Back pain worse because of refferd pain? - Pain Concern

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Back pain worse because of refferd pain?

kat898 profile image
265 Replies


Just looking for some advice or suggestions please.

Iv had neck pain and deferred pain in the muscle on my shoulder has a result from it.

The past few months iv been getting really bad back pain especially the lower back. It goes up to my shoulder blades and feels like a hot sharp belt on the lower back. It's gone a few times and Dr has given me naproxen for it...

I don't know what else to do as feel like in constantly there complaining!

Thanks in advance.


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kat898 profile image
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265 Replies

Hello, has your doctor suggested Tramulief, I've been going through the simular problems that you have, Also have you had MRI scan bec it would help find the cause of the problem, take care 🙂

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Thank you for your reply. No just same painkillers all the time. I will make another app and see what they say. They don't do scans would be a physiotherapist to put me forward for one☹️ thank you though.

You take care aswell. What showed up in your scan? X

in reply tokat898

Are you sure you want to know coz I don't want to scare you, it could turn out your problem is totally different from mine x

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Aw bless yes please. Tbh my back has never been the same since having my baby. Before I had him (8yrs ago) I had no aches and pains.

It's only this year since iv fluffed up my neck that it's got worse down there. Only share if your happy too no worries if not x

in reply tokat898

No problem, I suffer from having a worn down spinal disc putting pressure on my siatik nerve and slow leak of spinal fluid, it's just I didn't want you to start panicking, stress is not good for people in pain as you know, so I would definitely recommend that you demand to have more help from your doctor so that you can some kind resolution on why your in so much pain 😢

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Aw that's terrible for you 😓 was it caused by anything particular if you don't mind me asking? I will do I just suffer with confidence when asking for specific things 😔 I will try my hardest though I have a phone call appointment for some results coming up I could talk about it then. X

in reply tokat898

No, my condition is mystery as I'm only 35 an it's usually a condition that would affect someone who may be a bit older (wear and tear) but it's caused other problems aswell, and yeah it does mess with your head so if you need to talk your always welcome to look me up I just hope I haven't said anything to make you panic like I said we're all different x

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Aw thank you, yes feeling pretty miserable today as it's completely gone and so painful. I'm only just coming up 31 so young like you. I couldn't get a same day appt, they wanted to send me somewhere that wasn't feesable to get to! Have do far taken naproxen and tramodol and using hot water bottles. I try the pyisgological approach that my physio said but how can you ignore pain?! How do you carry on day by day if you don't mind me asking. I'm running out of steam. X

in reply tokat898

Hey, sorry took long to reply, throw positive thinking approach it's a load of 🤬🤬🤬 I just go day by day today I feel how your feeling by the sounds of it, you can't ignore pain that is a load of 🤬🤬 yo have to do what works best for you but don't push people away coz you'll perhaps need them and like I said you can come on here chat to me or there is loads of people on here 😁

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

No worries X I feel helpless and worthless tbh. My closest sister to me has seen me once. That's life though isn't it. Thank you so much and the same to you. I no I am miserable atm but here for you and anyone else. X

in reply tokat898

Hey kat, listen I have been to hell and back with my health issues so if any time you wanna talk I'm here, it's so frustrating when people say they know how you feel and they haven't got a clue, chronic pain can be a lonely world, so I'm here if you need x

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Thank you so much 🧡 my son has gone swimming and spending the day with his dad (were not together) have taken painkillers and tried a bath. Am pleased he's out. I live on top floor of flats with no lift so stuck until the pain has eased to a copable level. Hope your Saturday goes ok. X

in reply tokat898

Ur welcome, I was jus thinking about you can't get an appointment from doctors, I don't where you are, but what I usually do is fone first thing when ur surgery opens cos sometimes they do open slots anyway try to have a good day keep messaging me if you like, it's better to talk to someone who knows what you're talking about xx😜

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

I'm in Yorkshire, back pain falls under same day care but when I rang on the Friday they wanted me to go to other side of the city which I couldn't physically do it so she said ring Tuesday morning for 8:00 slots. Which I will do straight away. What else do you do when your fighting with the pain. Takes ages to get comfy on sofa and I get a bit bored. Spend alot of time thinking which isn't good atm lol. X

in reply tokat898

Snap!!!! I'm in Yorkshire too!! I think you should change doctors they sound a bit shit, when I'm fighting pain sometimes I find stuff to preocupie myself, when it's really bad you jus have to ride it till it passes. About the sofa I bought a batwing cushion (I'm not kidding) and it can make you a bit more comfortable xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Brilliant 😁 do you ask at a different surgery to register there instead? Will they ask why? Ah great I will have a look on eBay and suchlike,try anything. Iv just started decoupage so keeping busy looking on Pinterest lol. X

in reply tokat898

You can change doctors at any time and you don't have to give a reason, I know you used to be do it online but I'm not sure if you can still do it that way

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

No you have to ask office people to do it and still me armed with various id lol. Still in pain and feeling quite miffed of now. Haven't taken any naproxen or tramadol today as I think iv been hammering it too much?! God this is crap I can't do any washing or cleaning at least. X

in reply tokat898

I. D bit I knew of, but I thought you could do it online soz, if need to take the meds take em, ain't no shame being in pain, I used to be the same, but I needed them so had to be done, your not taking them for the sake of it so if you need en take em xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

You could do at first but now they've made it so difficult to actually do it online you have to go into the reception 😩 I will do if it gets too much. Have a meeting at my son's school tomorrow so will have to try and wash my hair and look presentable lol. X

in reply tokat898

That's people committing I. D fraud, arseholes, 😂

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

I managed to get a call back but Dr said just self refer to physio so that's another few months untill I see someone 🙄 went to pick up my son's trousers and found walking painful. I don't think they get it at all. X

in reply tokat898

Have you got a walking stick 🙂

in reply to

Hello again can I jus ask if you have any family around or close friends for support if you don't want to answer that it's fine x

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Nope. No my sister lives on other side of city and has her own health issues. My other one have fallen out with. I have a meeting at the school in a bit so have taken some painkillers and hopefully my son's gran will pick us up. I sound like a right misreable person! Thank you for your replies btw. X

in reply tokat898

I don't know what btw means, anyway your fine, you can always chat with me, my back's been bad for a while now so I know how you're feeling to an extent, and don't you just wish you could choose your family 😂

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Btw means btw. Do you have good support? Yes I do. I have 3 sisters and talk to one! Things haven't been great I had break down a few years ago and some people don't let you forget! Thank you same to you, do you have little ones aswell? I really wanted to wear comfy leggings today but thought best not for a meeting 🤧iv compromised and worn jeggings instead. Slightly uncomfortable. X

in reply tokat898

Yeah I've got support from a few, shame on those who won't move on you were unwell, joggers are the best way forward 😁

in reply tokat898

Hi Kat, jus seeing how your doing, did the meeting at the school go ok x

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Yeah sorry it was a tough evening but the meeting went great thank you so much. Just resting my back untill school pick up. How are you getting on? X

in reply tokat898

I don't feel to good, my neck stiff like you wouldn't believe this is part of my life so I jus have to put and shut up xx

Bjw7 profile image
Bjw7 in reply to

Ive had neck pain for years since my aneurysm. Nothing helped me, watching YouTube videos one day on neck pain came across a exercise, you roll up a small hand towel and with both hands holding the ends massage back and forth on all of your neck hold slight resistance with one hand while pulling towel with the other this helps loosen the muscles. Has worked wonders for me, I do it daily.

in reply tokat898

Sorry I was gonna say glad to hear that you're meeting went well x

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

❤️ I no it's one thing after another isn't it 😓 deep heat roll on can take the edge of a tiny bit. Are you resting it. Xxx

in reply tokat898

Yeah I'm propped up o on my bed, it jus feels like the stiffness in my neck is not easing up, I've got a bit of stiffness in my neck coz my back but this is on a next level!!

