Hi. I am a regular visitor to this forum,but one of those quiet ones that gains inspiration from your posts and makes a silent prayer for all of you. My mom was diagnosed with stage 3c/4 serous ovarian cancer in March 2016. She had 3 cycles of chemo and a radical debunking surgery last month. She is now completing her final 3 cycles of taxol/carboplatinum but her doctors have advised 18 months of Avastin as a continuing treatment.
I am a little confused as I thought Avastin was 2nd line treatment which is offered if the cancer returns. What could this mean for mum? Has anyone had this continued treatment and what were the results?
I live in America and mum is in London. I just want to pack my bags and move back to London. It has been a roller coaster of a ride. I want my kids to spend time with her because I don't know what's ahead 😔.