Hi all. I mentioned the other week that I finally got my pip letter back and they have given me standard rate not enhanced which on dla I was higher rate mobility. Didn't ask why they gave me standard rate incase they took it off me. Thought that was it could relax now. But no letter came yesterday for esa got to fill in form and go through this now and fill out the mammoth questionnaire, too reapply for it. So now got this to stress and worry about. God if the pip form wasn't stressful enough now got this one to stress me about. 🤔😡
Esa: Hi all. I mentioned the other week that I... - Pain Concern

You know these forms will drive a sane person crazy 😜. Now I know what it means when my mother use too say that. Just take a deep breathe in and try to relax. You will get through it.
Good luck.
They wont take it off you so request a reconsideration by letter explaining why you think you are owed it but like me thousands have the same issue and its down to walking distance changes. Various organisations can fill in forms for you like the citizens advice, housing associations welfare branch, charities, turn to us etc for free. Look up turn to us for free help on the net. Statistically you have a good chance at appeal. You do not need lawyers and again you can get help at hearings but as long as you can present your case in a calm clear and honest way you should be ok. The letter you have been sent should explain why you havent got the full amount. a sat nav is not a navigation device apparently even though it may be essential and have the disabled parking package.The biggest pain is not getting full car tax as well as the drop in money. Its a double whammy.
Go to the citizens advice and see if they will fill it in for you.
Hello Debbs. Go to Benefits & work forum, they helped me allot. I have had allot stress myself with PIP. The forum teaches you how to make a Mandatory reconsideration letter to receive the enhanced rate for mobility. For ESA, you can do it by phone, not need necessarily to fill you the forms. Hopefully, you will receive the ESA in the support group if your illness is chronic so, its not needed for other applications in the future.
If I can help you with more information, please ask..
Good luck and health!
I just did my ESA. The form was huge and I dreaded the assessment. ( I had one before, failed it and appealed and won) but thankfully I passed. But now I have been told I have to apply for PIP . And it’s stressing me out!
Hi Pamela. Was that your first time applying for Esa? I'm the other way around. I was on Dla at higher rate but due to Dal being replaced to pip I had to apply for pip even through I was on Dla indefinitely. The form was a nightmare then had face to face assessment thankfully I got awarded it, but only standard rate but also got it for the care side now also. Just when I thought stress was all done and gone I get a letter(booklet), for me to fill in again to carry on getting my Esa I'm just hoping me filling the form out , and I won't need to have a face to face assessment. Take you time when filling out your pip booklet. You can always contact c.a.b, they can help you fill in your firm if u need help.
I been on high rate dla both care and mobility 29 yrs disabled since 17 and won at tribunal I didn’t need attend but took 4 yrs and was backpaid in 1989 over £5k back pay. I’ve been in hospital bed 24/7 12 yrs. I have electric wheelchair transfer but still fall transferring. All my houses flats etc been adapted inc kitchens bathrooms except this one for kitchen. Took 6 yrs adapt garden but didn’t do doorways to get outside leaving me no fire exit with an undesired fire tumble dryer I needed for just 2 of my 17 disabilities I e got through being beaten, thrown on motorways from car being driven down, abducted held hostage strangled , amongst other things in derelict building left for dead after 4.5 days and found only by chance with 8 ft industrial door on top of me. Was on tv documentary called ‘men behaving badly’ about the criminal justice system and what offenders usually known to you husband boyfriend who beating your family in my case my disabled agoraphobic dad and dying mother with cancer who couldn’t go to court and he beat both my sisters their boyfriends killed my dog tried kill my cat I used to hide from him and I used to pray he would die. I’d sleep with knives when he was gone but he’d put his fist through