15year old daughter with L5S1 disc prolapse. - Pain Concern

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15year old daughter with L5S1 disc prolapse.

sharonb45 profile image
16 Replies

Hi Guys

This is a post about my daughter but I have also posted about myself on here too. I would like to hear from anyone that has suffered from disc or back problems from a young age as my daughter is only 15 and had been suffering since last April with back pain. At d m first they didn't believe her and it was only after having an mri scan that they found out she had two prolapsed discs, her pain has got considerably worse over time and now she carnt even go to school due to the pain of sitting down all day but she is in the middle of her GCSEs and the timing couldn't be worse!!! The pain is in her lower back but the nerve damage is in her hips left leg and bum (ironically the exact same as me but they say it's not hereditary) she'd on very high pain meds, amatriptaline, codine, diazipan, Co codamol and declafenic, the doctor has tried injections but to no avail. Things are slowly getting worse every day and her mood is very low. They are now doing another mri scan then the doctor is getting a second opinion and after that surgery is the last option. Any advice would be greatly appreciated as we are a very close family and we are all feeling like we've let her down to some extent as things haven't be very quick to sort out and I don't think the hospital quite realise what an effect this is having on us all. Thank you for reading this and please if you could reply with some advice that would be great.

A very deflated Mum

Sharon x

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sharonb45 profile image
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16 Replies
Handg profile image

Hi Sharon so sorry to hear that your young daughter is suffering from a debilitating back condition and the effect that being in pain causes. You obviously know as a sufferer how difficult it is to cope with pain and restrictions on every day life, but for the young it must be so hard ,when all her friends are fit and well . I am sure she doesn't feel you have let her down as seems to me that you are a very caring and concerned parent struggling to deal with seeing pain in someone you love ,is a very hard job. In terms of offering advice not sure I can add anything new that you probably haven't tried maybe if your daughter started a blog or diary it would let her vent , rant and share what she is going through as I am sure there are lots of young people in pain . I hope you find the support she needs and the right pain treatment to enable her to grow and flourish . Best wishes handg 🍀

sharonb45 profile image
sharonb45 in reply to Handg

Thank you for you kind reply and thats something that I could speak to her about, maybe like you said get her feelings out ect. I think with having the same condition it makes it worse as I know exactly what she's going through and it's awful.Iv now got a spinal stimulator fitted due to all the nerve damage.Once again thankyou for your reply and I hope you are not in too much pain yourself.


Sharon Blackmore

Hermes123 profile image

Hi Sharon, I feel for you and your daughter, because I know what she is going through, mine was not at such a tender age but in my mid twenty's at the peak of my fitness, but in my day operation were in the experimental stage and I had a 12.year wait before I could get one, things have change so much over the years, I only speak of myself to explain I know what you're daughter is going through and it must be re-iterated to her school board what she is going though, get backing from her Doctor or Consultant she must be cut some slack with her exams as her concentration levels will be very erratic. I sorry I cannot be more helpful but I see she has the love and support of her family, I wish her all the very best and hope she dose very well with her future. x.

Ariadne1925 profile image

I had physio for a slipped disc age 16, it was always a bit achey but went one day. I didn't have scans as physio did help. I was always weaker with some twinges but managed uni and working. Unfortunately two pregnancies (last at age 29) led to two years of pain and failed physio etc before a scan and a L4-5 disc prolapse was diagnosed. I had surgery and while still in pain I can sit comfortably and am now back at work and coping, although with two smallish kids. I don't know the age requirements but I really recommend st Thomas' pain course. Perhaps once all other treatments have been tried or considered. It's a residential and would help the pain and also confidence and mood. There were a lot of younger people and it was such a supportive group and staff.

SH55 profile image

Although nowhere as young as your daughter, I suffered for so many years with back trouble relating to the L5S1 discs. Years of trying all therapies, hospital and alternative. Years of physio and pilates and Alexander Technique. Eventually, after MRI (and being told it may get better after another year) I pushed for surgery. Minor miracle. It is now a full year with very, very little back trouble. We are often lead to believe the risks are high for spinal surgery (and of course there are risks) but the risk to mental health with long term pain is high too. The dark thoughts I had with the contant pain and associated disability were not to be dismissed. Surgery can help. I feel for you and hope for the best for your daughter.

sharonb45 profile image


Thankyou everyone that have taken the time to reply, she's been offered a mri scan on Saturday and she's under a very good consultant (I can speak from experience as he did my fusion operation) but they really are reluctant to operate due to her age bit like one of you guys mentioned although surgery should not be taken lightly its sometimes the only way out, I just know that mentally she carnt carry on as I can see her going further and further down hill, she's lost two stone since April last year and this is having a profound affect on us all seeing by her like this, as much as I try to tell the doctors etc no-one quite understands. Anyway I will try to keep you updated with what is happening and once again thanks to everyone who replied.


