I have been treated for acid reflux for several years but over the last two years I have had bouts of severe pain resulting in emergency admission to A & E - pain so severe that all the morphine the paramedics could give me only dulled it. after several hours it does go but none of the doctors could give me a diagnosis. After a blood test showed a really low blood count my GP sent me for a gastroscopy and a colonoscopy as well as to ENT for some quite bad nose bleeds. The gastroscopy resulted in a diagnosis of Gastritis and I would love to know if anyone has found any successful treatment. I was found to have some polyps but it was not felt these were any contribution to the pain or the blood count. Previously the pain had been put down to constipation but I now take a maintenance dose of 2 Cosmocol sachets a day. I have not had the result of the colonoscopy yet but they did find several polyps which they removed.
have acid reflux and now Gastritis - Acid Reflux Support
have acid reflux and now Gastritis

Gastritis is very bad pain and no amount of pain killer can actually help because of the location. and if excess pain killer used the root cause damage of gastritis continues. Rather in gastritis NSAIDS (non steroidal anti inflammatary drugs) are to be stricty avoided, examples are Ibuprofen, Aspirin etc.
Morphine is the strogest form of pain killer and has to be vigilantly administered.
There are standard protocols for the Gastritis and your GP sould advise you for treatment.
Believe you have been checked for H Pylori bacterial infection, its a simple breathe test.
Polpys are normal during the life. Only when they are malignant as tested in the laboratory then it becomes the issue. Its standard protocol to take biopsy samples of these polpys during gastrocopies in the UK. Please do not be alarmed.
You may be already on the PPI such as omeprezole or alike?
Gastritis is treatable and common. Watch out your lifestyle, diet, mental health. Also visit opa.org.uk to adopt the advice offered to acid reflux management, which is applicable to you to proactively reduce episodes of Gastritis happening which may be triggered by your input.
Thank you. I cannot take NSAID due to asthma I only take paracetamol and Buscopan. As I have peripheral neuropathy I wear a 7 day patch Butec for pain relief, I am on Lanzoprazole and have been for ages - I was referred for an operation due to acid reflux but I really did not want th is operation so I decided not to go for it at present. I dont smoke or drink and have quite a bland diet all homecooked. Once I have the result of my colonoscopy I will make an appointment to see my GP. I am grateful for your reassurances and kind advice.
Also see article on the OPA about "Is surgery right for you?"opa.org.uk/is-surgery-right...
Yours is a complex history and not an easy one to direct. I beleive there must be strong reasons for you to get a surgery referral. Please note that there are many many instances where patients have been referred for surgery very late or not given a chance in patients like my case.