I would be grateful for your thoughts on this.

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ChristyDaniel profile image
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11 Replies


I'm not sure.

I know senna is good, my Dad always too movicol and this did the trick for himm I do hope vshed ok. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

cyberbarn profile image

Has she discussed this with her GP? There are pathways for constipation, and they say that it shouldn't be left for the patient to deal with themselves when it is chronic. It sounds like it is time for a telephone conversation with her primary medical person, and then getting medication sent to her.

DISC profile image

She could try naloxegol, linaclotide, senna syrup, syrup of figs, .... my advice, see your GP and get a referral to Rectal Physiology department who will advise. There is some help out there, don't give up hope. Akso query pain relief, because as i know, it can be agony. Good luck x

madge1979 profile image

Above help advice is most beneficial

I’ve had what they called a “ lazy bowel “

All my life .. I went to a very Famous naturopath

Many years ago .. he prescribed

.....Dr Vogel’s Linoforce ...

it is truly reliable and has never let me down even once !!

It’s little linseeds covered in Senna

With a little measuring spoon inside to make sure to get the right amount

Chew with plenty water at bedtime

... Voila !

Good luck


saj01 profile image

Hi I had to look up colace as I'd not heard of that one... I would be concerned about the side effects. I did use to suffer with constipation .. it got pretty bad , terrible piles and had to have enemas etc.

I found lactulose worked okay, think that's how it's spelt.

But since I changed my diet I don't have the problem at all, unless I eat too much of certain foods. No doubt you've looked at her diet but I can only tell you what works for me.

I now eat 3-4 portions of fruit daily, limit bananas. I rarely eat pasta, only have a small portion of wholgrain rice/quinoa, potato etc. Don't eat white bread, or any of the supermarket made stuff. I buy a wholemeal, traditionally made loaf, which has stopped the bloating & gas, but only have a couple of slices per day.

I do eat a good amount of veg & pulses, wholegrains, but don't over do it as that can cause gas. Fish and some meat. A limited amount of natural yoghurt and kefir... desserts wise is usually berries & natural yogurt with seeds or chopped nuts. Lastly, plenty of fluid. Yes I have a treat now and again .

I suppose I've adopted the 1/2 plate veg, 1/4 protein, 1/4 carbs... it works for me

Now I visit the bathroom when i get up in the morning and that's it.

Hope that helps.

ashton12 profile image

Hello, I have suffered with constipation all my life. I have to eat a high fibre diet, and this helps somewhat. The only type of medicine I use is fibregell, and not very often. This helps supplement the high fibre diet if needed. I find eat fruit, veg, on a regular basis is essential. Little and often eating, instead of big meals. Another good food, I found is sourkraut. Not vinegar based on a regular basis. Always make sure I start the day with allbran and fruit.. Hope you sort something. Ashton Mike

lorrgau profile image

I take a stool softener which I get at the pharmacy but I eat 5-6 dried prunes every day and also drink prune juice (about 1 cup) . This is the only thing that has worked. I also have suffered from severe constipation and have even needed enemas in the past to relieve the constipation.

Zedman profile image

Christy has your mother-in-law tried movicol.

I have tried lots of methods but movicol worked for me.

newbie1956 profile image

COLACE is good, very helpful. No side effects. Some people use it daily.

Warm prune juice, okra and many greens also work for that problem.

You are a wonderful daughter-in-law. Kudos :)

Barbola profile image

Drinking lots and lots of water during day and a magnesium Oxide pill (if you dont take other minerals or vitamins)....

Senakot which is Senna herb helps but take it only occasionally. And walking and exercising.

sw1902 profile image

I take morphine for RLS and pain meds for burning feet. I have had problems with constipation. I melt some coconut oil and a few chocolate chips and pour into a flexible cupcake mold half full and chill until firm. I pop them out of the mold and keep in the refrigerator in a baggy. I eat one of these about the size of a half a cupcake along with walnuts. Between the two it helps a lot. If I do have a problem I mix powder Miralax (three tsp. works for me) in some juice at night and that helps along with the sweet coconut oil and a handful of walnuts. Hope this helps.

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