My situation is that I was receiving 'contribution only' ESA (until Sept 2016) and I have now been awarded PIP until 2019. A friend has said that the PiP 'boosts' the ESA, and that I will continue to receive the ESA until 2019. Other friends have said the ESA is only payable for 1 year. Can anyone tell me which friend is correct?
PiP and ESA. What happens?: My situation is... - Pain Concern
PiP and ESA. What happens?

ESA and PIP are 2 totally different benefits. ESA for chronically sick and disabled people out of work and PIP regardless whether you work or not.
Contribution based ESA can be paid for up to 365 days as long as you are accepted as being incapable of work and are placed in the work-related activity group after the assessment period, which should be the first 13 weeks of your claim. If you are placed in the support group there will be no time limit on how long you can receive contribution based ESA.
Unfortunately with your ESA.... you only qualify for 12 months
Pat x
Hi John you can try to claim esa again as Pat said PIP and ESA are two different types of benefit, it may be too late to continue your original claim it may have to be a new one. As you have had 365 days on contribution based you will only qualify if your income is low enough, PIP payments are not included in the calculation, if you have members of your household who earn money it may stop you qualifying. You could go on the website and complete a what benefits am I entitled to formally online and it will tell you what you can claim for. If awarded ESA you will be put in one of two groups either the WRAG (work related activity group) or the Support group if you are deemed not fit for work, you would probably qualify for the support group depending on why you have been awarded PIP, it's worth applying for it as the worst thing that can happen is you don't qualify.
Good luck hope it works out for you
Regards Sheryl
Hi John
Do you mean you've got ESA until September this year? You say in your post that "I WAS receiving CB ESA.....)
As Paton has said, ESA and PIP are entirely separate from each other and one doesn't guarantee another.
Have you been assessed for ESA as to whether you're in the Support Group or Work Related Group (WRAG)?
Generally people start on contribution based ESA whilst their case is being assessed and then get put into either of the above groups or are found fit for work and get Job Seekers Allowance.
Depending on your income & capital, you then go onto income related ESA (if you've less than £16,000 as a single person) - why is your ESA stopping in September? Or do you have capital over the 16k (I'm not nosing into your financial situation, honest!)
Your friend is correct in saying that Contribution Based can only last a year but during that time the assessments take place to put you in a certain group.
There's another post on here from someone who's CB ended because the DWP didn't get her assessment done in time so after the year it just stopped. It might 've of interest to you to read her post too.
Hi All,
Thanks for your inputs and comments. I now have a better idea of the situation:
1) I was first sent a letter from the DWP, saying the ESA ends in September. But that letter might have referred only to the assessment phase.
2) I received another letter, which talked about getting £30 more a week. This letter didn't mention an end date, or 'the result of assessment', or 'support group'. But I think now it means that the DWP has assessed me and put me in the support group. So, to go by your relies, the benefit will not have a September end date. That's a relief.
That £30 more a week could be in relation to Job Seekers Allowance which means they've put you in the WRAG group. (JSA is something like £73 a week andpeople in the WRAG get £30 more than that).
It's definitely worth checking it out with Jobcentre Plus to be sure!
I may of course be wrong but usually a letter will tell you whichgroup you've been put into and a breakdown of each payment included. If you've just had the initial letter, a formal one should follow ...
Thank you.
The first letter I had read said "The patient meets the eligibility criteria for (ESA) [work related activity group /Support group]" So no help there!
Yes, it's definitely worth checking . I've just phoned DWP, and the lady there confirmed that I'm in the support group.
Esa contribution lasts a year if not in support group. Then it would be income based.
Sorry I did not see other replies I went through all this over the last 6 months
Very good info thanks all