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Is any area round your neck swollen or feels like it is on the shoulder? (Shoulders). I completely understand the pain and having both back and neck is just a whole new misreable way of life 😞 have you Netflix. X

in reply tokat898

Part of my neck is swollen and it's a crunching sensation when I tilt my head back, it's fucking miserable living like this sorry for swearing x

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Aw yes sounds very familiar! I got myself in to some right states about the pain X don't be sorry for swearing! Swear away. Am here too for a chat I no watching TV is even shite when the pain levels are unbearable. Xxx

in reply tokat898

I've got a load of box sets but even that's shite I'm gonna lean to knit or summat 😂

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

I tried it and it's good just forgotten it again. Do you read books iv found the Amazon Kindle handy. Pin alot of hopeful makes on Pinterest aswell lol. Xxx

in reply tokat898

I do read now and again but I get bored easily so I'm working my way through greys anatomy at the mo and I love it (I know I'm sad) xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Yeah I have multiple books on the go but do love it when you get sucked in by a good un lol I've never actually read them are they as good as the hype claimed? Last good read was Elizabeth is missing. X

in reply tokat898

No I'm watching the series, but if u like a good read look out for little girls lost it will have you on the edge of your seat I'm not a big reader I finished it within 3 days I was hooked xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Ooh thank you will have a look. How's your neck? Do you watch Bake off? X

in reply tokat898

My neck still feels stiff, you know what I used to love baking but I've never seen bake off xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

🤧 me too! Saved money making own puddings! Oh my gosh you will love it! It's always got people with different abilities so can be a good watch. X

in reply tokat898

Oh, I put so much weight on,but I have a love for baking so even I don't understand how I've never watched it xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Me too for the wieght X it's only into the second episode this week so your not too far behind. How do you get your shopping etc if you don't mind me asking. I'm running low and have to get what I can manage today it's frustrating as I can't afford to do online shop all the time 😞 xxx

in reply tokat898

Hey, shopping wise I do myself with the help of my mum, we live together anyway. We both have a health problems so we help each other where we can, and we get taxis to drop us here and there xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

That's good you both can support each other 🧡 xxx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

How is your neck pain today. X

in reply tokat898

Thanks, my neck pain is still quite bad, I was supposed to go to the doctors tomorrow but I don't like the doctor and I'd perhaps hurt myself more when I punch him 😂 😂

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Aw no 🙁 can you change drs? It's not good feeling like that. Mind you most of them are just the same! I no it's difficult to go but you will need your neck checking out X Iv been better just usual pain and aches. Have been using lots of heat rub! Xx

in reply tokat898

Hi sorry about the long response, my phone only makes noise when it feels like it, anyway my usual doctor is away so the other one I'm supposed to I don't like him he's an absolute dick (sorry) he's about 12 an I don't think he can read, so I cancelled the appointment xx if your in bed sorry 🤬

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Aw no that's awful for you. Can you make another one for your usual Dr X don't be sorry mine doesn't make a noise just have to keep checking my email lol. Need to change my bin and take rubbish out wish me luck I don't take my back with it lol. How are you today? It's getting colder now 👀 xxx

in reply tokat898

Im going to make an appointment with my usual doctor when he gets back, good luck with the rubbish, I'm going out in a bit, wish me luck and for the general public coz they will need it!!! don't get in my Way 😂 😂🤬

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Aw great. How's the neck today? Lol I got it into the bin yay 🥳 hope your outing went ok. X

in reply tokat898

How have you been feeling today xx

in reply to

NY neck is no to bad today, a bit stiff but doing alright, glad you got your bin out, how are feeling today xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Rubbish tbh. Alot of stress and sore. Get fed up with it. I'm sure I have another wasps nest in my attic to 🤧😞 x

in reply tokat898

Hi, sorry its long replying I was at a friend's, are you OK xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Don't be sorry! It's just the normal pain getting on top of me. Never ending isn't it. I think il have to ask about some stronger medication. My son is going through a tough time and it's quite stressful at time's it feels relentless. X

in reply tokat898

Good morning, how you feeling today, how's your son, if you think you need stronger medicine then you should look into it, when I first started taking stronger tablets it was a bit overwhelming at first but I needed them so I had to get over myself and start popping pills, they don't take the pain away completely but it can be manageable xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Just tired today and usual pain. He's just not wanting to go to school and can be a bit stressful in the morning. It's Friday so he'll be more chilled out tonight. How's your neck getting on any let up with the stiffness? I will ask about medication on my phone call appointment. X

in reply tokat898

Yep, neck is still stiff an i keep shooting pains, but I'm doing OK thanks, when you speak to your doctor don't let em give you any bullshit your in pain an it's you living with it, I hope things improve with your boy xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Thank you so much X that sounds terrible for you 😓 xxc

in reply tokat898

Your welcome, did you speak to your doctor today xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

No it's not until the 16th sep 😞 x

in reply tokat898

That's not good, before you have that appointment write down what a list of all your problems, side effects, and how it's effecting you, and discus medication so then you won't forget anything and remember don't take no bullshit 😭 xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Thank you will write it down today so I don't forget. Thank you so much for your advice. X

in reply tokat898

No problem xx

in reply tokat898

Hey, hope you're well, haven't spoken for a few days, how are you doing, is everything alright with your son xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Hiya, still stressful and still sore. On one finger the top is numb. Don't no wether that's to do with the nerves? Hope your ok? Had heater on full blast today 😂 bit chilly here. Xxx

in reply tokat898

I'm not bad thanks, I'm still having problems with my neck I re-made my appointment with the doctors, can you believe I cancelled the appointment because I don't like him and now the new one is with the same doctor who I was having a rant about, the one that can't read!!! That could only happen to me xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Oh my gosh 😟 are you going to go to it though? Your neck definitely needs checking out now 😰 is your mum going with you might be better if she's there if it helps you to feel stronger through the appt? Xxx

in reply tokat898

Im definitely going to that appointment, I've had enough of my neck,oh that little fool don't bother me I jus don't like his attitude xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Good really pleased you are,when is your appt 💪its awful when they have a stinky attitude, shouldn't be a Dr if they can't be compassionate with people. Xxx

in reply tokat898

He's not even the worst doctor, there is another one an she's one of the worst bitch you will ever come across xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

That's terrible but I no what you mean I try and avoid certain drs lol. How are you feeling today? I no the anxiety of seeing the Dr will be high for you too. Xxx

in reply tokat898

I'm not that bothered about him, when I re-made my appointment I was first made an appointment with someone else I had to fone back cos I realised it was the bitch from hell, I would be glad to give her a punch and so would a lot of others 😂, I do feel a bit shittey today but I'll be alright thanks, how are you feeling today xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Aw I'm not surprised with pain and then having to try and get a good Dr 😟 I'm ok thanks my sis brought me a loed of shopping which was very kind of her. Managed to do a clothes wash too. Just sat watching bake off with my hot water bottle lol


in reply tokat898

Hey u, sorry I've been a bit sometimish with my replies my neck has flared back up and it's really throbbing to think I was going to cancel my appointment cos I thought I was getting better, that was really nice of your sister bringing some shopping sometimes family can surprise you in funny little ways xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Don't ever be sorry!I pain can take over and it's just impossible to do things. When is your app is it this week? Have you got some of that heat roll on? Xxx

in reply tokat898

My appointment is on Friday, for some reason I don't don't agree with heat rub or even the cold one, it jus makes my skin itch on some next level don't need to go through that right now I'm in pain from the neck down, I am starting to get a bit worried now, my neck doesn't feel right 😢

