Good day, I developed very bad acidity in July 2021 just after having Covid-19. I woke up one evening with a very bad acidic taste in my mouth and it has never gone away ever since. It feels like I have a cup of lemon juice in my mouth 24/7. I have been to numerous doctors and specialist and none seem to be able to find the cause. I have been on several different reflux / Gerd medications and nothing has helped. I have done an elimination diet, I have even fasted for 2 days but nothing has helped. I have been for scopes and 24 hour ph monitoring, and no one seems to be able to tell me what is causing it or how to cure it. My throat is constantly sore, some days it even affects my ears. I wake up in the mornings with a mouth full of acidity. My dentist has indicated that he can clearly see that my teeth are completely eroded from the acidity but the doctors keep telling me that they can't see anything. It has has affected my health and mental state very badly in the last 2 and a half years and I don't know where to or what to do at this stage. The first Gastroenterologists in 2021 said that I had a hiatal hernia, but that it was not bad enough to cause the symptoms that I was having. The second Gastroenterologists said it was due to stress, and the 3rd Gastroenterologists said it was long covid. I saw a remedial stress practitioner, she said it was my pancreas and that it was not making digestive enzymes. My GP had my pancreas testes and it seems there is no problem. I am not over weight, I do not smoke, and I avoid all the foods that could possibly trigger this. I am intolerant to diary and gluten and have noticed that when i consume anything with diary in the symptoms become much worse. Any advice would be welcomed as att this stage I am out of options. Thank you.
24/7 Acid Reflux: Good day, I developed... - Acid Reflux Support
24/7 Acid Reflux

Surgeries such as fundlopication or Lynx procedures are available to stop reflux if you have a problem with your sphincter which you could have if acid is flowing freely from your stomach.
Hi, sorry to hear about your horrible acid reflux. My reflux also got worse after having Covid in September 2022, although I have had GERD since 2019. I have a 2cm Hiatal hernia, Gastritis and Celiac disease. Do you try sleeping propped up so gravity can help the acid stay down? I take am on PPI's and take Gaviscon 5 minutes before bed. However, often the acid still breaks through and most days I wake with a red, sore throat and croaky voice. I agree it is very depressing when something goes on day after day despite trying everything in your power, it can wear you down, also worrying about the damage being done. I do believe anxiety has a large part in reflux. My symptoms are much worse during times of stress. Have you tried Carafate (Sucralfate)? I found this did help me somewhat, as it coats the stomach and protects any ulcers/lesions etc against acid. Hope you get some relief soon.
Hi, thank you for your response. I am sorry that you are also suffering from this horrible reflux. So I was told in 2020 that I had reflux, but I did not even know that I had it, until of course once I got Covid it just became a 100 times worse and then the doctor told me I had Gerd. I have a reflux pillow and sleep propped up, but this still does not help. Neither the Pantoprazole Tablets or the Omeprazole Capsules helped at all, I had been on the prescribed meds for almost a year when I stopped as it made no difference at tall. I am currently taking Gaviscon but I am afraid this too is no use. I will definitely speak to the specialist about possibly trying the Carafate if that may be something that may help. Wish you the same, relief soon.
This sounds horrible. I know when I have a bad acid reflux flare up I can get stressed about it. A vicious circle really. I get the acid in my mouth too and worry about my teeth. The dentist has prescribed a very high fluoride toothpaste for me. I was having a lot of trouble with my teeth crumbling and touch wood since I've used the toothpaste I haven't had a problem with crumbling. I just hope its helping with erosion. You can only get this toothpaste from the dentist.
I'm not much help with the reflux I'm afraid. I suppose you already take Gaviscon at night and sleep with your head raised? I've changed my diet because I think my reflux is linked with constipation. So I eat a high fibre diet, and I have tried to increase gut bacteria. At the moment I'm having a good patch. Fingers crossed. I hope you find answers but try and get your dentist to prescribe the toothpaste.
