I had my long awaited shoulder replacement nearly two weeks ago & have another week to go with my arm being held firmly in its sling. The op was not nearly as bad as people had led me to believe. I was told it was a major op & was expecting a lot of pain after it & that I would be laid out flat and feeling very ill on the day I had it.
However when I was taken back to the ward I was sitting up & didn’t feel too bad at all. Much to my surprise, only about an hour after getting back to the ward I was bought a cup of tea & some biscuits which has never happened so quickly after an op before. I was only in hospital for two days which was amazing I had a drain attached to me for the two days
It has been quite uncomfortable but pain wise not too bad at all. It is more a case of how to position myself in bed that is difficult. I am very tired & could sleep all the time but don’t sleep well at nights because of how to lay comfortably. I do have an adjustable bed & have the top end up quite a lot.
Next week I will have the dressings & sling taken off, see the surgeon & start physio which I imagine will be painful.
To anyone waiting for this op, I would say not to worry about it & to take it easy afterwards.