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Aw no I no it's quite intense. I wonder if it's the nerves? Have you used a hot water bottle on it I no it's a bit awkward. Is it just getting worse with the stiffness. If you wanted I have a tens machine that I don't use I can send it to you. I completely understand if you don't want to give out your address though but the offer is there. I don't wether you can do them collect and click things actually might be an idea. Hope your ok today? Well as ok as you can be. Xxx

in reply tokat898

You are so kind, it's like when I move my neck in certain positions it's like the muscle contracting and it hurts like a bitch my body goes into freeze motion and all of my body goes stiff and with my back pain as well, I think would like a tens machine again, I'm going to get back to you on that, anyway enough about me, how are you feeling today xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

That's awful for you. Your muscles are going into a spasm I no to well that it bloody hurts especially your head etc. Have you got enough pain killers. Yeah think about it honestly not a problem X I'm ok same old lol trying to take things a bit slow don't want to put my back out again. The only thing isn't it you think you have endured the worst and it always comes back. Xxx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Hi hope the dr's appointment goes ok for you today. Xxx

in reply tokat898

Thanks, I'll be setting off in a bit xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Stay strong ♥️ xxx

in reply tokat898

I'll be fine, I've had a coffee, a fag an a spliff, so I'm good to go!!! 😭 Xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Your more organized than me this morning lol X xxx

in reply tokat898

I'm back, the appointment went well and I'm gunna start physio again soon xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

That's fab did Dr say what he thought was causing the pain for you?Do you have to self refer to the physio xxx

in reply tokat898

I'm not to sure if he even knows, but he was chatting about my muscles are tense and need to be relaxed, when he was examnaming me it hurt like a bitch!! at one point I nearly hit him, and he did everything for me booked my physio appointment job lot 🧘‍♂️ xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

It's hard to relax when your pain X hopefully physio will have more luck in helping ease the pain might send your for a scan. Aw brilliant hopefully it won't be a long wait for you. Iv not got an appt till November! Xxx

in reply tokat898

My doctor's surgery has now got physio on site so why appointment is in 2 weeks, so at least I don't have to trapes across to the other side of the city 🤬🤬 in your case though I would look into putting your name forward incase of any cancellations but I know it's only a very few places that do that xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

That's really good it's on site so much more accessible for you. That's a good idea thank you will look into it on Monday. How are you feeling now? Xxx

in reply tokat898

I'm a bit sore coz he gave me a full examination touching me here and there but I'm used to it now so what can yer do xx

in reply to

Sorry my head is all over the place today how have you been feeling today xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Aw I can only imagine 😔 sending you virtual hug. Not that it will make a difference!Don't apologize either please I'm ok just usual pain. Are you able to go for a deep tissue massage? I no it sounds crazy but to get the blood circulation going etc. I don't know whether it be contradiction with your health though. Xxx

in reply tokat898

I can't help it's, jus out of habit, mum's always saying if she had a pound for ever time I say that word she would be in the Caribbean lol 😂 I don't think that would be good for me but I'm still going to ask I'll try anything if it keeps me more comfy, I forgot to ask did you get those results that you were waiting for, if you've already told me(guess what word I'm thinking next) my tablets turn my head into mush so I have issue with my memory xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Lol I think we could make a nice fortune 😂 yeah even a light one maybe but no harm in asking X I hope it does give you some relief. Lol I'm getting a phonecall Mon to discuss the results. He said no damage to the spine so must be nerves then. Are you resting up today? Xxx

in reply tokat898

Yeah I'll be resting up today, everywhere the doctor touched or pressed is sore, but yeah last night it came to me that recently you were waiting for test results, I was gonna see if was gunna be on somewhere on our chats seemed a very long process xx hope it goes well for you on Mon, are you OK today xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Aw bless you thanks me too I will let you know. Yeah just tired and the usual now popped out for a few bits earlier. Have had a few power cuts too! Not my Netflix going off. Watching the most cheesiest thing ever but want to find out what happens lol. Xxx

in reply tokat898

I have jus come back from town, I feel like bobar, power cuts at the weekend what's that about!!

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Who's bobar lol X I no thankfully have had no more. Am pleased you got out. Xxx

in reply tokat898

I think it's spelt bobbar as in poo! I was in town again yesterday and when I got back I had a drink now I do feel crap, how are you feeling today is your son OK xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Ah I see lol. Was it a good drink though sometimes we need it! I'm ok today thanks just been doing the washing etc. He's good thanks not keen on doing his homework though the monkey. Xxx

in reply tokat898

Yeah it was a good skinfull, now I jus feel messed up 😭

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Aw 😞🤧 get a nice hot bath if you can and get snuggled up with feel good food X lol he just gives me that look of 'yeah right' IL save it for the week night. Xxx

in reply tokat898

He sounds fun!!! Yeah I've had dinner now I'm ready veg out in front of the TV and wait for the day to end xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Yeah he's my little teapot ❤️ me too I am feeling zonked. Hope you sleep well and feel better in the morning. Xxx

in reply tokat898


kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Hiya hope your feeling bit better today. How's your neck? Xxx

in reply tokat898

Morning, I'm a lot better today thanks, my necks a bit better it jus keeps coming and going with the spasms, how are feeling today xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Aw gosh that's still frustrating for you though 🧡 are you resting up X I'm ok my Dr rang me, he said MRI for my neck actually showed up my left thiroyed needs an ultrasound and blood tests done. He said to ring physio and request an ESP don't no if you have come across that. He was really nice and apologetic as to how long it has taken to get back to me. X

in reply tokat898

How you feeling, good to hear that you're getting the support from doctors, I don't know what ESP is, my data is running out I only have it for 24hrs I bought an add on, so I'll be bk again in a few days bt you can still msg today xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Ok thanks just usual moans and groans ring them Wednesday and find out X aw no 😭 IL miss your messages! Oh my god yes love downtown abbey! Eeek!No spoilers as that and The Adams Family is on my cinema list. Hope it's great well I no it will be lol


in reply tokat898

It's only 5 days I'm always looking at stuff online, we can still chat for a few hours if you have time, I can't spoil anyway I won't have data in a couple of hours, but will let you know if it's worth the hype xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Me 2, I caved in last year and got a good deal on broadband as i was spending ridiculous amounts with add ons 🙈 I love it especially all the amazing clothes from the time,the furniture aswell just beautiful. I need a new series to get stuck into now have finished Salvation completely cheesy and off the wall but sucked in lol. Are you going to watch Bake off tomorrow night. Xxx

in reply tokat898

I know I'm terrible for online shopping, I don't know why but I love reading mad stories from around the world from good to bad and jus craziness I have to much time on my hands, I'm going to start on a series called True Bloods have you herd of it xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

