Hello fellow HealthUnlocked members.
I am not sure if any of you have heard of BENEFITS AND WORK... THEIR WEBSITE IS
This is a membership site, about £19.00 for the year and they are very good at giving advice and a blueprint on how to make your application count and be successful. They also give advice on how to prepare for the appeal and it has proven very helpful to a lot of people who have written their success stories.
If you are wondering about getting the right help for claim and read information about what is happening about PIP and the European Union vs Brexit. It is the best forum for this type of information.
I am not affiliated with this forum but I am a member and I am learning how to prepare for my new ESA claim and how to get organised for the medical assessment etc. There is nothing left out of the whole process.
Please take a look and you are going to find it very helpful if you are currently going through a claim.
Please let me know if you find this information helpful.
Jannett G