I have had OC for nearly three years. Have undergone all the normal stuff and chemo. In first year good response then operation then two ore cycles of Carbo taxol. After only four months cancer on the move again. More chemo. Six cycles of gem Carbo. No great response and cancer still on move. Changed consultants and went on myocet and Avastin. (Caelyx out of production at time so similar drug. Anyway partial response. Stopped Myocet but continued with Avastin alone. This held most of the cancer except a nasty one in the pouch of Douglas. This was removed successfully 3 weeks ago however my cancer elsewhere has started again due to the Avastin stopping I assume. Had to stop for surgery as it can interfere with wound healing. Has anyone stopped Avastin and then restarted it with any success. I am really worried and feel my options are running out. Any one help
Avastin: I have had OC for nearly three years... - My Ovacome

Sorry, I have no experience of Avastin, so I cannot help. My only suggestion is that you post the same question - addressed to members only, on the US Inspire site.
You will have to join but it's quick and easy. You'll find many more women with experience of Avastin on this site. I hope this helps.
I know that I cannot offer specific advice on effect of stopping ad starting Avastin and I do not have any other friends in my support group that this has happened to.
Sounds like you need to ask to get back on Avastin as soon as the team looking after you think it is safe to use. It still has to be an option, the one other thing I have heard of is people not responding to Avastin are beng given Tamoxifen, not sure how successfull this is as not been able to catch up with the one friend that is on it, although I will most probably see her on Friday. I am being treated along with friends at St James's in Leeds so that you know about where tamoxifen is beng prescribed. This is not a complete picture I know but this is as much info I have to hand at the moment.
I am thinking of you and good luck with recovery and getting back on the Avastin.
Love Wendy xx
Thanks so much for taking the time to write. I am fairly new to this and have not asked a question before but I have to say that it is most encouraging to get a reply so many thanks for that.
I did see my oncologist last night and he is putting me back on my first line treatment Carbo taxol as I have not used it for over a year and he thinks it may still respond to that after a break. He is going to try to get funding from the insurance company for Avastin but because of the huge cost and the fact that I came off it thinks I may not be successful. If I knew it would work again I would try and find the money myself but it seems such a waste if we are not certain of its usefulness after a break. My insurance company were paying about £4800 a shot! That is every three weeks.
Again thanks for your reply.