glass of the front door or the window and blood pouring he’d still attack me for him cut and locked out and strangled me pregnant at 7 months and 8 months inc tried kick baby out of my stomach and had boot prints on my stomach, my daughter born with dyspraxia and dyslexia I’ve blamed myself for. When I finally left it was straight after I’d just given birth had a emergency hysterectomy for secondary post partum haemorrhage 24 pints of blood no visitors including him whilst in icu 7 days in which he dumped my baby and 2.5 yr old on my bed and left in temper as he needed go drink himself to death. The hysterectomy I had was planned 4 months after she was born as I had cancer which was forgotten after found nearly 2 yrs before after giving birth to my 2.5 yr old. I was just 22. I moved via police cutting off my whole family as I’d had 24 injunctions even a hospital ward locked with just me my eldest daughter and staff on as he had tried kill me before. The hospital staff and managers came court as he was on injunction but judge let him go despite should gone down. When I moved via police over 200 miles it was the start of worse to come. A very ill baby and a very ill me. Within 3 months I was in hospital and my 2 kids in care. Then it was a battle as I had my second cancer. Social services decided take my kids off me and took 498 others. Mine was in I was more than 25% disabled and in 95 that was legal, other people inc family of 4 siblings, barristers solicitors school teachers and people I knew quite well by then that at least half didn’t deserve to lose their children and we were part of an organisation government funded but they shit the phone kind down that gave legal advice. It also was the highest amount of children ever take by local authority. I was on morphine and my weight plummeted to 5st 4 but accused of eating disorder. My dr keen to prove it wasn’t told them it was narcotic poisoning, but social services so sick they used that. 2 yrs later my kids the other end of the country and not 1 contact missed 3 x a week I created law that got my kids back. Sadly the other 498 kids were adopted. But the physical damage the nerve disease the disabilities the second cancer being breast cancer had all only just started. First Uk double mastectomy all my family dead from 23-42 none survived except me. Disabilities added to all the time and another violent marriage from someone I thought wasn’t as he was a single dad respectable in great job and turned out be just as bad but not a psychopath like first. I claimed pip as I had no choice when they sent the letter. Pip 1 over phone then pip 2 registered and then is sent with clock ticking even though you not physically got it. Then fill it in. Every bit of white on it with extra sheets and letters to houses parliament from dr, hospital consultants but not within six months as they’ve all given up in multi disciplinary team meetings that the dla/pip know as they’ve had those letters and proof and they got all the originals as I can’t photocopy as postwoman takes my post as I only got dr visiting me. My medical done at home by nurse who was already in foul mood because I’d said I was worried she wasn’t qualified in my complex disabilities which most consultants specialised in their field of 25-40 yrs or more had given up as I’ve had the best numerological spinal cancer plastic heart breast gynaecologist physio and every ither kind of consultant since 13. I was told from min she came in shut it, shit up, 1 word answer replies she wanted making me look incompetent and not answering questions truthfully or not to satisfy the rules of pip. Then plunged into a medical I was told by supervisor I wasn’t having. I’d gone from a life award in Dms to this derogatory humiliating piece of crap in front of me being abusive and degrading me. I gave proof 3 x I’m partially sighted inc the dwp officer who collected the evidence and claim form leaving behind 200 paoers that were relevant and particularly 7 reports that proved the recent ot assessment was full of lies. Other professionals visited that same day inc mental health district councillor and more so could prove the ot lied. Plus dr wrote to houses Of P that another OT lied twice in 2016 and hadn’t done any assessments at all and was a campaign on me for reporting a adult social care work manager who allocates the OT’s and was stopping all referrals for care.