Nin123 profile image
Nin123 in reply to sharonb45

Your are welcome Sharon45 I hope your daughter finds a suloution to her back problem, I think most of the people that replied to your post is having or has had the same sort of thing, good luck for the future and keep looking onward and upwards, I hope she finds that the doctors are more supportive, it must be such a worry for you both.

Rita x

sharonb45 profile image
sharonb45 in reply to Nin123

Hi Rita

Thankyou for your kind reply, yes it is a huge worry for both myself and my husband and when you carnt take your child's pain away as parents you should be able to and not have to rely on other people. The problem is I know exactly how she feels because at the age of 36 I suffered two prolapsed discs and mine was an emergency operation. Iv had four microdisectomys and injections and I had to have a spinal fusion on two levels. That didn't work so Iv now got a spinal stimulator fitted. When you know what pain you've been in and then your child is suffering its terrible.

Thanks again Rita

Sharon x

Nin123 profile image
Nin123 in reply to sharonb45

Hi again Sharon does your spinal stimulator work? I am in so much pain with my back I will try anything x

sharonb45 profile image
sharonb45 in reply to Nin123


Yes it's really good for my nerve pain in my bum and leg and it's also good for my pain in my back. When I first had its fitted I'd say it worked 95% but over time this has got less and now its about 60 but I'm still on pain patches and other pain medication. It's definitely given me a new lease of life as I'd just be stuck inside 24/7 if not buy now I go out. I get brake through pain but I can put up with that. It tuck a lot if time and trying everything going for me to have it fitted but it was definitely worth it. Sorry to hear that your in so much pain, maybe speak to your gp or consultant if you have one for a referral.

Good luck.

Sharon x

johnsmith profile image

Send your daughter to an Alexander Technique teacher. The Alexander technique will not cure the problem. However, it will give your daughter the tools to handle the problem better.

Hope this helps

Nin123 profile image

Hello I had a disc problem about 15 years ago now and had to have a discectomy, i asked about the constant pain afterwards and was told I would have to have a further operation to fuse my bones together and it would mean again lying on my back constantly for another 6 weeks, I asked if my bones would fuse together over time and was told that it could take years, please tell your daughter that an operation isn't the answer to her problem and that she should go down another route if possible as it could cause her even more problems.

I am so sorry to hear she is suffering with such pain, but ask if there are any more solutions I had an MRI scan a couple of months ago and was told I had 2 prolapsed discs, and the pain is unbearable, I feel for your daughter so much having and going through the same thing as myself, there isn't a solution for this I m afraid except strong pain medication, as the doctors have said an operation is the last straw and needn't be the solution to her problem, it could as mine did cause even more pain because of the fusion of the disc afterward, I am sorry to be the bearer of such negativity but I can only tell you what I have suffered since, please give her my best regards and tell her there must be a solution somewhere and to keep looking forward.

sharonb45 profile image
sharonb45 in reply to Nin123

Hi there

Sorry to hear about all your pain and suffering and as a person and a parent I can see both sides as I have been there myself after suffering two prolapsed discs. I didn't want the post today be about myself I wanted advice from a person that might have suffered at ellies age but I had 4 microdisectomys, a level 2 fusion and now Iv got a spinal stimulator. As for ellies condition it came on slowly but with mine it was more or less overnight. I do understand what you are saying but everything else has been tried, nothing really sure what else to do as this is causing us all and Ellie a huge amount of stress and anxiety. Thank you for taking the time to reply. Can I just ask how old you were when your problem started.


Nin123 profile image

I was 40ish before my problems started, mine was due to and accident I had whilst ice skating years before, then I lifted something wrongly at work one day and the next day I was flat on my back unable to move I saw my specialist a few weeks later and he did everything to try and alieve my pain including 3 injections directly into my spine but I am afraid that didn't work so in the end there was nothing left except an operation, my specialist was so good but I am afraid it being years later I am in so much pain that I can hardly walk sometimes, I hope your daughter gets her painful back problem sorted out soon, don't go by what others say, there is always light at the end of the tunnel, my problem was because I was careless, x

blue0470 profile image

Hi Sharon sorry to hear about your daughter I can totally sympathies with her as I have the exact same problem but I was 28 when I was diagnosed with pro-lapsed disc at L5 lower spine I finally had to have surgery and to my relief it was successful in taking away my leg pain and stopping the spasms that I suffered with.But like a idiot I went back to work too soon and ended up back at square one and have since had three ops over the years all of which where unsuccessful.Anyway if you're daughter is at the stage where surgery is the only option I would say go for it she will not be in any more pain than she is now and with the proper after care could make a full recovery.Tell your GP to refer her to the Walton centre in Liverpool.She is far too young to be on all those pain meds I feel really sorry for you and your family because it does affect everyone having to see a loved one suffer hope this helps you all to make a decision.good luck

Hi Sharon, I've just been reading your posts from a year ago. I too have been through all this - 2 discectomies, fusion, injections etc. Please could you tell us how you and your daughter are now? I am 58 but to be suffering all this at such a tender age is so sad.

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