My sister went into hospital last night as she wouldn’t stop bleeding from her nose. She is getting a blood transfusion for very low playlets and antibiotics for infection. I just wonder if this can turn around as she looks awful and keeps saying she can’t go on.
My sister: My sister went into hospital last... - My Ovacome
My sister

Personally, I wish you could get her admitted to hospital for stabilisation via IV fluids and nutrition.
When I could not eat or drink because of the cancer and the nausea from the treatment AND the ascites, where the fluid presses against one's esophogas and stomach, so there is no room for anything, I was offered a hospital stay and it saved me so I be strong enough and could have the next Chemo, which destroyed enough if the cancer, that the awful pleural effusion and the ascites drained away by itself!
I spent 7 days inside with constant IV fluids and a blood transfusion.
I was so relieved after that.
And all is well now.
Remember to stay calm, be knowledgeable and talk to the doctor from a strong, firm, but polite grounding
Good luck to you and your sister.
Hi Steph.
It's as bad for you to see your sister suffering as it is for your sister but you are her eyes and ears right now so don't be afraid to speak up. Doctors often don't bother telling the patient much when they can see they are in difficulties. I've been in two rather nasty places on the chemo - rushed off to hospital once with my heart struggling to keep me alive - but I made it through as our bodies are really tough. I looked like something from a concentration camp at one point and couldn't even keep water down. Was losing a kilo a day in weight. But now everyone is saying how well I look. It takes time but she's in good hands but you must get the attention of the medical staff and even though they have to stop what they are doing and spare you the time to explain, you need to know for your sister. Don't lose your temper as you'll be ignored.
I'm sure your sister will get stronger. My platelets were so low that they stopped chemo and I used to sit with a bowl and tissues as my nose bled for about 20 minutes a time, 3 or 4 times a day. I slept on a folded towel as I woke up each morning looking like road kill.
Thank goodness your sister has you. Fingers crossed and sending love and hugs to you both. Kryssy xxxx
They should be able to stabilise her so she can be rehydrated and given nutrition intravenously, so she can cope with the chemo which will ultimately help.
Find out as much as you can from her medical team so you can relay this to your sister, slowly if necessary. You've had two replies already from members who have been in the same situation, so do let her know what they say so she knows that she will get through this.
All the best, it's a very stressful time for you both!
Hi, I think hospital is the best place for her now she needs the antibiotics and when she has the blood transfusions that will make her feel better, I would see if she could stay in hospital she needs to get her strength up so she can start her treatment, once she starts hopefully she will find her will to to continue.
Take care of her and yourself Lorraine xx
Thanks for all your kind words. My sister is staying put in hospital for now. Her bleeding nose has now stopped and she had a transfusion of platelets. I’ve also asked for her to have something done about nutrition and I insisted they do an ultrasound scan which they did today. She is still tired and nauseous but hopefully we will get help now. I am exhausted but I feel I did all I could today.
Not for now, but once your Sister is out of hospital and feeling better, do investigate paw-paw, both the fruit and / or a tea made from the leaves. A number of us have used this to help our platelets not drop too far. You can search on here and also google. Quite why or how it works I don't know but it seems to.
I can understand you are exhausted. It is important to look after yourself as well. It's very difficult being in this situation when you don't understand what is happening and what to do for the best.
Sleep well, knowing your Sister is in hospital and being cared for.
All the best!
you do feel awful if you need a blood me...see how she is after it...fingers crossed for both of you Chris xxxxx
she will feel better after a blood me...she will feel awful now....give it a go for both of you... love C xxx
Nothing to compare with your sister I know, but I had a saline transfusion when I was very dehydrated (on chemo) and I literally felt myself coming back to life!! It's amazing how much better she will feel. Hugs 🌸
I haven't really posted to this site but have followed a lot of the ladies here and learned a lot of great information. I have to's a wonderful support group...thank you to all.
I struggled with a serious nose bleed a few times in the last few months and it's awful. I ended up in the hospital twice. Once you receive IV fluids and a blood transfusion you feel so much better.
The Doctors suggested a daily saline nose rinse and using a nose gel to try to keep the nose bleeds away. So far this has helped.
I hope your sister feels better soon.