I am hoping to find out what has worked for people. I have spondylolisthesis, also spinal stenosis more severe on the left side. Most of my pain has been in my legs. I do not get back pain, some aching when doing something like gardening. Well taking cocodamol and exercises has worked over the last year though have sciatica type pain. Last week I felt a sudden pull in my left thigh which caused severe pain and pins and needles down my leg and foot. It has got worse to the extent I can hardly walk. Need my rollator even with that still get pain and that pull in the thigh that causes unbearable pain. The cocodamol do nothing now except take the edge off when sitting. I think it is time to ask for nerve pain meds. Just wondering what some of you have been prescribed. Did you ask for a certain med or did the GP suggest it? I seem to get the idea that gabapentin,pregabalin, amitrpyline are some of them. Just would like some thoughts on the subject. Thankyou.
Nerve pain meds: I am hoping to find out what... - Pain Concern
Nerve pain meds

I've a nerve in my neck that isn't right, I get sore neck, arms hands because of it. I was given tablets years ago that are usually for depression, can't remember the name of them but they didn't work.
Exercise seems to help a lot with it.
Take care.
Pain in the thigh muscle can sometimes be piriform is. Instead of tablets you might be better to go and see a physiotherapist
it’s best to know what you’re asking for - amitrpyline is usually the first tried - this is also good for anxiety - Gabapentin usually next and very good then Pregabalin which can make you drowsy - research/look at impact/side effects best to do before asking - exercise helps tremendously- I have same issues as you and I swim every other day which really strengthens the muscles around my spine - wishing you well and hope you find something that works x
Good morning, sorry to hear of your discomfort , when was the last time you had an assessment/mri on your spine? What grade is your spondylolisthesis? I have used amitriptyline with good result but as mentioned please read up on side effects too, some nerve meds can create vast weight gain & drowsiness etc… it may be helpful for you to gain as to why the pain has increased over and above just medicating the symptoms. With myself my spondylolisthesis had worsened and caused uneven disc wear and subsequent nerve irritation/compression. Yours may be an isolated flare or a progression of the Spondy which causes instability and a number of potential issues. I would follow up with your doctor to investigate and possibly suggest a nerve med to assist your symptoms in the meantime. Best wishes and please let us know how you get on! X
I have significant nerve pain due to Cauda Equina syndrome and have found that Duloxetine really helps me. I then take Tramadol for breakthrough pain.
Hello. Sorry to hear of your pain. It's exhausting, isn't it. I have the same conditions as you, but I get back pain too. I had L4/L5 cortisol Injections and a caudal nerve block under sedation when I lived in London, at the Whittington Hospital. It was wonderful while it lasted. However I made my condition worse while swimming, resulting in truly dreadful sciatica. I could walk fine if I stooped forward but standing up straight crushed the nerve. There's a very long wait for referral to the pain clinic here in Wales. However, I'm doing OK on 2 x500 mg Naproxen, one am and one at bedtime, and the game changer for me was 10mg Amitryptiline. It's a small dose but it solved the sciatic pain. I cannot sleep on my side any more as this starts the back and leg pain. I sleep in the recovery position. If I am offered cortisol injections again I would go for it and be more careful about injuring myself. Meanwhile, I am thankful for these drugs which help me lead a normal life. I hope you find a solution to your pain soon.
I have been on Gabapentin about 8 months. It really helps with my neuropathy and numbness and the burning that comes with it.

Hello Alloagirl,
I am sorry to read you are having difficulty managing your pain at the moment. I wonder if you have seen our neuropathic pain leaflet yet? If not, if you'd like to take a look this can be found here: painconcern.org.uk/product/... ,which details possible treatment options.
You may also find the self-navigator tool helpful painconcern.org.uk/the-navi... which aims to help you to decide what concerns or questions to focus on during a consultation with your GP etc
-Pain Concern Admin