For a long time I've had this weird pain in lower part on the back of my head. It feels like something is moving. It's usually just for a second then goes away. I also get really bad migraines. I had a CAT scan when I suffered a concussion but nothing came up. It seems like no one has experienced this, i'm trying to find some answers!
Pain in back of head: For a long time I've had... - Pain Concern
Pain in back of head
Sorry lovey but you need to see GP or take yourself back to hospital - peeps on here cannot diagnose your problems can only give you their thoughts on what things might be as none of us are docs. Don't know if there is a forum for migraines but you could google it perhaps.
Hope this helps and you get answers soon. Take care x
Yr spine goes up into the back of yr head maybe a orthopaedic dr can shead some light and send u for a MRI. U ll had to get yr doctor to refer u
I have the same problem but it is more of a pressure feeling. Have you been checked for a chiari malformation? I have many brain MRI's and only certain radiologists commented on it. I also have bulging neck discs, so maybe ask for an MRI of the neck to see if that might be causing it?
Lillers- There are a ton of muscles which run up from the top of your neck up into the back of your head. I dont get migranes but if I have upper back disc issues- I get the pain you describe. Also- just recently for the last month I had a bout with the flu and had wicked jabs of pain up the back of the head and behind and above the left ear. I got fed up and saw a dr. Had upper back, neck and head mri and all negative. All good now coincedently after the flu finished its course. You need to see a dr about the migranes and any association- but in the mean time try some good muscle relaxers and see. Could be just muscular but get checked out further. Good Luck.
It could well be tension headaches as i suffer from them all the time i usually at the back afmy head which can be worrying as ive had a brain haemorage in the past but my doctor has told me it highly unlikely so i trust his judgement and take diazepam to help with the tension ! I would be worth you going to a doctor or neurologist if just to put your mind at rest ! I wish you all the best david ! (Please let me know how you get on )
See an Alexander Teacher. The symptoms you have may be due to the fact that your head is not balanced on top of the spine. Thus you are using muscle to hold the head up. This will in turn interfere with the blood supply to and from the head. Which in turn could result in migraines.
Muscle control problems will not show up on a CAT scan nor on an MRI scan.