Hello Ladies
I am 3 week after my first carbo/caelyx. Still in bad form and next chemo is Thursday the 1st.
I see my doctor every week now. I'm just back from hospital now. My blood tests weren't great. White cells were on quite dangerous level, and doctor sad I'm lucky I didn't get any bad infection. She has changed my neulasta single shot into 12!!! shots given for 12 days between each chemo 😭
But that's not the worse thing. I found 2 days ago a little lump next to my belly button. I was hoping that could be scaring from surgery, even I didn't feel it before, and I'm sure it wasn't there. Doctor confirmed it's a cancer, and is present on my ct scan done back in September. Was very small at that time, so no one has noticed it on ct. So my further treatment is not sure now. I will get second round of chemo next week and then ct scan at the end of December. And then doctor will decide what we do next. Anyone else has experience with that kind of situation?
Also even bloating improved I have a pain in my stomach. I feel like cancer is there as well. Doctor says the stomach is irritated by caelyx and steroids. She gave me more tablets to protect stomach. Anyone else had a stomach pain on carbo/caelyx.
What other surprises are waiting for me. I'm so upset and devastated.
Janeta xx