I'm waiting to have a restaging scan before my next lot of chemo on the 30th. Had to stop it before Xmas as blood levels too low. I'm due to have Carboplatin only. My ca125 has gone up to 175 from in the 30s . I doubt I'll get my restaging scan before the 30th . Last night in bed under my arms were hurting a bit this morning I got my hubby to feel and there is a definate lump in my armpit. Have a sinking feeling inside. I'm always on high alert these days. Felt really happy and positive this week then to get slapped down . Bit fed up . Sorry I'm moaning but I'd so enjoy a time with no worries. But I know none of us get that . Can the chemo get rid of a nasser under the arm in the lymph nodes? I'm absolutely terrified it'll go I to my breast. x
Gutted...: I'm waiting to have a restaging scan... - My Ovacome

Hi Ricky I am really sorry to hear this, If I could suggest you get on to your CNS monday morning or gynae liason nurse and get the ct scan brought forward to as soon as possible and explain your concern and tell her about the lump. It may have nothing to do with anything you could have an infection but the fact its there merits a faster scan and consultation, Try not worry I know that is easy for me to say when you must be upset. Look at worst there will be a treatment plan for you and remember that, and hope has to be maintained.

I saw Oncologist Tuesday and told him he said we need to get restaging scan done before the chemo on 30th he didn't seem worried but when I told him I said I thought I had a lump but it is a lump hubby felt it for sure today. I just desperately want to restart my Chemo. I actually don't have a nurse or anyone to contact just the hospital. I don't get any support the way other ladies seem to with a nurse. Just have the oncologist Thank you for replying very grateful x
Gosh hun I'm so sorry to hear this. I'd agree with suzuki & see if you can speak with you CNS and bring your Scan forwards in light of the lump you have found. Can't offer anything else other than a huge virtual ((hug)) & my thoughts and prayers. Jemima xx
You can also get swelling under your arms when you are under the weather. I would definitely call your team for advice it may be unrelated
LA xx
Very good advise from the previous replies. I have been sick before and the lymph nodes under my are have gotten huge. Since your WBC's have been low you may be fighting something else at the moment. Call your team and at least know what your are dealing with. hopefully it is something else to put your mind at rest. Keep us posted.
Hi Ricky
I think the other ladies are right you need some support with this...if there isn't a CNS maybe go back to your GP and explain how worried you are and see if they can find a CNS or Macmillan nurse for you or even negotiate with the hospital on your behalf..don't be too polite..sometimes you need to have a meltdown in front of someone so that they can see how worried you are.
Lots of love Lyndy xx
I am going to call Macmillan tomorrow. Thank you everyone yet again for amazing support. I was up most of the night in tears xxxx
Hello. Quick answer to your question is yes. I had a node under my armpit which I could feel and much higher CA 125 and chemo got rid of it. I hope the treatment goes well for you.
Scan booked for this Wednesday . Thank goodness I think.... Terrified of results more so than any other time.