More news from the castle.: Hi Everyone. It is a long... - NRAS


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More news from the castle.

LavendarLady profile image
13 Replies

Hi Everyone. It is a long time since I last put up a blog so thought I would bring you all up to date.

Saw my consultant last week and he believes that I need an operation on my shoulder. He called it a subacronial something or other. Basically where the tendon runs through the bone, it is rubbing on bone and the bone needs to be shaved to free the tendon. He did say from my x ray that no arthritic changes are showing in the shoulder so I suppose I should be thankful for small mercies.

He also injected the shoulder again which has helped and has had rather a strange effect in that my very painful feet are better as well! So I suppose the steroid floats around the body in the blood stream and reaches the parts others can't! If I have to have surgery he will refer me to the orthopaedic surgeon and it will be a day case and key hole although rather painful I gather. Will have to keep the arm in a sling for a few days, take pain killers and do the exercises the physio will set. But that is in the future. I see him again in June and he will review the shoulder at that time.

He also had my hands and feet x-rayed as it is 4 years since it was done and he needs to see if there are any changes. The podiatrist did say there were arthritic changes in my feet so hopefully the x-ray will show that up.

We have just had the boiler changed in the kitchen. Can't believe how inefficient the old one was. The new one is so good that I go round turning down or off the radiators! Kitchen now has to be decorated and the new pipes boxed in. That is being done the week beginning 8th May and after that, our man will be decorating the main bedroom which badly needs it.

We had damp coming in last year from the chimney breast and he went up onto the roof and found the lead flashing had lifted. That is now cured but the wall in the bedroom needs scraping down to get rid of the salts, sealing and then painting. Have just bought the paint for kitchen and bedroom. Using Farrow and Ball paints which although expensive, have very good coverage. Dorset cream in the kitchen (a heavy rich creamy colour) and a lighter cream in the bedroom. New curtains etc in gold will complete it.

Domestic house cleaners coming in next week to do a thorough spring clean as I can't manage it any more. Carpet cleaners on Wednesday who will also do the upholstery in the drawing room (having 2 dogs doesn't help). so all in all, house should be looking good after. Have thought we may need a new carpet as this one gets a lot of wear so having a look next week to see what's on offer colour wise and prices.

Berry (labrador) does his first test in a week's time for his gun dog certificates. His retrieve is still a problem but I am hoping something will click into his brain and he'll get it right on the day. Yesterday, he stole half of my salmon and cucumber sandwich off the work top at lunchtime and this morning, tried to take a piece of beef from the fridge. He is such a thief. Tilly, the other Lab, has never stolen anything and waits patiently until she is given a titbit.

Cleaner is here today and next week will help me clear out the kitchen cupboards. A friend is having a car boot sale at the end of May so have promised her some more stuff. Got the garage cleared out recently and filled a skip up to the top. At least we can find things now and seem to have got rid of the mouse in the process. We think we have lost a lot of our wisteria - the top buds are crumbling away and very dry so think a heavy air frost must have caught them out. The lower buds are opening but we won't have the wonderful display this year that we usually have. The Cherry is in blossom as are two of the apple trees but the other one is looking very sorry for itself. It got badly affected by woolly aphid and although sprayed twice by our gardener, has not really recovered. May have to take it out eventually but will give it a chance.

Anyway, that's all the news. Hope everyone is keeping well in this damp and dreary weather. Why is it that when a hosepipe ban is put on, the heavens open the next day? Is someone up there trying to tell us something?

Love LavendarLady x

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13 Replies
sylvi profile image

LL, its so nice to hear from you. No wonder you haven't blogged, you have so much on your plate you wouldn't have time. I like the idea of having people in to clean the carpets, i have been thinking that we might do the same with our lounge carpet. My sister-in-law was up the other week and my hubby was saying to her about getting a new carpet. I said i would sooner get it cleaned as its much less hassle.

Your dog berry is a right little thief isn't he. We have ben cat sitting this last week as my neighbours went abroad for a break. He knows when we are going round and when my neighbours come home he knows and we don't see him for dust. He'll come in our house and make himself comfy and he'll sleep all day. Its like having our own cat without all the hassle.

I'm sorry to hear that you will have a shoulder operation,but if it helps all to the good. I go into hospital on the 17th may for my knee op. Its sad to say i'm looking forward to it.

My conservatory is like a greenhouse at the moment, full of things growing. We've got peas out there ready to go down the allotment,sweetcorn as well and all manner of plants for our little garden.

Take care my friend and hope it is not too wet for you.

Love sylvia.xx

LavendarLady profile image
LavendarLady in reply to sylvi

Hi Sylvia, hope all goes well with your op on the 17th. Will be thinking of you. Take it easy.

