Just a quick question to anyone on ESA. I got a text today saying i had been awarded ESA on my phone how long does it normally take till assessment is done and do you get paid straight away when you get awarded ESA on the lesser amount till assessed . Thanks in Advance Poohbear
ESA: Just a quick question to anyone on ESA. I... - Pain Concern

Bit onfused!
If you have ben awarded ESA then you have already submitted tour forms. YES?
Not everyone gets a face to face assessment.
What did the message say? Normally you get a letter from DWP telling you whether you are in EA WRAG, where you will be required to return to work, or ESA Support where you should be left alone.
The basic amount of money you receive is the same for both groups - about £72 with additional depending which group.
So you can see why I am confused!
If you can tell me about the forms you filled in etc I may be able to help a bit more.
Pat x
I filled in the standard application for ESA form sent it by post then i received a text saying that. Your Employment Support Allowance has been awarded we will confirm this by letter. I received text yesterday and i have never claimed ESA so i don't know the process or what to expect. Thanks for reply Best Wishes Poohbear
If the text states you have been awarded ESA - sounds like you completed the forms and returned them and no need for a medical. I've never had a medical/assessment.
Did the text say which group you are in? ESA Work Group or ESA Support. Huge difference between the two.
ESA - you get the same basic as JSA plus additional money. Also this is different again if you live alone or with a partner/family etc.
I live alone and also receive PIP. On ESA Support I get additional Severe Disability Premium as well.
Back to your question, you continue to get paid, just extra.
Also if you are income related it will be on going but if it is contribution and is not support group this will end in 365 days from claim date.
Be well
A word of warning. Let me know when confirmation arrives of which group pf ESA you have been awarded.
People do NOT reaslise there are 2 groups. You need to be in the SUPPORT where you will be left alone with no reassessments and harrasment to work.
I don't want to ,ake it sound complicated but it can be scarey.
Just post a note saying what you have ben awarded - all here to help and support each other.
Pat x
Thanks pat will do that when letter arrives just hope they have not put me in work group as i can hardly walk let alone go to groups to go to work. As if i could work i would as i can earn more working and prefer to work but the reason i applied in the first place is i cant work as my mobility is shot to bits. I am just waiting for MRI at the moment i just hope it is not to bad and can get better thank you again for the support it means a lot. Best Wishes Poohbear'
No face to face is always good sign. I went straight to support after filling in fowm.
Everything crossed for scan = or the bits that can be crossed!!
Pat x
Thanks Pat for just being there for me it just goes to show there is still kind caring and genuine people out there. For a long time i was beginning to wonder its people like you that have helped me at probably the lowest point in my life i have been so scared of loosing my mobility and everything i have worked so hard for. So just to get the support and advice means a lot. I hope you are doing OK and feeling better it all ways seems in life that it is the good people that suffer. Best Wishes Poohbear'