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Acid Reflux Advice

Bassem1979 profile image
24 Replies


I am new hear looking for advice I have suffered mild reflux for quite a few years been on Lanzoprozole 15mg for around 6 years had a small break in that time.

however over the last few weeks It started with discomfort in my sternum area and then last week severe sternum pain, back pain, burning in my chest and throat, mild cough and some breathlessness. Some of the symptoms have eased but not all, I saw the GP yesterday and she said increase Lanzoprozole to 30mg, gaviscon and windezze for my bloating, gas’s ness and burping.

she took some bloods and was meant to call me back today with a plan but didn’t.

I don’t understand why this has just happened and making me worry (health anxiety).

I thought I would be going back to normal by now as I need to return to work in 2 days but am so uncomfortable and pain.

Any advice


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Bassem1979 profile image
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24 Replies
Washington1 profile image

Hi. Sorry to hear you're having a rough time. It may be worth asking your doctor if there is a possibility you have low stomach acid (which can produce the same symptoms as high acid).I've read that taking PPI's long term can result in low acid.

I have gastritis and severe gerd at the moment and am drinking ginger tea once or twice a day, drinking lots of filtered or bottled water, taking very good probiotics and sticking to a bland diet. My symptoms are improving slowly.

Have you thought about going to see a nutritionist at all? That's something I plan to do soon.

I don't think you're meant to be on PPI's long term, so worth thinking about alternatives. Request a vitamin b12 blood test as the PPI's can deplete your stores. Also ask about any possible infection, which low acid can lead to.

I think it's worth keeping a food diary for a while to see if certain foods cause you problems. I can't eat tomatoes, chocolate and many other things atm.

I wouldn't worry too much if your GP didn't call you back on the specified day. There may have been an emergency or something else to deal with. I'd call the surgery today though, so that you don't spend the weekend worrying. I had an endoscopy recently and fretted about that, but it was a very simple and painless procedure and that's how I had the gastritis confirmation.

It's definitely worth looking up gut health and working on getting your gut happy and healthy. That's what I'm in the middle of doing.

I don't know how old you are, but hormones can also come into play with digestive issues.

I understand well the difficulty in not being well enough to go back to work. I would take things one day at a time. Maybe worth giving your work place a call today to explain you are in difficulty, that you hope to be better in the next couple of days, but that you are in pain and concerned atm. It will at least give them the heads up and keeps communication going.

It's worth remembering that the body is good at healing and much of the time a few changes over a number of months can vastly change your health.

I pray you get well soon.

Bassem1979 profile image
Bassem1979 in reply to Washington1


Am 44 and peri menopause had a hysterectomy 14mths ago.

Thank you for your advice I have become more concerned as I didn’t realise I had been on the PPi for so long and I know this can cause issues too.

I did have my bloods taken but she didn’t say what she was checking.

I want to come off the PPi’s if I can.

Thank you

Pinkcatfairy profile image
Pinkcatfairy in reply to Bassem1979

When I entered menopause I had gastitis, the whole hormone thing messes with your digestion,my friend since menopause suffers acid reflux a lot and never did before .

Eton profile image
Eton in reply to Pinkcatfairy

Hi I am similar. Gastric problems all began at menopause. Have you found a solution?

Pinkcatfairy profile image
Pinkcatfairy in reply to Eton

The digestive problems did eventually settle in time, there was a stage certain foods would affect me but that was for a short time. Wine would give me hot flushes (thankfully again that was a short space of time) with the gastitis it was treated with ppi's which took a while to clear it .

Eton profile image
Eton in reply to Pinkcatfairy

Thank you for your reply. Did you just take Ppis for a short while or do you still use them? I have osteoporosis so would prefer not to take Ppis long term.

Pinkcatfairy profile image
Pinkcatfairy in reply to Eton

No it was for a short while and not long term but I am currently on them for reflux , hopefully not for long, it is eight years since menopause so I have had a gap before having digestive issues again!

Eton profile image
Eton in reply to Pinkcatfairy

Thank you Pinkcatfairy. I hope your reflux resolves. I’ve given up getting a solution.

Pinkcatfairy profile image
Pinkcatfairy in reply to Eton

Some days I think it is ok and then I get symptoms again! Currently doing the IQoro,on week five .

Eton profile image
Eton in reply to Pinkcatfairy

Hi I'm doing Iqoro too. I think it's helping the reflux but it's still have gastritis and indigestion despite a very bland diet. I eat mainly porridge, oatcakes, bananas, plain chicken, steamed veg and potatoes. No spices at all. No alcohol and only decaf tea.