Hi, thank you for your response. Besides the erosion I am also having very bad problems with my teeth crumbling / sensitive due to the reflux. Can you please share the toothpaste name? Yes I do take Gaviscon at night and sleep with y head raised on a reflux pillow. I know that constipation can cause this too so I eat a high fiber diet to avoid this. I am pleased to hear you are having a good patch, fingers crossed!
Hi The toothpaste is made by Colgate and its called Duraphat .
There are two strengths. I have the strongest. Just another thing about toothpaste. I get burning mouth syndrome probably caused by silent reflux. When my mouth is burning I find some toothpastes irritate and make it worse. Fortunately Duraphat feels gentle in my mouth. Just in case you have the same symptoms. If I have a bad flare up I use Oranurse this helps.
Thank you for the info. I had the same thing happening to me when I used Colgate for sensitive teeth, my mouth was on fire for weeks. I read up about the burning mouth syndrome... as I suffered really bad. I changed my toothpaste to the Oral B sensitive and it made a huge difference. I will most def try the Duraphat. Thank you so much.
Have you tried H2 blockers? I didn't get on very well with Omeprazole, Lansoprozole or Pantoprozole. I started taking Famotidine about 10 days ago last thing at night and it seems to stop a lot of acid being produced when I sleep.My doctor told me that it works differently to PPI's so perhaps worth considering.
Hope you find some relief soon.
is this pepcid ac? which others please? I don' know if we can take these every day long term? thank you....
I also had awful acid problems and gastritis after getting Covid. Although I have a hiatus hernia I didn't have dreadful acid issues until I got Covid. I found out since that this is a common problem with quite a few people and I also had heart inflammation (myocarditis) from Covid. Things I tried are: using an acid reflux pillow...quite expensive but worth it as it has stopped the constant sore throat, restricting food/drink to eliminate acidic foods, using slippery elm which really helped eliminate gastritis. I now find after 2 years that I can eat a wider variety of foods again to a certain extent. Eliminating cow's milk products helped...I use almond milk. Hope this helps and good luck with all this.
Thank you for your reply. It seems t me that a lot of people have acid issues after Covid. I have had 2 specialist telling me I have long Covid and there is nothing much they can do. I am definitely going to get some slippery elm as I have not tried this. I have eliminated all diary from my diet as I have noticed it definitely makes things worse. I will look at investing in a proper reflux pillow. Than you for the advice! Good luck to you too.
I got the slippery elm from Cytoplan and the reflux pillow and covers are from Putnams is quite long so that it's more graduated which helps your neck. I hope this helps as this is such a very miserable condition.
Hi, I passed the surgery also ( fundoplication) it didn’t help!
Hi. I've been having reflux issues since 2020. I was ill with a virus and chest infection over Christmas 2019 and it lasted until the February. I now wonder if I had an early case of covid. The stomach flare ups have been intense, with me struggling to eat and losing a lot of weight. I'm recovering from a few months of it, where I felt like I had an elephant sitting on my stomach. I wake up every night with acid reflux. Endoscopy shows gastritis, but not enough damage to lower sphincter to cause the gerd.
I have come across and spoken to a nutritionist about low stomach acid, which then causes the gastric juices to go into overtime and give the same results as high acid. Interestingly, lansaporazole made my symptoms worse, so I think low acid is likely. Anyone else experience this and if so what has helped?
Also, has anyone tried a mouthguard? Especially the ones designed to strengthen the lower oesophageal sphincter?
I also got reflux issues after just having Covid , although I have had issues before ,it has been a long time that the reflux (silent) has been this bad .
My reflux seems to have been initiated by covid, which I had in March 2020. I have since been diagnosed with Undifferentiated Autoimmune Connective Tissue Disease (UCTD). I had an AntiNuclear Antibody (ANA ) test that was positive.
I think UCTD has affected nerves and different tissues. Gut movement was slowed following covid.