Saw the consultant yesterday and he has confirmed one of the tendons in my shoulder is catching on the bone and he intends to chip away at the bone with his little chisel to make some more space. It will be done under a local anaesthetic using a shoulder block so I won't feel anything but will be sitting awake and chatting to the theatre staff! How weird is that? He will also try to repair the tear in the tendon as well. He put my shoulder through some exercises and you could hear the clicking noise from the collar bone as well.
It will mean an overnight stay in hospital. I will be sent home with my arm in a sling, pain killers, and exercises to do. The sling stays put for a day or so only as I have to get the shoulder moving as soon as possible apparently. Wom't be able to drive for a while and it takes up to 6 weeks to settle down. We are now trying to find a date which fits in between our booked holidays. He also referred to me as having "youth on my side!. That's a laugh but as he often deals with people in their nineties I suppose I should be flattered to be considered young, reasonably fit and fairly active!
Himself has an infected toe so is hobbling around. He saw the GP today (I thought it was gout!) and has antibiotics and cream to use as he has a touch of athletes foot as well. Ha - he certainly isn't an athlete! I don't know why but it is always his feet which are affected
He is due to have a minor foot operation on the 16th July so won't be able to drive for 48 hours. My Endoscopy is the 19th so at least he can take me there and bring me back. My son tells me I do not need a sedative. That's what he thinks!
So now we wait for a date - hope it won't be too long and that it is all over and done with before we go to Cyprus at the end of September. Aviva have confirmed authorisation - just need the procedure code and a date and it is all systems go. At least with a local anaesthetic I won't get the problems I usually get with a general which makes me very ill.
Will update once I know more. LavendarLady xx