Pinkcatfairy profile image
Pinkcatfairy in reply to Eton

Oh are you ? Yes I think it is helping too, I am still on high dose Lansoprazole, I have been fairly strict but sometimes perhaps not eating right foods and I feel it mainly in neck ,pressure around ear and feels like perhaps post natal drip nose ,all on right side. I just feel like it is clearing and then I get symptoms again . The phelgm build up seems to have subsided but until I'm off tablets I won't get my hopes up .

Eton profile image
Eton in reply to Pinkcatfairy

I have a very poorly regulated thyroid which went unmediated for many years and I really believe this is a factor in my health problems. But I live in hope…

Pinkcatfairy profile image
Pinkcatfairy in reply to Eton

Oh that's unfortunate, I hope your gastitis and indigestion improves , I had gastitis some years ago it was awful , anything to do with digestion is awful when there are problems

Sees profile image
Sees in reply to Pinkcatfairy

Hi. Do you have a hoarse voice as well? Sounds like silent reflux you are experiencing. It will help if you sleep propped up 6-8inches and on your left side.

Pinkcatfairy profile image
Pinkcatfairy in reply to Sees

No hoarse voice just throat clearing and throat discomfort

Pinkcatfairy profile image
Pinkcatfairy in reply to Eton

I hope your issues resolve soon,hang in there menopause can throw a lot at us women ,I had probably most symptoms going but they did pass eventually!

ParkSchool5 profile image

Hi, sorry to hear about your ongoing discomfort. I have Gastritis and Hiatus hernia and have been on Omeprazole for 7 years (lowest 10mg dose for last 3 years), Gaviscon before bed and Famotidine as and when, if things get worse. You could ask your GP to try Famotidine as it may be helpful for you. Anxiety definitely makes my symptoms worse, it's so frustrating. Best of luck, hope it resolves soon.

Bassem1979 profile image


Finally got through to the GP today after 9 tries, so my bloods come back ok (which is a relief) and they going to refer me for a scope (very scared of that)

So the advanced nurse I saw mid week apparently was on AL today which does not answer why she didn’t ring me back yesterday but anyway the reception spoke to another clinical and said will refer for a scope.

I have 2 friends who are Advanced nurses work in GP world and they said if they had a patient come in with epigastic pain they would test for H-pylori but u can’t test when on PPI

Has anyone had that test before ?

Also anyone had a scope and if so is it as bad as my head thinking my gag reflex is so bad I can’t swallow tablets at times.


Washington1 profile image
Washington1 in reply to Bassem1979

I had an endoscopy recently and fretted about it, but wish I hadn't. It's a real simple procedure and painless. I had some brief discomfort when they pumped some air into my stomach, but it was over in a jiffy and I was soon being offered a cuppa and biscuits. As I had some inflammation, the consultant took some biopsies to check for h pylori, but they came back negative. When you get info from the hospital they will tell you to stop ppi's and possibly other meds you're on for a fortnight before. They spray the back of your throat to numb it so it's very important to do what they say in not eating or drinking for hours before. I didn't have the sedative and swallowed the tube first time. Having the mouthguard put on was a strange moment, but you quickly realise you can breathe just fine. When they ask you to swallow I wondered how I'd do it, but it also turned out to be fine. The team I saw were very lovely and made the whole experience very tolerable. I know people who've had the procedure done more than once, with and the without the sedative and have found it fine.

My take on it.... it's really not that bad at all. Smears are far worse.

Pinkcatfairy profile image

I had all these symptoms some time ago, unfortunately even with tablets it took some time to clear , I recently had a flare up again but not as bad ,but that being said,it is still taking a time ,I feel like it it and then I get reflux after eating (silent )

Bassem1979 profile image
Bassem1979 in reply to Pinkcatfairy


Last week I was feeling a lot better less symptoms and pain and sat even I started having a flare up again.

The pain been bad again today am worried am never going to be right again.

I think it was some onion hummus I had that kicked it off again only thing I had to eat.

Am eating gavisvon like sweets and taking 30mg of lanzoprozole.

Pinkcatfairy profile image
Pinkcatfairy in reply to Bassem1979

Yes I know how you feel ,just had a birthday weekend celebrating,didn't feel too bad at the time but feeling it abit today ,right ear seems to be feeling uncomfortable

ParkSchool5 profile image

Hi, I would opt for the sedative when having your Endoscopy. You are not 'out of it' completely, but not aware of the procedure being done and wake up in the recovery room within about 15 minutes or so. Best wishes.

RBh5512 profile image

I was beside myself with anxiety about having the scope, but had sedation and it was absolutely fine. Whole thing from start to finish (including my recovery time) was 35 mins and I was going home!

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