I also asked this nurse who doing medical to tell me what she wanted me fuck off and id fuck off it instead of her grabbing parts of my body. She refused and said it doesn’t matter. When someone got dwp says it doesn’t matter and they been talking to you like sh** you know it matters. I pleaded and begged and she refused and typed away and slammed her laptop shut. I asked her was she letting me add the info she said she would let me at the end that she refused on the single word answers to questions. She said too late and walked out slamming door. So I phoned same place medical services and reported her to same supervisor that she was going to report me for not doing a medical but I hadn’t refused. She just wouldn’t tell me what she wanted me to do despite my pleas. Plus she was derogatory and abusive. He said once her report came in he’d make a complaint. Then he went in holiday without telling me and in the mean time her report arrives 2 weeks later stating I did a medical with my head in my chest and neck turns I can’t do with severe restriction in neck and spine with brain and spinal damage and my legs above my head which I can’t even hold my leg a few inches up with my hands or a dr with his withoytcpulling my back out and causing severe pain. She had lied all way through inc me walking 4 metres across my living room floor. I can’t walk let alone 4 metres my living room isn’t and also my the furniture is placed so if I fell in there I could get up off floor as I not been in there for over 8 yrs since I was stuck in there 4 days on floor. The supervisor came back and he reported her. Clear cut case of her lying. But they covered it up. Then the pip decision with 300 pieces of evidence of every nature inc some outstanding pieces of evidence from district councillors who provided personal statements and my dr and kyschiatrist with my depression ptsd that pip have caused to escalate to worse it’s bedn since first disgnosed 20 yrs ago. This is before they’re answering phone saying we are not Dms we are pip. Pip stands for get your own evidence we don’t get it for you. When I asked why forms don’t state that they refuse answer so I reported all this in my extra 40 page statement sent in with another 130 pages of evidence totalling 300 pages end of July. Yet scored 0 on 5 categories that she had consultant full reports on. They couldn’t be arsed to read the overwhelming amount of evidence I got to ensure they didn’t drop it down or I didn’t lose it. They even had that they had made me suicidal with the Nxiety I’d the claim. Now a decision maker last Thursday says I didn’t score in depression and anxiety because I’m not on medication. So I said what’s diazepam for then? I said you had all the meds inc all the sedatives and the 75mg gebtantl oranorph and oxycoxdine Without the rest of the tablets. Theres 54 in dosset and many out of dosset. They awarded my mobility high rate but not my care. I’ve asked for mandatory reconsideration and whilst there’s great advice I’m having terrible trouble getting any help as cab and mind won’t help me as I can’t get into them. Nobody’s suggested or told me of anywhere else I can get help and I got just 2 weeks left. I always appeal and whilst people telling you appeal none have stated if you appeal your whole claim is reviewed and you may lose points on other parts. So if you full award on mobility you may drop that. I was only 1 point away from full points both. After 29 yrs claim line opt 1 are rude derogatory lied for 3 weeks I couldn’t send in more evidence right up to the decision nearly made and I got a stop on it. It could have been made but I got a stop on it. Now I’ve asked for the manadotory but even I partially sighted am worried as I don’t know what I’m doing as this sees different to dla. I can’t find the rules on pip. Can someone advice where to find as its problem with eye sight so need best advice and directions to specifically where it is on the dwp please?
No , I had been awarded both ESA and DLA Indefinitely. So was surprised after years to have to reapply. I get DLA at the highest rate and the Care component. I always go online to get tips on filling in the forms as well as keeping a copy of everything. I hope it goes well , but am prepared to fight if not!
That was me on it indefinitely so to surprised. There is some good info on these sites an other one's that I'm on. I photocopy everything that I send them even down to the booklet itself, then at least that way nobody can say I wrote something I didn't. I'm sure they do this just to stress us out. We joined a forum for a small amount of money on line that gave us some very useful helpful info oon filling the forms out which helped massively.
Hi I recently had to go through the horrific experience ever changing from DLA to PIP had face to face assessment really thought I was going to lose my mind I'm still suffering anxiety attacks about it haven't been given a decision yet!! the whole experience made it feel like I was cheating in an exam even thought I was totally honest about my condition I only got through it with the help of my daughter. Didn't realise there's sites you can go on for help with filling in any forms. All I can say to anyone who has to go through this ordeal get all the help you can and I hope everyone gets through without losing their mind and gets the best outcome from the decision makers, I honestly don't think I could go through an appeal so.good fortune to you all xxx
Hi Debbs, I went through this slow shoe shuffle several years ago and for me I found that down loading the forms from the internet and filling them in and then saving a copy worked out best so you can remember what you answered from one form to the next when I applied for PIP a guy came round to assess me as walking is difficult for me when he arrived he opened his laptop and that was it he never looked at me from then on when the result came it stated I was not entitled to anything I called them up and asked what was going on as his answers were nothing like what the replies were that I gave him the woman on the phone said that they have no choice but to go off what he had put down I said that I wanted to appeal the decision and said I would send in evidence with a video recording of the interview from my cctv system to prove that he told a pile of lies and just made up the answers she said that she would try to get me another interview and so I then had to go threw it all again but the girl that came was very nice and actually listened to my replies I went from zero points to standard rate for care and higher rate for mobility and did not have to do another for 10 years when you do the interview if your disability can change from a good day to a bad day which is the same as most of us always give the reply for your worse day never for any good days you have or they will always take your best days as normal and you will then lose out on what you are entitled to, if you cannot walk over 5 yards without pain then you cannot go to them for a interview insist on a home interview as they will just say you managed to get in to them and you then lose out again they will try their best to give you nothing no matter what you are entitled to.
