Hi all, I've had a very interesting week yesterday had a meeting with a research coordinator for genetic testing on my tumor very informative. She said their hoping to improve the outcome for women with ovarian cancer by tailoring treatments to suite the individual based on their characteristics of the cancer cells. I signed up as this could help me in the future with more options.
My other update is about Caelyx as maintenance I still have one more Carb/Caelyx to go and then will go on maintenance Caelyx .
Caelyx seems to be the best chemo FOR ME, I will have had 12 treatment when I finished next week, the first treatment was 3rd line single Caelyx for 6 treatment and was quite hard with most side effects but I manage the whole 6.
I had a break but my history is as soon as I stop chemo my 125 goes up so after my break, the next treatment was a sister chemo of taxol this did not help at all, after only 5 treatment my 125 jump up to 1300 so my oncologist put me on Carbo/ Caelyx with great results in 4 treatment it's down to 106 I have two more blood results to see before going on maintenance.
Before I decided if this would be suitable for me my oncologist sent me for a second opinion with one of our top prof of oncology at our largest womens hospital, he is the head of oncology so this help my oncologist Amanda to agree as she said he is one of the top prof here and overseas.
He just come back from US conference on ovarian cancer so I"m really interested in talking to him in the near future.
He advice Amanda that he have ladies on Maintenance Caelyx from 1 year to 18 month with no problems it will be a reduced dose I'm not sure yet what.
I don't have too many option Carbo/ Caelyx was my 5 line treatment in 3 years so I'm glad Amanda has agreed, I have so much respect for her she has kepted me alive for the last 3 years and I know she will keep a close eye on me. When I was diagnose my family was told I would not see the year out.
One last thing ladies never take NO always ask questions and have a second or 3rd opinions. Sadly I think a lot of oncologist are still finding their way in this treatment .
My heart felt best wishes to you all Lorraine 💙💙