I am posting this in painconcern in order to receive critical comments before I post it on the Fibromyalgia website. I hope any critical comments made here can enable me to correct any mistakes in meaning I have made. Also I hope any critical comments made will bring to my attention anything I have not thought of. Sorry for all the repetitious wording. It is a technical document that is planned to be given to a medical doctor trying to treat patients with Fibromyalgia symptoms.
Beliefs I have heard concerning Fibromyalgia
1.There is a belief that a cure for Fibromyalgia will be found one day when the scientists can determine what broken part of the body is at fault.
2.There is a belief that there is no treatment for Fibromyalgia at present and one day there will be when the ground breaking research has been done.
3.There is a belief among many medical professionals such a condition does not exist
4.There is a belief that one treatment will work when it is found.
5.There is a belief that Fibromyalgia is a disease
6.There is a belief that Fibromyalgia is the result of faulty pain sensitivity
I believe that I suffer from Fibromyalgia and I believe that I have the condition under reasonable control as a result of the various therapies I engage in.
Fibromyalgia my beliefs
1.I believe that Fibromyalgia is not a disease that can be treated.
2.I believe that Fibromyalgia is a health disability that can be very difficult to effectively manage
3.I believe that Fibromyalgia is a condition that varies according to the external and internal stress that the body experiences
4.I believe that for Fibromyalgia to manifest itself some part of the body needs to have been damaged or compromised
1.Damage can be broken tissue
2.Damage can be pressure on a nerve which results in referred pain
5.I believe that in the majority of cases that Fibromyalgia is not the result of faulty pain control.
6.I believe that there are ways to effectively manage Fibromyalgia, even if not all the time
What is treatment, therapy and management
Treatment definition
1.Treatment is something that can be applied to a person with a health disability by a person
2.Treatment can be drugs, herbs substances derived from herbs, vitamins, or minerals taken by a person with a health disability
3.Treatment can be bone setting. Bone setting treatments are hundreds if not thousands of years old. Example of a bone setting treatment is chiropractic
4.Treatment can be the application of a physical method such as acupuncture, massage of various sorts, fascial release therapies, Body realignment therapies, heat or other applied treatments to the person with the health disability.
5.Treatment can be the application of Reiki type therapies to the person with the health disability. I would put spiritual healing and prayers by another person as an example of a Reiki type therapy.
6.Treatment can be the application of psychological therapies such as psychoanalysis, various forms counselling, playing mental games, engaging in mental distraction activities non religious forms of meditation and mindfulness or the application of various mental activities such as singing and praying
7.Treatment can be the application of spiritual practices from the various religious traditions such as meditation and mindfulness, prayer or attending and partaking in religious group practices.
8.Treatment can be the application of special physical exercises
9.An overall treatment can be the application of multiple treatments.
Therapy definition
A therapy is the application of treatment by the person with the health disability or by a therapist to a person with a health disability.
Management definition
1.Management is the application of various social control techniques when needed
2.Management is the application of various learning techniques when needed
3.Management is the application of various skill techniques when needed
4.Management is the application of various investigation strategies when needed to determine what is the best needed treatment at the time
5.Management is the application of more efficient and effective brain processing skills
6.Management is application of various mental activities when needed
7.Management is the taking of various treatments when needed
Therapists who work with people who have Fibromyalgia and what they find
1.Some Physical therapists who treat people who have Fibromyalgia find that they can improve the condition at the therapy session. The improvement that has been gained at the therapy session is lost within a short period of time.
2.Chiropractors who who treat people who happen to have Fibromyalgia find that they can improve the condition at the treatment session. The improvement that has been gained at the therapy session is lost within a short period of time.
3.Alexander Teachers who teach people who happen to have Fibromyalgia cannot do anything about the area of the body that has been compromised. What they can do is to teach people who happen to have Fibromyalgia develop better ways of both responding to their condition and being more sensitive to their habitual response to their condition.
4.I have worked with people who I believe have the symptoms of Fibromyalgia. I find that by physical means I can provide a reduction in pain and better body movement freedom. The better movement freedom is soon lost and the reduction in pain they had does not last.
Conclusions concerning Fibromyalgia
Based on my conversations with therapists who have provided treatment to people with Fibromyalgia I have come to the following conclusions concerning the best approach for a person with Fibromyalgia to engage in
Tools to investigate they think they hold their body posture state they engage in movement areas of tightness (scar tissue or muscle) effects them
5.How environmental conditions effects them
6.How social situations affect them.
7.How various forms of thing affects them.
8.How they process information
9.How to become aware of how the brains patterns of movement and the commands from the brain influence the quality of life
10.How to develop more effective and efficient brain processing skills
The person with Fibromyalgia needs to
1.Find what tools they need to obtain in order to fully investigate themselves
2.To continually learn how to use the tools that are used to investigate themselves
3.The person with Fibromyalgia needs to learn how their body responds under various conditions using the tools that are needed to investigate themselves
4.The person with Fibromyalgia needs to remember how their body responds under various conditions
5.The person with Fibromyalgia needs to investigate the various physical therapies available to see which one gives give quality of life improvement
6.The person with Fibromyalgia needs to determine which combination of physical therapies working with each other can give the best quality of life
7.The person with Fibromyalgia needs to become aware that there are possibly more effective and efficient brain processing skills that can be developed
Conclusions for a person with Fibromyalgia
1.The person needs to continually investigate what works and what does not because things keep changing
2.Each person’s Fibromyalgia is unique to them and may be different to another person’s experience
3.One therapy by itself is not as effective as a number of therapies.
4.Each person must investigate to determine what set of therapies is suitable
5.To effective manage the condition a number of different therapies to be determined by investigation are required
6.Each person must modify and learn to be sensitive how they use their mental processes.