good luck in you claim.
Regards Poppy Ann.
Best of luck to you all who have to endure this awful situation .
I have had to go through it so many times I keep my medical records at home , then just ask my gp surgery for any updates since whatever date the file is up to .
One thing t bear in mind ....
If you go to appeal , beware the dates of submissions to them.
After a certain date before the hearing no new evidence is allowed to be submitted !
That’s for both sides though as were talk8ng law here in the civil practice not criminal law so they cpu,d try everything from not having a representative of the DWp turn up at the hearing , or a non medically trained expert assess your case .
Once at a asses,ent centre in Truro the swines made me strip to my u derwaer to ensure the entry and exit scars matched the alleged amount of surgical procedures .
The appeal brought this to light as against human rights so they lost their case period for breaking the jurisdiction code they’re bound by at appeals for misconduct .
Please please don’t panic though about mental health being questioned !!!
I had to be assessed on this as the Home Office refuse me an appeal to regain my driving license .
It now goes favourably for me in that I’m co soldered to have “ altered states of cognitive ability “ due to high medication every few hours every day , and as such , they had to allow a representative to accompany and answer for me when I couldn’t think of answers to why certain discrepancies appeared between my written application and my an swrs when pressured into a corner at the time of appeal or assess,ents .
The great thing if there is such a thing , is there’s a medical expert examiner present too , and mine spoke up for me agains the idiot they had from the DWP.
She reminded the decision makeer why I was there .
The fact I can’t cope with stress , without it making my learning. Difficulties worse was duly noted and not the problem o expected it to be assuming I wouldn’t make a very good account t for myself .
It worked the opposite way !
The fact I broke down in tears didn’t go against me after all.
Nor did not being able t remain calm when all my buttons were continually pressed and I got upset with the cheeky arrogance of the DWp representative.
I felt ashamed at telling the, to keep their bloody money and walking out on one occasion , struggle though it was in all honesty , but that ,ad the decision makeer refer to my own gp for the final word and he confirmed that , after 5 damaged vertebrae in 1992 , the collapse of three discs in the meantime , leading to being admitted for four strokes which weren’t actually strokes but my spinal cord swelling g and causing brain damage were facts that DID make a difference to the outcome .
That info wouldn’t have been made possible to submit so close to the hearing date , so please don’t loose hope , even in what see,s the worst case scenario , when we’re not actually attempting to commit fraudulent claims , the deeper they dig the more honest truths they u cover that , given half a cha very the assessors for the forms in the first p,ace would rather hide from the records .
I’m certainly wouldn’t advocate what I did in response to one form filling session but the outcome is enlightening .
I crossed out every page u TIL the “extra info”box .
I don’t remember wroting it I’m afraid , but I put something al9g the lines of :
If you need the money moe than I do , keep it ! I refuse to degrade myself any further by refilling in what I have to endure on a daily basis so please take ,y word or cancel my benefits . I give in .
Several weeks later my gp made an app in,ent to see me .
He said he’d had a letter from the DWP and I wouldn’t hear anymore about it .
They’d sent him the copy of what I wrote and questioned my mental health .
He replied kindly informing them that when someone suffering constant pain , having to go cap on hand for financial help is cornered when they simply wish their illnesses or injuries could be cured , is pushed to their limits , it’s a perfectly rational reaction to lash out emotionally distraught .
