Acid reflux help advice: Okay lovely... - Acid Reflux Support

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Acid reflux help advice

19 Replies

Okay lovely people 😍

2 year back I started to have pain in the right-side of sternum, came and went , had heart burn on and off but nothing too serious, at one point below my throat itvwas like a crushing feeling, cardio ruled out and again vanished for months and flare up here and there would happen.

Never had issues swallowing, never felt sick, was bloated now and again and wind well you get it.

Popped aan odd omprezole now and again and again vanished , Nov came flare up, docs said take theses omprezole for 30 days double dose and into ok some all vanished.

Fev came boom, chest pain was back, went to Dr's take more omprezole and then a course for helicobacter and antibiotics, then the burps happened 60 a day and a sore throat appeared with a nasal drip.

I talked them into a scope as I have private medical and are waiting for the date. Now I'm worried sick.

Don't have issues swallowing although my throat is dry and nose is hellish, still burping here and there and some times feels like I could bring food up with the occasional burp, I never have.

Chest thing they thought costochondritis but I deffo have a gastro issue and now worried sick, anyone had similar probs

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19 Replies
meadfoot profile image

I have exactly the same. What part of the world do you live in.

in reply to meadfoot

Scotland, same symtoms

mjames1 profile image

Yes. I've had all of that and not a lot of fun! If double dose rx strength omprezole isn't working, you may have have to try something stronger like high dose Dexilant. But before that, are you waiting an hour after a meal to take your omprezole? Can make a big difference.

And what about your triggers? For me, certain foods and spices made things a lot worse. Other things that helped were smaller meals, not lying down or sleeping three hours after a meal. Also, if you need to lose weight, that could be the single most important thing to do. Raising the head of your bed can also be beneficial, as well as not wearing tight or binding clothing. And then there are your medications. Some meds can trigger GERD.

Lastly, a chug or two of Mylanta, when needed, can give fast relief.


in reply to mjames1

Hi Jim,

Thanks for the reply I've never really had acid at night well for the most part. When I was on amalopodine the episodes did happen bit I managed to getbitbdown where it would dissappear for weeks on end, at one point I only needed 1 or 2 omperazole per week.

But recently the right sided muscle ache would appear and the burp which felt like there was something behind it happened, nothing behind it so far.

Inwas put on the standard 30mg lanazaprol and told to take for last 30 but it never really did anything for me, although I never had heart burn, just burps and chest heaviness under my throat,

Incident ly I needed upnwith a sore throat and sinus issues 3 to.4 weeks ago and started to think well is this acid reflux, although eating was fine etc. Good point on dosage.

I did have regurgitation in my early 30s so the feeling was similar minus the chest heaviness, the regurgitation although lasted months went away on its own.

Food wise never kept a diary might start and I normally stop earing 4 hrs before bed, I normally sleep right through, well I have of recent.

Bupa have appointments a gastro ologist and I await the scope later to see what it is.

My concern that its more than just acid reflux but maybe my journey is just beginning, I just found it weird it come and go's away for months and months, incidentally I pushed the gp for.the referral they kept giving me the runaround between costochondritis and heart burn. So who knows

mjames1 profile image
mjames1 in reply to

Are you on anticoagulants. Some can trigger GERD/LPR. If so, reevaluate your risk score, and if safe, do a trial off of them or switch to a different one. Have you seen an ENT. They can also be helpful with throat symptons.


in reply to mjames1

I think it's raising the head of your bed that's beneficial. To stop the acid coming back up your throat

mjames1 profile image
mjames1 in reply to

Yes. Typo. Thanks. I'll change it.

As a side note my wife has the same sore throat and has done for the same amount of time , weird huh

Low dose aspirin 75mg, so far no diagnosis on anything just a GP, the throat thing might sort its self out. I think that's when the panic set in, as I felt the food going down my dry throat on a few occasions not all occassion though. I did develop a nasal drip not had it for a while but I do take ramipril too

Opelcorsa profile image

Diet 7 up really aggreviates mine, so I ditched it. I take 40mg nexium an hour before breakfast, it coats the tummy and ephasagus . Small meals often, no alcohol, no spicy foods, no chocolate, it's all about elimating the triggers. Try slippery elm and licorice. Good luck

Thanks guys , all I can think about is cancer I suppose we all do that, il buy that and try just really scary 😨

Ruthwuth profile image

Hi, I have had very similar experience, but after reading up about the PPIs (i.e. omprazole and others), I felt they were not for me; do research them. I had an endoscopy (all fine), and the consultant immediately said the problem is a weakened lower oesophagal sphincter (not excessive stomach acid), and it was definitely caused by the Amlodipine I take. I asked my doctor if I could reduce the dose by half to see if it sorts the problem. So far, it has made a significant difference, no longer get the pain in my chest (I too thought it was costachondritis), nor the terrible soreness in my throat, and hoarseness of voice. I'm sure your Scope will be fine. Worry is a cause of Acid Reflux, too!

JaffaNut profile image
JaffaNut in reply to Ruthwuth

I also take Amlodipine. Can I ask how you know that's what"s caused the weakened lower sphincter?

Ruthwuth profile image
Ruthwuth in reply to JaffaNut

The consultant who did my endoscopy told me when he asked what medication I currently take.

JaffaNut profile image
JaffaNut in reply to Ruthwuth

Thanks for this. Is it likely the sphincter will 'strengthen' now that you've stopped Amlodipine or is it too late to reverse the damage? I've taken Amlodipine for years but only recently started Lansoprazole which has resulted in symptoms I didn't have in the first place! I don't want to continue with it and if Amlodipine is making things worse, I might want to discontinue use of that too...

Ruthwuth profile image
Ruthwuth in reply to JaffaNut

Yes in my opinion. I reduced my Amlodipine to 5 mg a day which keeps my BP under control still and the acid reflux symptoms disappeared almost immediately. Good luck.

Thank you I dropped the amalopodine in Dec last year increase the ramipril but still took the aspirin. It really the chest pain on the right then thecmiddle is the fear, the imagination running riot when eating and seeing it as the big c, wish some one wrote a handbook 30byears ago the does and don't

I suppose one question though. Does lpr when your throat goes dry does food feel like it's going down it , its a pretty weird sensation almost sticking but not sticking. It's hard to explain.

Also does lpr affect the inch below the throat and add like a pressing feeling , that's what is really annoying me . The not knowing hard

Blue811 profile image

I’ve had the same feeling in my throat along with chest and back pain, bloating, ear pain and very sore throat. It took about six months of trying numerous different meds to clear up that sensation. It’s called globus and my GI doctor said it is the last thing to go. I weaned myself from Nexium and only took 40mg of famotidine latter in the day when the chest pain and gastritis sometimes would get worse. I never had the sensation of heartburn. Finally got some relief and stopped all the meds for about three weeks. Thought I was cured then boom! Back again really bad. This is atypical GERD. I restarted the Nexium and Carafate. After about a week it started getting better. All this has been going on for a year and a half I’m continuing to work with my GI to get me off all of these meds Wish you the best. You are not alone!

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