It's good having time to read and keeps the mind busy. I have heard of it one of those ones that I've never watched either so you will have to let me know if it's worth a watch. Omg we have road works going on I thought it had to stop by a certain time 🙄 xxx

in reply tokat898

Yeah it's a vampire thing with humans living amongst each other, I've only ever seen the first one and it was alright so I thought I'd give it a go again, what did you think you had to stop at a certain time xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Ah yes my mum was into it loves all the vampire stuff. Road works but I suppose it's only time they can do it. Xxx

in reply tokat898

It's got a bit of comedy in it, I hate road works at night time there's always that or new buildings /flats going up near me xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Yes same here. Student flats opposite me and across the road they're plonking aloed if new flats. Getting very built up. Xxx

in reply tokat898

Yeah I'm same where I am, can I just ask what part of Yorkshire are you from if you don't me asking don't answer if you don't want to, I'm from Sheffield anyway xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Nooo you've not upset me! I get this through email so sometimes it doesn't refresh my phone's a pile of 💩. I'm from York 🙂 not to far from you, iv only ever passed through Sheffield on the train or got off for a ciggy. Teeny station but nice outside. I don't even know your name you've probably guessed mine lol. Have you been to York before? Gorgeous place shame about the relentless student buildings! Xxx

in reply tokat898

Jenna, I didn't know what to call myself when I signed up, but yeah I didn't want you to think I might be a creepy old man or summat!! I've been to York once a few years ago Xmas shopping and you've got beautiful buildings down there, got no business putting up flats!!!! My phones a piece of 💩 too xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Lovely name X sorry I fell asleep. Haha no worries I don't but you can never be too careful I suppose! Yeah well if York city council can plonk it there they will. I actually.objected to one development opposite me but at the end of the day, profit before people. There is a rule though that no building can be higher than the minster. So my sister's flat you can see it. Aw no have got used to messaging you 😭 enjoy the peace lol. Hope cinema trip goes well. 🧡 Having a mince pie and custard it's my bday and the perfect excuse. Speak soon. Xxx

in reply tokat898

Thanks, turns out I've still got data for a few hrs, dun it make you sick how our beautiful cities are being destroyed by greed and ugly buildings, HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🎂 have a good one 🎉🎉🍺

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Yeah especially where I live am amazed at how they can squish things in. Thank you. Have my sister's popping over for a bit and my friend so will be nice for a catch up. Xxx

in reply tokat898

You have a very nice day 😂 and let your hair down and go crazy xx you deserve it!! Xx P. S might not be able to msg you later so if I can't take it easy and I will speak to you in a few days xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Tea and cake for me lol. Mince pie and custard for bake off tonight. Easy to please! You take too. Xxx

in reply tokat898

I've still got data but I don't know for how long xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Nice one 🙂 bet your well pleased. I need to physio tomorrow but hate ringing people 🙈 xxx

in reply tokat898

I'm back!!!! What's bin happening xx😂

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Yay 🥳 ❤️ How's your neck? Not much I didn't make that phonecall coz I just couldn't face it will attempt on Monday. Nothing else too exciting. I have a pip assement on Monday too 😭. Hope your ok. Xxx

in reply tokat898

Good morning, I ended up going to town an when I got back I got pissed, but what's going on with you is it your first Pip assessment xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

How's your head today? 🙂 No iv have had one before but failed it because I can shock horror wash myself lol. My sister kinda pushed me into it tbh she gives me £100 pm to help me out and is fed up I think. I got some inheritance and gave her most of it just kept some to buy some clothes for my son. So technically iv paid her back for 15 months but I don't suppose she sees it like that.(this started in May) I don't take the piss out of her I'd be left with £27 pm to buy him what he needs if that makes sense the rest is.on rent/council tax etc. How's your neck been. Xxx

in reply tokat898

I feel like shit again, my body is starting to feel like g to crumble with all the pain and strange sensations it doe's get to me sometimes but how are you feeling today, with the assessments you have to make out you can't do anything for yourself without a struggle because of the pain you are in xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Aw no that's terrible 😪😥🧡 you resting up x same hurts today I used a self massager thing and it's caused more agro more than anything ffs. I no I just feel so small when your there and last time the lady said I drove which I don't I don't even have a license lol she got some stuff wrong. I just hate it but no I have to go to it. Xxx

in reply tokat898

It's terrible, you, have to be very careful about what you say, and how you say it do it. They really do fuck with your life I've done it all with appeals, tribunal, blah blah blah. so trust me I know how it works. They also like to tell a lot of lies 🤥 xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

To be honest I think they should record what's been said in the room for person who is attending for thier protection. Sorry it's happened to you. Were you successful with it if you don't mind me asking sorry if it's dead cheeky xxx

in reply tokat898

No worries, but yes I won!! 😭 The job centre said I was fit for work, the case lasted for about 18 months coz I went to tribunal as well and that's where I finally got the result I wanted /needed and I got all my money back dated 🤑🤑

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Aw that's great you did but what a struggle for you. Can imagine the stress aswell! I fell into a depression, I didn't claim anything but because the council thought I was still working (with no wages!) I got into.a lot of debt because of it. I just couldn't be arsed with the faff of the job centre tbh. Xxx

in reply tokat898

That's awful 😔 are you sorted now with benefits or something in place with money coz there is stuff you are entitled to I know no one likes to rely on state benefits but sometimes it can't be helped xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

I didn't want to go to jobcentre as I went when I was younger looking for a job and they were really unhelpful! It put me off. I did go on to ESA on the work related group so have to go every 6 months, my support worker helped me claim for it. Xxx

in reply tokat898

You don't have to go to those, that's what will trip you up in accessments coz when you say you can't work, them group things says you can, so jus be careful xx don't let it be easy for them to trip you up xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Why did they put me in that group when I can't genuinely work it's confusing. The guy last time said I had to other wise I'd lose the ESA. My sister quired it and he got so shitty about it. Xx

in reply tokat898

Those groups are supposed to be voluntary, it's a load of 🤬 I've had them letters don't go it will trip you up in your assessment contract the citizens advice bureau they will explain all of what you can claim and the rules of what you're claiming the job centre is always changing its rules and messing with peoples lives xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

I'm not going iv pissed off my sister because I can't afford to do something for her sons bday next week that she's suddenly decided on. Really fed up now. I can't even bring myself to ring physio up for a new physio 😞 xxx

in reply tokat898

Omg, I'm not judging but surely your sister can understand, that you are on low funds. After all, is not the thought that counts. I think I may be related to the Manson family,so I know how it feels with the family thing. Jokes aside, would you not be able to talk in a way that she would be able to get her to see things from your side xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

I don't get it either as it would help her aswell. Appreantly she is going to come now. So that's good but our relationship is in tatters. Glad you understand do you have siblings sorry I can't remember if you told me. How are you feeling today? Xxx

in reply tokat898

Yeah I've got 4 siblings, I only talk to 1. Family is a bit of a tricky one 🤬 it's hard though when you don't talk my family is very broken. Some members perhaps will never speak again. Will your sister come to realise that you are on limited funds and you also have a son it's a bit harder for you with you being unwell. I'm not to bad today,my neck is ju pulling from time to time, how are you feeling today xx

in reply tokat898

Hi jus how are you feeling today, not heard from you, so I'm jus checking your alright, xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Hi so sorry I'm rubbish I hated the assement, then when I got back heard buzzing again and have a wasps nest. 3rd one this year can you luck! So am Knackered sore and fed up. Still can't ring the physio people up. Hate it when the anxiety takes over can't do anything.

Hope your ok? Xxx

in reply tokat898

Hey, I think you may have worst luck, even more than me and that is saying summat!! But seriously msg me if you wanna talk its fine, I'm good thanks hope the anxiety settles soon xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Hiya, sorry had a really bad few days, did ring physio and could not for the life of me get through so thinking I might just have to go to the blooming place to make an app. The muscle is so hard again it's causing ear ache and general pain. Council messed me around so pest control didn't show up will put in a complaint on Monday. Feeling stronger so will get stuff sorted next week.