I never forge that appoint,ent , it made me realise that the deeper they dig the more truth they can find and nothing more .
I wish you all the very best and the least suffering whilst trying to keep,the help,that helps keep you go8 g .
Remember one thing ,
If it’s this hard to get a bit of the fu ding Available for those of us in need of help financially for being unable to work any,ore , at least its more like
Y to dissuade the scammers and fraudsters who will , given any chance , further reduc the pot,of income we ourselves rely on.
Take care , best wishes
Mark x
Hi I’m really saddened and sorry to hear what they put you through and how degrading that was for you. I think it’s shameful behaviour and I’ve found myself recently when the visiting officers were phoning to come out for evidence and didn’t believe e I was having major surgery the next day and kept phoning my phone whilst I was in theatre then recovery then back and became seriously ill as some stupid idiot put micropore tape on my arm under the gown and I went into an anaphylaxis. Yet we had avoided all the other allergies to latex stitches lint cotton wool plasters and a those type as I can only use a cling film type called taegaderm But the pip visiting lot still didn’t believe I was in hospital so when I finally answered and said I wouldn’t be home the next day as they had keep me in he demanded the ward and hospital number. Then it was the beast from the east. Then I heard them on the phone calling me a benefit scrounged and ridiculing 1 of my very very personal disabilities that she had on loud speaker and the whole office was laughing. I then put her and all them listening in their place telling her I’m no benefit scrounged as I nursed all 16 of my family at home until they died saving the nhs even with all my disabilities and now there’s no one left for me and I couldn’t do it now. That I also had started doing law twice and was very good at it and wanted to have a career and I feel angry that things forced me to quit. Namely a kEdophile Ealing my daughter was readin I had quit my law studies which I tried maintain doing at home for 9 months and take her to tutorials collect work then come back and passed all my first year exams I was angry I had give it up as I had fivesane course up 5 yrs before with serious pneuminie I was in icu 4 months with. So I’d much rather have the career I wanted and would have loved and I’ve shed some big companies and I had my own business at one point in interior design which I was very good at whilst studying law. I reported them straight away. I just had it again though last Thursday registering the mandatory and speaking to a decision maker who didn’t judge my case and whose guessing and already dismissing evidence I’m currently getting that was supplied in Drs and consultants letter but they didn’t bother reading.
What’s upsetting about yours is the humiliation and the serious injuries you’ve had yet they still pursued you like a pack of dogs after a Fox. I find that very disturbing. Ive been there but not on that scale. I’ve bedn there in that scale with the dla tribunal and the cica twice both for myself and separately for totally different thing for my daughter and there wasn’t any level they wouldn’t sink to. But just over 4 yrs battling hers it was increased to 4.5 x the initial offer. My own wasn’t just awRded high rate but backpaid 5 yrs. it’s all about determination and not letting the b*st*rds get you down which is easier said than done when your already suicidal and severely depressed and have severe anxiety and ptsd.
I’m just so sorry yet so happy that you continued with your claim and showed them up to be the complete inhuman people they are. Anyone reading your story which stands head and shoulders above others I’ve read would be really touched and would be thinking about you even if they didn’t write to you. I just had to as I think we share 1 thing in common and that’s we are fighters. I won’t let anyone get the better of me and whilst I’ve warned people you risk losing points and pints means money in other areas of the decision I’f you appeal. I’ve wrote warning people. It’s worrying me but I was 1 point away from a full award and there was 1 report not in at the time of the decision.
I’m glad you won but I’m so sorry for what you been through. It really flattens you and they take all your energy and if you have illnesses like I do with aiuto immune and anxiety and stress make my conditions worse and more painful and I have rarer forms of them, then dwp pip really does make you ill.
I hope you are happy with your decision and are managing ok. You sound like a really honest nice person and unfortunately recent programme which I’ve expressed to pip and esa before I resent as because the few idiots who make them end up losing their own benefits but also are causing the reforms and getting benefits taken away for the real genuine people who do deserve them.
Void luck and take care.