hi ladies, I haven’t posted for ages but check in on you all regularly. My story, urg!! Diagnosed stage 4 in June 2017, removed left ovary and Fallopian tube along with omentum and part of bowel then had six sessions of carbo and taxol then on avastin infusions.. Recovered well but reoccurred 12 months later so more carbo and taxol for six sessions and then on niraparib. I tolerated this really well for 3 years but then got really poorly, rushes into hospital and brain tumour found. I was put on cistaplatin chemo, six sessions, and now, five months after cistoplatin they tell me the tumour is a solid mass in the celebremum! Two weeks ago. Options to be explored by onc team, cyber knife, radiation, surgery but today told none will be possible, so discussed full brain radiation but I asked if I could have 2nd option at Christie’s. Anything else I could do?. Keep well ladies, keep putting foot forward and if you fall down 3 times, get up 4 . Regards and blessings, Joanie
brain spread: hi ladies, I haven’t posted for... - My Ovacome
brain spread

- Cancer and tumours
- Chemotherapy
- Taxol
- Intestinal and stomach conditions
- Stereotactic Radiosurgery
- Avastin
Hi Joanie12, definitely go for a second opinion is my view.
You have absolutely nothing to loose and everything to gain as if the brilliant team at Christies give the same treatment recommendation, you can feel reassured that this is your way forward...and focus on finding the detail to enable you to face the outcome. I do hope I don't sound 'hard' but having the courage to ask for a second opinion in my recurrence in 2013 and then 'take the plunge' saved my life. Once you've heard what Chrtistie team have to say, if it is different from your current team, the decision is yours.
Warmest wishes and beaming out positive vibes. x
Yes Joanie12. Information is crucial to you receiving the best care.
I hope you can feel comfortable and rested this weekend while you wait.
Best wishes for a clear path ahead.
F x
I’m gutted for you and hope that something comes your way to help. I agree with what others have written and that is that you would lose nothing by having a second opinion but stand to gain so much. Cyber knife is so accurate and precise so I wonder if a bigger centre might agree to it. It’s less invasive too. I’m sending my love and best wishes honey . Let us know how you get on ❤️ xxx
I agree with lesleysage on the 2nd opinion, it could be the lifesaver! Sending you a big Cwtch X 🫂
Hi Joanne,Poor you, what a lot you've been through. And this is such a viral decision I think you are very wise to go for a second opinion.
Hope it gives you more options.
Best wishes to you,
Martine xxx
Best of luck and prayers to you🙏🙏🙏
hi ladies thank you so much for your words of support, I’ll know more a week on Monday so I’ll let you know the outcome. Keep well and enjoy coronation if you are into it !! Regards xx
thank you xx
Blessing you with love, prayers and hope Lx
I have don’t experience on that surgery but it very much sounds like a second opinion would sensible. Katy 🙏
Hi joanie12, I hope you get a second opinion and you get some positive news. Sending you love and 🙏. Let us all know how you get on. ♥.
I am so sorry to hear this news. I hope everything turns out well for you but I hear amazing things with the cyber knife
Thinking of you and all that you have shared. Wishing you the very best of help and treatments. Sending love xx
yes, definitely get a 2nd opinion. No doctor in my experience resents that-especially when it’s a life threatening issue. Reassurance is all, remember how big a part your outlook & confidence plays in recovery. Having faith in the right treatment will help enormously
Much much good fortune going forward
Get that 2nd opinion, and if you don’t understand anything ask questions. Challenge anything that does not seem logical. Then make your decision knowing you did everything you could to get the best treatment and outcome. In the meantime treat yourself kindly. X
Second opinion, definitely! It can't hurt and will probably help, even if only by giving you another option to consider. Best case scenario, you'll have an improved prognosis, maybe even a potential remission. Go for it! Sending hugs!