How have you been?Was downtown Abbey as good as it's always been. Might watch it all again lol. Xxx

in reply tokat898

Hi, I'm not doing to bad apart from the hangover it was my friends birthday yesterday, so feeling pretty rough, I didn't think Downton lived up to the hype sorry, I thought it was a bit shit to be honest, sounds like you do need to go to physio, how can the council leave you with a nest especially as you have a young son I actually feel really pissed for you makes sure you put in a complaint xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Aw no how's your hang over today? It used to take me 3 days to get over it lol 😭 disappointed with that will have to wait for it on Amazon to rent it lol. No idea they are really crap here,they said it's a private contractor,I said you still employ them though so your responsibility to your tenants is still there. I will ring them tomorrow and physio again just worried I'm going to get the whole mind over matter thing again even though you can feel the muscle physically it's nuts. Xxx

in reply tokat898

Who told you it's mind over matter, how's about the person who said it, live with pain what we go through. What an arsehole!!! That's my rant over. I still feel a bit shittey today it's raining again I need to go for my prescription. I had a mouse last year I was told more or less with the private contractor arseholes!! 😭

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

I rang them and he took me off it when he was the one who told me to ring up and not to worry about self refer again. This is so frustrating. Waiting for them to call back. Same about wasps council were honest and said the new contractors were.rubbish and keep calling in sick lol. So waiting for a call back. Funny thing is I can't hear them now!

Did you get your prescription,it's been non stop raining here too. Did they get rid of the mouse?! Xxx

in reply tokat898

I don't get what you mean about took you off? I put poison down never saw it again until months later when it was found dead in my shoe cupboard!!! It's raining bad down here 😞

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

In August he said not to see him in September incase the rock hard muscle and pain suddenly disappeared lol. He said I'd still be on his work loed so I wouldn't have to self refer again, yday when I rang up she said I'd been taken off it! Oh my gosh that's awful 🙁 what are your plans today? Xxx

in reply tokat898

Aah that's awful 😔 what a dick, it's chucking down again so I'll be in all day, I didn't really have any plans anyway, you got any plans with all this wonderful British weather 😭

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

It's bizarre isnt it. I wish I didn't have to go back but pain and dodgy muscle needs looking into. Surely there is a reason why it's happened.

Same here no plans xxx

in reply tokat898

When it comes to the human body anything is possible, I used to be like you, wondering what it could be, but if your not happy with treatment I would definitely request a MRI, that would definitely give you the answers you need 😔

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

I can't bring myself to ask tbh. Really gets me down especially these past few days have just felt misreable xxx

in reply tokat898

I know what you mean, the only advice I'm going to give is, just do you!!!! 😭 Xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Just do me lol. I no what you mean. I have drs appt today about really bad acne (another problem woo hoo lol) it's with same Dr that's referred me for an ultrasound for the thryoid so might talk to him about the physio etc he seemed nice enough on the phone and apologetic about results taking forever. Have woken up freezing today can tell were in October now. Xxx

in reply tokat898

Oh that's good, if you have a Dr that you get on with stick with him, yeah there's a chill in the air today!! Is the acne a side effect from medicine, xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Yeah he's great he wrote to the physio department while I was there and said the acne could be from my thryoid problem. He's given me another course of antibiotics and took photos to compare in a month. He gave me some cream for dry skin too. The appointment went over by 20mins but he was really helpful.

A good appointment am really pleased. Can't wait to get home and wack the heating on!

How are you feeling today? Xxx

in reply tokat898

That's a good Dr, stick with him that's what Dr should do!! can't tell you how many times I've come across shittey attitude one's I've come across some have literally nearly killed me!! But that's one long arse story for another time. so you might now get the support that you need which will be good for you 😏 sorry 🙏 I didn't realise you had a thyroid problem as well, fucking hell you are being put through it 😢 (sorry for swearing) it runs through the family I'm alright that sense so I really do feel for ya xx

in reply tokat898

Hey u, hope your good I was jus saying hello, I've been feeling rough for the last few days so not been in touch, how are you feeling is your son OK xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Hi 🧡 sorry I'm completely rubbish atm, have had a lot going on this week. Another incident happened at my son's school so have decided to remove him from it. Fed up of people taking the piss.

Have you been resting up? Is it your neck and everything getting to you X the offer for the tens machine is still there. The weather has been grim here do although I find it more cosier having the heater on! I will be glad to see the back of this year. Xxx

in reply tokat898

I'm right there with ya!!! I've had enough of this year lolxx I'm sick of people bothering me over foolishness, thanks for the offer I might have to take you up on it but I'm gonna wait a bit see how I get on but if I do I'm going to buy it from you 🤑🤑!! Don't argue coz that's I'm going to do and would always do!! Your son's not being bullied is he 😢 either way I hope things can get better soon for the 2 of you

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

I don't no what it is about me people just see twat written on my forehead. Yeah it's just ongoing and after waiting an hour for a meeting with the teacher who made light of the incident that I wasn't even informed about I just thought it's ruining my son and I can't have it anymore. Iv been more than patience. I wrote my statement last night to give in on Monday and will look for a different school. I am I am gifting it to you but thank you anyway. How's your weekend been? I was thinking of getting a Chromecast my sis has one and can watch the new films out on TV. It's called Showbox don't know if you have heard of it? Xxx

in reply tokat898

Hey u, last night after I msg u, it came to me that I couldn't have it anyway cos where would I get them sticky pads from. If you can't get anywhere with your schooling issue go to the education department in your local area, but why didn't they inform you about what was going on, kids should feel safe when they go to school!! Oh back to the tens machine I know your on hard times so I would pay for postage and a little extra to buy it from you!! And no you haven't got twat on forhead you seem a good person even though we've never actually met, I consider you to be a friend, I don't speak to my nearest and dearest the way we speak, have a good one xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Hey you, things got worse lol. I decided after cracking my phone to put my sim back into my old one,anyway as I took it out I lost it! Had to go to the three shop and get a new one,the SIM turned up in my washing entwined in my white fluffy sock ffs lol. Anyway I spoke to pastrol team and had a meeting with school, I kept my son off for 2 days, he had an assessment at the CAHMs place. They've put it all down so we agreed one last time before it goes further etc. It's been so stressful but I hope to god that's the end of it now. The machine comes with the pads and I think you can get more online for it? How have you been?Have you been wacking on the heating. My bill has gone up sneaky buggers aren't they. I hope you're doing ok? Xxx

in reply tokat898

Good morning lovely, hope your good, I've woke up quite stiff, so not doing well today. I really hope that you and your son can get through this and come out on the side of happy, can't believe the school has waited for it to go on so long. How can they wait for it to get so bad before they do anything. Plus your not in good health so you don't need the stress. Right that is my little rant 🤬 over!! How are you feeling today xx I haven't needed to put my heating on yet, the flats I live in are quite warm, it be long though for when I do. I'm starting to feel a little chill creeping in. Xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Aw no 😞 does the cold make you worse? Me too,his grandparents went to a meeting and have threatened them with the authorities so I think now the provisions that have been put in will be successful. It's a new head and she's fab it's just shame that she's inherited this from the previous head. I'm ok just.tired and same as you bit stiff in the neck. I must spend a fortune on heat roll ons. Nice one 🥰 I'm on the top floor so all my.heat rises and keeps the birdies warm lol. I get really down about it all especially when I just can't physically do what I use too. What else do you do to distract you and keep your hopes up. Xxx

in reply tokat898

Ah that's good it sounds like you may get a good result from the school 🤞

Yeah the cold does make it worse its terrible in it! 😭 I don't use them heat things they don't agree with me. I don't really do anything to take my mind off things, I'm not gonna get any better, so I jus have to live it. I know it sounds strange cos I'm always trying to giving advice to stay positive and staying strong I need to start practicing what I preach, I've been like this for a while now so my hope has gone but I'll be alright I'm a surviver xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

They can be a bit extreme and itchy.

