Humira is great for my R.A. but I am getting huge cold sores on my
mouth every month. I think the Humira lowers the resistance to any
virus infection. Has anyone else had this inconveniant side effect?
Humira is great for my R.A. but I am getting huge cold sores on my
mouth every month. I think the Humira lowers the resistance to any
virus infection. Has anyone else had this inconveniant side effect?
Due to start it this week so will let you know how it goes. Try igloo or orabase paste from your GP.
Can you take anti viral tablets while on Humira? I know my rheumy nurse suggested these to me as I was getting them every month. x
It's a relief to hear someone else has the same problem.
I'm on Acliclovir so I hope it soon clears. Thanks.
I think it would be a good idea to talk to your GP about a more systemic antiviral treatment to try and get rid of it more permanently, if you are getting them every time you have your humira.
I will go back to GP when this present crop clears, not going out at the moment
because so unsightly. Thanks for reply.
I have had the same problem over the last 3 years and I have been put on Aciclovir, one per day. I was having them down my neck and on my back. Taking the aciclovir is the lesser of 2 evils.
I went on........ Humira....... in November like you said I started to have infection on my legs & had burning sensation in my body, It was terrible so I had to stop the treatment ...... it's a shame because it was good for my .... RA,..... but i wasn't told to take Anti Viral tabs,
Thank you ..... yes maybe that's it ..... I have had... R A & O P for 20 years & tried almost every MEDICATION I think there is .... I think I have the Medical Staff scratching there heads at moment, Thank you so much for answering my message ..... I am amazed how many people SUFFER with this HORRABLE DESEASE..... but we have to thank our stars because there are worse , God Bless, x
Yes, I've had it for years as well, but am doing well on Humira.
I also have OP & fractured 2 vertebrae because of it. I'm
sure OP caused by steroid treatment I had in the past.......
another example of nasty side effects creeping up on you.
Hope you getting plenty of calcium, milk, cheese, yogs. you can
even get calcium Ribena. Keep soldiering on. X
I’ve just started Humira and have only had 3 injections. Within days of having my 2nd & 3rd injections, l have developed cold sores on my lips. Hope this doesn’t continue every fortnight! Only benefit is that they’re covered by my mask.