Carpet cleaners are a good idea - they certainly do a thorough job.LL

allanah profile image

HIya, I wondered how you have been!! Can you come and do my garage, my husband wont let me in it ti tidy cos its "his" garage...more like a death Axx

LavendarLady profile image
LavendarLady in reply to allanah

Sorry Allanah, you/'re on your own on that one! My husband always blames me for the mess in the garage but surprise, surprise, when we cleared it out, guess who most the rubbish belonged to! LL

allanah profile image

I'm having to get a new couch at the weekend , cos, guess what, I have worn this one out with putting on weight and sitting around for a year.!!

lol the hidden costs of RA (poor couch) and then get the lounge decorated so its spring again!! Axx

in reply to allanah

We only have seats and a recliner in our living room now - it all got too much with the boys having fisty cuffs over the sofa every time! Nice to see your photo Allanah - you look very bonnie and it's some improvement on when you were just another black sillohette against a deep blue sky! TTx

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to

Thanks Tilda it got taken just after i got RA in March we went to Marrakesh in August and i had 3 steroid infusions just before, so the top that was meant to be baggy was tight..oh well never mind. And I got another couch, it is similar to the others in the room but not exactly the same, but it is SO comfy and has electric recliners...OH Yeah!! AAxx

helixhelix profile image

Sorry to hear you need yet another process LL, but it sounds as if it could make a good difference so would be well worth the botheration. Presumably you'd have to farm out dog walking while you heal tho'? Can't imagine a surgeon would approve of hauling a boisterous lab around straight afterwards!

All this talk of spring cleaning has made me realise that our cobwebs are getting a bit dusty....we have a tiny bit of sun here today between the showers and it's making things more obvious. It is lovely when everything is fresh and sparkling, so I will have to find some way to do some deep cleaning. Time to call a window cleaner I think!

Look after yourself. Polly x

Gina_K profile image

Hi LL,

Great to hear from you was wondering where you had got to these days. I am also organising some home decorating and cleaning - must be the time of year.

Had a painter around last night getting two living rooms done and H/S/L, putting a picture rail around landing to bring ceiling down, as it is a vacuous space. Also getting bannisters all changed to cream, aside from hand rail.Hope it works out well, and best of all it is being done while I am in U.K. visiting my dear sister. I would love new carpet on my stairs,but budget won't stretch, took us long enough to decide on painting. I think when you have done all this decorating lark a few times, you grow weary of it?

I also have a great cleaner comes in twice a month and gives the place a good going over, floors, bathrooms etc (its not a mansion) and then I can manage. Not a word of English, not one word!!! says she is Italian, but as I speak a bit of Italian, she is Not! Fab cleaner tho....

The dogs do take a toll, OH always moaning!

I know what you mean re couch, mine are decidedly worn, from me being on them. I also notice my casual clothes seem to be wearing out more quickly as i am no longer in work clothes most of the time. Hidden costs of RA is right.

Just back from getting teeth whitened by laser :), where the woman gave me a whole lecture on how she has RA, but would'nt take the meds, because of liver damage etc, and how she cured herself with Tumeric and various natural method, I just 'Grinned' literally and bore it. Mmmmmmm.! The less said as we know.

Teeth look great, but a wee bit sensitive. I got a groupon deal ....

xx Gina.

Tumeric??! were her teeth deep yellow then or does she get them whitened too to compensate for the yellow staining?! Hey perhaps I'll try trading in MTX and Plaquenil (when I start it) for tumeric and see how I get on- will let you know when I can't move in a few month's time and at least I'll smell nice and spicy?!

Great to hear from you again LL - how busy your world has been. Your dogs sound very trained and disciplined compared to my nutty bundle of black curls! TTx

Hi LL, not much wonder you haven't been seen here, that is alot of action in your house! But won't it be marvelous when it's all done!

Your shoulder should be much better after that op! The same principle was applied to my wrist by removing 2.5 inches of the ulnar bone, to prevent the tendon from getting severed from the boney friction!

My newest daughter-in-law, Heather, has been such a wonderful help to me since my surgery. She comes over once a week, after she gets off work, and runs the vac, waters the plants in the sunroom and anything else that needs done.

I'm getting much better, just can't push or pull on my wrist, thus the vac is too much. Can't turn my hand, palm up all the way, but it is getting there, and can't lift the coffee mug yet. Ah, but I have learned to compensate! Except now, my left hand fingers are complaining!

Enjoy a wonderful Spring at the castle!

allanah profile image

Bought a couch, tell you about it tomorrow !! Yeah Axx

LavendarLady profile image

Hi All, weather here has been terrible. Torrential rain and high winds The castle flag pole is nearly bending double and the flag is really snapping backwards and forwards. Hope we don't lose it!

Haven't been able to get into the garden at all and certainly not to plant out the wild garlic which is really enjoying itself in a bucket of water. The friend who gave it to me said to give it lots of water but I don't suppose she meant this much.

Going with my good and scatty friend Sheena on Tuesday to look at carpets (just in case I decide to get a new one) and I think I will get some new curtains made for the drawing room. The present ones have been up some years and I fancy a change. It must be the time of year!

Glad to hear Loret that you are improving - take it steady - it will take time. Your new daughter in law sounds lovely. Can I borrow her sometime? Mine is pretty useless.

Allanah will look forward to hearing about the couch. How exciting. I love getting new furniture.

Berry is whinging - I think he wants to go and find Himself who is still in bed - 9.30 on a Sunday morning. Mind we did have a very early start yesterday as had to get to a meeting some distance away. Got home about 3 p.m. Dogs over the moon to see us. Even the cat strolled out and deigned to greet us.

According to the forecast, tomorrow should be a lot better here. I hope so, the sea is crashing in, we have had flooding in places along the coast as well. Totally fed up with this rain. It is so depressing, looking out onto grey skies and heavy cloud. thank God for the new boiler. At least we are warm although the solar panels are not collecting much at the moment so have to switch over the heating to provide some hot water as well.

Meant to tell you all, on Slimming world have now lost the first stone, Can get into a size smaller jeans and think I need a smaller size still and a size smaller jacket. Makes you feel good. It is now noticeable and friends have commented. Love LavendarLady x

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