You've always lifted me up especially when my back had gone, your so lovely to talk to ❤️ iv just slept this afternoon until I collect little one. You are a survivor and more 🧡 xxxx

in reply tokat898

Thank you, that is so kind, I needed that Today. Them heat things jus don't agree with me, I get some kind of reaction from it xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

You are you give your time to people despite your pain and own troubles. When my ear isnt bieng a bugger I find music helps too. Thank god for Spotify lol xxx

in reply tokat898

Good morning, thanks again for the kind words. I used to love music 🎶 and dancing but since my bad back I jus kinda switched off. Mind you though I have started going out again. Occasionally I go to an end of the month thing I jus stand bopping my head looking pretty with my stick 😂 xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Yeah same use to love dancing away. Getting dressed up to go out miss that too. That's brilliant though you go out and try it. Xxx

in reply tokat898

Me too, yeah certain types of music I love 😍, I love reggae music so when I ear it when I've drinking 🍻 I used to love a good boogie just a shame I can't it to much now days 🤬😢 but that's life xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Haha me too hear a tune I love and that's me away (even with no drink lol) probs a good job I don't go out anymore 😂 I love all sorts electro dance rock swing jazz. Pretty easy to please. Not alot of modern although I love kygos remix with Whitney Houston. Xxx

in reply tokat898

Very interesting choice of music, I also lone motown music 🎶 especially Marvin Gaye, smoky Robinson I love the oldies xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Yea same here love Diana Ross too. That's more my mum's influence though,she was a bit hippy when we were younger and we didn't have a TV but thankfully had music so I can go from listening to Megadeth depache mode to Diana lol. Of course I loved the 90's five A1 lol. Do you ever play on the playstation etc or you not into gaming? I don't but like to watch my son on it. Xxx

in reply tokat898

I can remember them!! Five and A1 wasn't my cup of tea, I was more 3T actually I was obsessed with them pictures all over the walls I know I'm sad 😭 my influence with the oldies comes from my mum too! xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Haha I was completely in love with Five the most devastated I felt as a teenager when they split. Am surprised I was allowed to buy smash hits Tbh 😂 iv never heard of 3T?! Your not sad at all I use to cut up.all sorts and pop them up. Our mum's had good taste I definitely appreciate the music more now though my son is a little metal head so am pleased I have rubbed of a bit. He's like me though and over plays a playlist over and over again 🤭xxx

in reply tokat898

3T are Michael Jacksons nephews they weren't bad in their day and were always in them magazines. I agree absolutely!! Our mums do have the best taste in music 🎶 mind some of my mum's choice can be questionable at times lol 😂

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Ooh I didn't know that I like a few remixes of the Jackson 5. Haha yeah some dodgy tunes but I suppose my son probs thinks the same.🤭😂 Xxx

in reply tokat898

Yeah jus think in a few years time, he'll think you need locking up in an institution 🤪😭

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Hey how are you? I got my decision back from pip,not one point! I read it and it's so bizarre because It's not a true representation of me. My sister wants me to appeal it more on principal than anything else and I agree with her, it's very strange how she made the decision,I wish they had cameras inside the rooms to record the interview. Xxx

in reply tokat898

Yes, appeal get an appointment with CAB

(Citizen advice bureau) the sooner you speak to them the better!! I can't believe you failed it, I know we've never clapped eyes on each other, but from the description of what you're going through even I know how much pain you are in. so please see someone about appealing DO NOT think you can do by yourself, I did and I ended going all the way to tribunal. Its not a very nice journey to be on so I just hope this 1msg will help you understand how important it is you see someone. I know everyone is different its stress all the way other than that how you feeling xx

in reply tokat898

Hey u, hope your well, sorry I've not been in touch I've been in absolute agony as u can imagine 🤬🤬🤬 are you OK are you going to appeal your pip claim I really hope you do. How is your son, is everything OK with school xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Hey don't be daft don't be sorry! Aw no so sorry to hear that 😞are you fixed ok for meds etc? I no it doesn't really touch the pain X I'm not too sure tbh everything seems so stressful atm lol he's ok we had a meeting and a new set of provisions have been put into place for him so far it's been going ok he's still down etc so have a CAHMs meeting tomorrow. He breaks up for half term tomorrow and Iv flared up don't no how or why just my left leg so thinking will be my back next that's the way it normally pans out. I think it's the cold weather not helping too. Hope things haven't been too bad for you 😓 xxx

in reply tokat898

Hey, I'm not gonna lie I feel absolutely 🤬crap, I went to stand up the other day and I pulled summat and I swear to god I have never felt a sensation like it, I can't even explain how it feels. On the up side, I'm eating my mums mash out of the pan while sat on my bed it for a sheppards pie 😋I'm glad things have been better for you both. Are you OK try keeping your legs elevated with a cushion have you got all your meds and stuff. Xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Aww that's crap😞 I wonder what you pulled a muscle or nerve?would Dr be able to check it out? Yummy love a good shepherd's pie X yeah I took painkillers yday and today it's just pins and needles and feels like a did a marathon on that leg lol. I worse jeans and I always wear leggings so think il stick to them just got a bit cold. How are you today? Can you get a same day appointment? Xxx

in reply tokat898

Good morning, today I jus feel crap, now I'm full of cold 🤮but now I'm jus waiting for a call from Dr's so I guess someone is going to pick up my prescription for me, do you not find jeans worse when you're legs are playing up I do, but each to there own I just like freedom xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

😓 aw no your really getting hit in all directions! Plenty of soup and sleep X yeah it was a big mistake yday back in leggings today lol. Xxx

in reply tokat898

I thought so, I only wear jeans if I'm going somewhere I love my joggers & man p.j's I really am feeling sorry for myself today full of cold and full of pain could it get any worse today 😂😂xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

That sounds terrible for you X how are you feeling today? Would a hot bath help with the pain and cold. Are you getting a flu jab. Xxx

in reply tokat898

I Feel 🤬 terrible, my glands are swollen, I've got a fever so I'm having a great day 🤧but yeah I'm gonna get in the bath in a bit I don't like the flu jab, but coz I said that i probably now get the flu!!! But as long as its gone by the new year I'm good coz I'm going on holiday 😁 how are you feeling today xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Hi how have you been? Are you feeling better now?I'm ok I had scan for nodules and they said it's beign nodules in the neck. Wonder if that's the causer if pain have been given no further information on it. Hope your ok. Sorry not been in touch been very down my son got diagnosed with Autism aswell. So alot to process and take in. Xxx

in reply tokat898

Hey u, how are you doing, don't worry about not being in touch. Sounds like you have enough on your plate. I've not heard biegn nodules before but hope it's nothing too bad, and hopefully you and son will get the support that you both need. My back is giving me problems here and there, I'm going on holiday soon so it needs to sort itself out xx probably P. So my data is running low again so don't be offend if the msgs stop🤬🤬

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

It's my thyroid is bigger than normal,I'm miffed of as last year Dr told me it was just 'anxiety' so that's my first gripe second is no one has been clear if these are the cause for neck pain. I can feel a module on my left side and either it's a coincidence but that's where the pain is going down the muscle. Might ask on here,have asked for a phone call as it takes a year to get a face to face app lol. I haven't told anyone about his Autism either. Some family won't understand and CBA with extra stress.

Oh wow that's fab! Where are you going? Take it easy and make sure you rest plenty I no it's easier said then done. What else helps I no your fooked once it's gone bloody awful. Do you go to physio? Okies no worries xxxx

in reply tokat898

Morning, thyroid problems run in the family, touch wood I'm fine for now. I'm not kidding my cousin has severe autism, so I know times are tough for you right now. Talk to your family, sometimes family can shock you on how supportive they can be. Obviously not all family can be that way, so I would try getting help from a social worker or summat. You could try speaking to a doctor. Yes I am going on holiday to Egypt 🤣🤣 I will crawl to the airport if I have to!!! Hopefully I won't have to many problems with my back 🤬🤬🤬 I'm seeing my doctor next week so hopefully things will be OK. xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Well if you feel like you have a lump in your throat go Dr that's the start and don't let them fob you off with anitbiotics or anxiety. The sooner it's caught the easier it's to treat X thanks it is but they said before don't label him which I haven't it's just he's had every test under the sun and this one was out of my hands so will say something only if I need too. Will have to tell his dad though and I think he'll not be bothered just his mum will be raging. My support worker actually suggested I didn't get a social worker as they would look at my MH problems that iv had and it would cause more grief. Funny old system isn't it. Am discharging myself anyway they haven't been help if got better on my own tbh. Haha I would be crawling too you no what though apart from being good for the soul the sun will help loeds on your back. Will he give you extra pain relief to take? I don't no how it works going abroad. Don't forget your insurance incase you need to use it. I think money saving expert shows you cheapest one. If your able to are you off to see the pyramids? Bet it's so lovely and quite at this time of year. XXX

in reply tokat898

Yeah gunna have to have a letter from my doctor stating my problems and why I take my medication all a load of 💩 and yes I have insurance 👍I didn't think don't tell any social workers shit they always seem to work against ya. There is nothing to rage about, your son is jus going to need extra bit of help in life there's no shame in it xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Lol I read you have to be careful incase they think your a drugs mule. Yeah I mean I had social involved with me when I was younger and they did faff all so my experiences with them already are negative. Yeah he does but waiting list is 9months up here, trying to find different types of therapy but am having no luck. Have a meeting with head tomorrow morning so depending on the outcome I might have to proceed with Ofsted and look for an alternative school whilst he's still there. So stressful. Pack us in your case lol xxx

in reply tokat898

I'll be fine I'm clued up stuff like that. Have you thought about play therapy? That's supposed to be helpful for kids with behaviourl problems among other issues. I would gladly put you 2 in my case it'll be a tight squeeze bought loads of shit 🤣🤣

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Iv seen one thing at a gym that's play with activities that help him. Lol don't forget your extra bag for things you bu y out there. Will it be hot still xxx

in reply tokat898

Hey u, sorry not seen in touch, I've bin a bit bad with my and stuff with my back. How are you doing with your son and stuff. Can't believe the housing are pissing you about with pest control, you have health issues and a little boy and your still not a priority, what a joke 😢🤬 xX

in reply tokat898

My data is gunna run out soon, so good night, I will msg you when I'm live again in about 5 days take care 🙂 xx

in reply tokat898

Sorry i hope I haven't upset you by asking it was just out of curiosity if you don't want me to msg you again I understand you and little man take care xx

in reply tokat898

Do you like Downton Abbey I'm going to see it tomorrow xx

in reply tokat898

Tell little man I'm part of the homework 👮 police and will have to come round and arrest him 😂 xx


Hope you are able to be referred. I have different issues with my back cos of all my conditions. Anyway, I was diagnosed with spondylitis a few years ago but pain had been getting worse and down leg, I do have sciatica. I had an MRI scan which diagnosed degeneration of the facet joint. The consultant referred me to pain management who said they would refer me to another consultant who would hopefully give me injections. I've got other things going on but I think that's enough for now!! Please take care . Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Aw thank you for reply, it sounds like you spent alot of time in pain though to get the injections 🥺 so sorry for your pain I no each day can be different. I have a heated blanket I use (yes nuts atm but helps lol) I'm tired of the constant battle with it. Take care xxx

in reply tokat898

Thank you. My hubby bought me an electric back massager from Argos , it really does help. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Iv invested in alot of different things to help tbh I think the drs need to look more into it. Can't keep having this ruining my life now. X

in reply tokat898

Yes, I know what you mean. Take care Lynne

in reply tokat898

Hi there, if this pain is not going away he needs urgently seeing into , not just give tablets that are not helping , if it is nerve pain pregabilin or gabberpentin are helpful , but it needs sorting your GP should help you not just give tablets and think it's going away, good luck and I for one know what pain is.

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Thank you X I just think they think if they throw tabs then that's it. Mostly they work but when it's gone that's me out of action for days and it's not good with a Child. I will press for more action next week. Thank you X sorry for your pain that your in. X

in reply tokat898

Hi kat , becaerful of naproxen if you have trouble with your stomach or bowels because I used it then short while after I had problems with my bowels and ended up ulcerative colitis x

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Thank you I shall mention this to my Dr I new taking it all the time wasn't good usually your given something to take along side it? Sorry to hear you ended up worse off! X

You haven't been sent for physio?

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Not until November. Didn't need to examine me either just told me to keep popping pills and self refer. Unless I can't control my bowel movements etc they don't give a poop. X

in reply tokat898

November is a bit of a wait, I hope the pills are helping until then.

I used to have a lot of bother with my neck etc and stretching helped a lot.

Hopefully when you get to the physio they will sort you out.

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

I no, I do stretching it's my back that's the issue now. I hope so too. X

in reply tokat898

Are the pills helping at all?

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

They take the edge of but when my back goes no it's incredibly painful and have to just wether the storm through it. X

Lulububs profile image

I have slipped disks and get refered pain in groin and leg, i see a very good osteo who makes it all calm and now i hardly get much pain.. aless me disk pop out again.

I would suggest dont waste time on gp as painkillers cover pain do not deal with the problem plus naproxen is awful drug for stomach and long term use. I would seek out a local physio osteo or chiropractor and get it sorted generally they say between 3-6 visits sort most things out... i go every 4-6 weeks now just for a MOT to make sure it all ok.

I dont take any painkillers anymore which i was on cocodamol 30/500, naproxen and tramadol at bad times...

I now feel like inwould never waste time with a drug, see a professional ASAP

Davek723 profile image

Hi there, this will sound strange but have you had your balance checked, I had similar the transference was alot to do with balance.

Basically if your balance is off what happens is your brain uses the side of your body to correct it , this means one side or your back working harder to keep you upright, there for it produces pain in these areas or results in the part working too hard , this can lead to muscle fatigue.

Hope this helps

Balance can be rectified easily many different ways techniques. It may not be something you really notice to much throughout the day but if it's off can create other unasociated pain.

Cheers dave

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply toDavek723

Hi Dave,

No how would check to make sure its correct?

Thank you kat.

Davek723 profile image
Davek723 in reply tokat898

Hi there a doctor should be able to check this , but a simple way is get some one to help you.

Stand up straight , close your eyes and get them to gentle nudge you on one shoulder , you should be able to correct if your balance is good if not you will feel like falling over.

Be gentle and make sure your helper is aware of what your doing.

I got mine done by chiropractor.

Cheers good luck

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply toDavek723

Thank you so much, Kat

UXB1 profile image

Hi,didn’t the naproxen help?

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply toUXB1

Hi, no not really topped it up with tramadol in between dosages.

Hey I'm back!!!! How are you, I'm doing alright (ish) my back and my hip are feeling a bit flared up. There's also members of family who are complete arseholes so that's kept me a busy. But what's happening with you and your son are things getting a bit easier for you both xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

I could have sworn I replied!I'm okish too back is tender am seeing physio in an hour I do wonder what he'll suggest as other physio has forwarded me onto pain management clinic for my neck. How are things with your family? Sorry to hear that it's draining isn't it, cut them out of your life and I'm.doing the same really had enough sometimes you just have to be quite harsh because you need to think about you,you come first. Kinda he's got more support at school now, he's dad kept letting him down so on top of his school worries we had that issue to contend with so just cut him out now it causes more problems with my son and honestly he's had it too. His moods are up and down, iv started a short online course through the OU to learn more about autism, I kind of new what it was etc but that was the one size fits all description and had no idea how complex it is. Hope you've been resting up so you can enjoy your holiday xxx

Hey u, no worries even though we're laid up, we still have lives to lead, I'm not doing to bad. I've already cut em out don't need the stress. I'm just looking forward to NY holiday its 33 days 🤩 good to know your boy is getting the support he needs.if his dad let's him down,keep him at arms length your son does need that my dad was like that and to this day we don't have a normal relationship. But anyway hope you're appointment goes well and have a good day xx😁

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Morning how are you? All set for holiday? My spine feels like it's going to fall out of my arse I went to physio and got given exercises have another appointment on Xmas Eve I'm hoping he'll do more because I just can't cope these past few weeks have been awful. Are you all set for Xmas? Xxx

in reply tokat898

Good morning, yep I'm all set for my holiday, can't wait!!! I know that feeling with the spine mine usually feels like it's going to snap, but coming out your arse that's even better!!! Seriously though its good to you've been to physio so he/she may be able to help you fingers crossed. Pain does get you down to the point where you feel like your gonna break when you're feeling like that you're welcome to msg me for a chat. Yeah Xmas is approaching, I'm not celebrating it like I usually do cos of my holiday its only 18 days, but I bet your son is super excited xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Yay brilliant 😁 goodbye dreary UK weather! How do you do it even painkillers barely take edge of, physio I hope will suggest something else I have done the exercises as he asked. I can't get down because my son is and don't want him to feel I'm upset so will remain positive he's ok not to fussed about Xmas tbh. Thank you so much the same goes for you xxx

in reply tokat898

No worries, you just have to get on with it regardless of pain. Sounds harsh I know, I was like you in despair and feeling alone. Then a loved one gave me a wake up call, then me and my pain went to war an I'm not letting it beat me. Actually sometimes when I'm having spasms I talk to it sounds crazy I know. It's what ever gets you through the day 🤯can't believe your son's not excited, wish my nieces were like that they cost me a fortune xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Iv taken your advice and I no iv been in worse pain before so in my head I think I'm lucky and have to just do what you do and manage it as best as I can, yeah it does really pull me down as you feel useless in the fact that you can't do stuff that you need to do,it feels better than yday so will take it easy and not think about what I can't do. Your very strong ❤️ haha I always find nieces do cost alot of money especially teenage ones! Chocolate money and perfume is always requested! Have you plans for the weekend? Thank you so much for always being here for me xxxx

in reply tokat898

Morning, glad your feeling a bit better. I need your help today! I've fell out with my mum over my junkie brother. I told her that I would rather go with Myra Hindley so that hasn't gone down well so now we're just going round the flat in silence don't know what to do x

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Oh no sorry Hun 😞♥️ did you speak at all? Well I suppose there's only so much you can take and being close with your mum your going to feel very protective of her, it must be difficult to understand why family members still help and support those that choose that particular lifestyle,in a different perspective he's still her son regardless of his choices in life and people especially parents will take what they can and hold onto the happier memories through bad times so won't see the person the way others might. Not that it's an excuse your mum I'm guessing will always hold on to any false hope of recovery for your brother I take it? I would try and ignore her reletionship with him and maybe say to her you both don't discuss him as it ruins your relationship? We all say hurtful things when upset and she'll know that must be incredibly difficult for you both. I hope your ok, you've booked and paid for the holiday so still go and relax don't entertain anything that's causing you upset it's not worth your energy xxxx

in reply tokat898

Thank you, it just pisses me off when he's bothering her for money I don't want to fall out with her she's my world. How are feeling today is little man doing OK xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

I can imagine it's difficult but try and not get miffed and your mum sooner or later will stop X omg it's been bloody awful 🙁 my neighbours nutcase ex has been round causing trouble so my son's anxiety has been through the roof then he had a temp and was poorly and yday he sat on his hand and now it's all swollen! My spine is still killing me and I feel like giving up tbh it's so stressful. Hope your ok. Feels warmer today so I reckon snow soon! Can't wait till school finishes xxxx

in reply tokat898

Good morning, thanks for the good advice me and mama are talking and the holiday is going ahead as planned x. What an arsehole upsetting your son, some people jus don't have any common decency hope he's alright, don't give up I know it's stressful you just have to keep hold of the inner strength that I know you have xx

Hey u, I'm bk how are you doing xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Hi X hope you had a lovely Christmas? How was your holiday with your mum? How are you keeping? Do you want to add me on FB I'm terrible with emails! I understand if you don't want to💛 xxx

in reply tokat898

Hey u, sorry I didn't get back to you yesterday, yeah I had a brilliant time on holiday. Xmas weren't to bad. How about you and little man, did you have a good Xmas and New year. Xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Aw good glad you did x was it warm? It was stressful tbh he absolutely hates it,went to his grandparents for xmas day and felt miffed off that they didn't tell me they had invited my ex! Kinda ruined it, before iv just split the day no problems so dont no why they did that. New year was fine just watched a film and had pizza he was tucked up in bed early lol. Now if had the most rotten bloody cold must be because I'm getting older! I had physio on xmas eve and last week, he basically said because I barely exercised last year my back isn't as forgiving, bit hard when you've had an op then neck problems! Iv been doing the exercises and looking into acupuncture on my muscle that's causing the neck problems, have you used accupunture? Hope your ok xxx

in reply tokat898

The weather was lovely, I look like a burnt chip. Physio sounds bit of a tit you suffer chronic pain does he/she not realise that doing the exercises can also cause more pain and discomfort it does with me anyway. That's a shame about Xmas why did they put you in position in first place? If you don't talk there's usually a reason why,they should respect that. No I have never had acupuncture, the idea terrifies me but it supposed to be really good xx

kat898 profile image
kat898 in reply to

Yeah I think I its just the usual protocol call, I missed one session because I was sore but they seem to think a more holistic approach is the way forward now. My dr suggested the accupunture and said it would be helpful with the irritating muscle that causes issues with my neck, just dont have the funds for it. Well things got worse, my ex bfs girlfriend showed him something he shouldn't watch and I had to report it, was and still is horrified by what he described to me. Always something isn't there! Hope your ok? Xxx

Hey u, sorry its been a long time, how are you and your little boy. I'm not doing to bad, I'm not doing to great either, isn't life just funny at the moment. xx

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