Nice little ankle : Hi everyone Hoping all is as well... - NRAS


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Nice little ankle

Eiram50 profile image
33 Replies

Hi everyone

Hoping all is as well as can be with you. You will know I was in on Friday for my ankle replacement and heel fusion. I was discharged home last night.

All went well with the operation and they managed to place me straight in a boot, which makes a significant difference to the time I will need off work.

Have to say, it is very painful and because I can’t weightbear, walking with the crutches, is a nightmare but, like we do, I’ll get used to it.

Anyway, just wanted to update x

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Eiram50 profile image
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33 Replies

Delighted all went well... here’s to a speedy recovery x

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to

Thank you

AgedCrone profile image

Glad it all went well...but sorry you are in pain.....hopefully that will ease soon.

Go carefully on the crutches...I found them a bloomin’ nuisance!

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to AgedCrone

Thank you. The are not easy, are they? Particularly when you have stairs! Having said that, they did discharge me with a lovely commode! Also been told that I can go ahead with the next surgery ( pelvis/wrist) on 31 March. God knows how that’s going to work - same side as ankle 😀

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Eiram50

I had three crutches because my stairs go round on themselves and I couldn’t negotiate two crutches up and down the stairs there was always one where I arrived .....if you see what I mean?

But my problem was if I sat down I sort of heaved myself up on my good foot - turned around and fell over the crutches I’d left beside me!

Because I live alone, I ended up getting around the house with my little vegetable trolley on wheels in front of me, carrying all the goodies that I needed and pushing that with the bad foot and hopping on the good foot! Worked a Treat!

But the crutches really took their toll on my arthritic shoulders!

Hope you can ditch the crutches soon ...take care,& enjoy being able to watch TV in the afternoon without feeling guilty!

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to AgedCrone

The trolleys a really good idea!

I think I’ll try going up and down the stairs in my bum - just being careful not to bang the ankle as I go.

Thanks for the advice!

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Eiram50

That is what I did most of the time – but being a geriatric I found it difficult heaving myself upright when I got the top was okay at the bottom I could hang onto the banister .....but at the top I had to be wary of toppling backwards!

It all worked out in the end I even went on to have the surgery on the other foot! Plus as I’d had the right foot done first when I had the left foot and I could still drive-threw the crutches in the supermarket trolley and got really funny looks when I parked in the disabled bay!

Biofreak profile image

So glad it went well. You could do with someone waiting on you for a while. Then again you still have to move around and go to the loo etc. Take care and go slow, not that you have much choice on that score.

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to Biofreak

Thank you x

nomoreheels profile image

Pleased all went well, eventually, Marie. I hope you can get the pain controlled & soon. Would hiring a knee scooter be an option if you're struggling with crutches? I'd opt for that if I needed to, wish I’d known about them after I had 6 weeks on crutches! Or a knee crutch, though not sure if they'd be available to hire. Worth investigating though? x

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to nomoreheels

Most definitely NMHs, thank you. I know the pain will pass and I’ll get used to managing, just have to get through this first week or so. Although one part is really glad that I can go ahead with the next operation in 31 March, I’m a bit fearful too. Just really want to get it all done so I can have a period of calm!

Saw rhuemy on Thursday and I’ll go for MRI in a couple

Of months as lots of inflammation in hands and he feels like my meds are

No longer doing their job and also, my spine has fused further. This was clarified when the anaesthetist couldn’t administer the spinal anaesthetic that he wanted to as he couldn’t find a space.

Got the CT scan on Thursday for my lungs - I’m so hoping this is ok and nothing to be concerned about long term.

It sometimes can feel quite overwhelming, when it all comes at once so I’m going to focus on one thing at a time and I know that I’ll get through it- we all seem to, don’t we?

Thanks for your helpful advice. Hope you and your husband are doing ok x

rab1874 profile image

Glad everything went well,speedy recovery xxx

charisma profile image

Great news, hope healing is free of complications. I hate the thought of surgeries like that, still in early years since diagnosis in Dec 2015.

I hope you have plenty of support at home.

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to charisma

I do, thank you x

Gnarli profile image

Good news! Wishing you the speediest recovery x

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to Gnarli

Thank you so much x

janmary profile image

You’re an expert recoverer - hope you progress well - careful as you go with the crutches !

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to janmary

Thank you . X

Mmrr profile image

Good news and a speedy recovery

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to Mmrr

Thank you x

Gigi71 profile image

Pleased to hear your surgery went went Marie. You are one very brave lady. I used a frame when I had my foot fusions and was unable to negotiate my stairs. Luckily had a downstairs loo. I did have one triple foot fusion and roughly a year to a Carrole tendon transfer on my left hand, the second foot fusion, followed a year later knuckle replacement in my right hand. Please make sure you are ready for the wrist op and don’t rush, for the best possible outcome. All the best though and rest too. X

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to Gigi71

Wow that sounded a rough run for you! I’m in two minds about the operation in March as I think it’s awfully soon after this one but also, because it’s all in the same side as ankle replacement, it’s going to be tough going. In the other hand- it’ll all be over ( for a bit). I think I’ll proceed as expected and

Re evaluate the week before, if that’s in any way possible to do.

Thank you for your well wishes


Gigi71 profile image

It depends if you are weight bearng or not, also your wrist will need to be rested and using the other hand is tiring. Give it some thought Marie, but whichever you decide you are wished the best. X

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to Gigi71

I’m not weight bearing but the surgeon said in five weeks time, I’ll be able to do so, if only partially? You’re right though, it requires some further thought. Thank you x

JDQuinn75 profile image

Eiram50, Crutches can be tricky at first, especially if you haven’t had to be on them before do to an injury or something else. They also can get very uncomfortable if you are on the crutches to long at at time. I’ve had to use crutches in the past on a couple of occasions. Do try to move to quickly on them til you get the hang of getting around on the crutches. Then once you get comfortable getting around on your crutches then you probably can get around on them with a little better stride.

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to JDQuinn75

Thank you. I have had them before, both when I had hips replaced and them again when they did my knees together. But both of these fumes, I was able to weightbare - I think that’s the difficulty, not being able to but you’re right, I’ll get the hang of it and be swinging about in them, just the thing 😀

I’ve got a big bloody blister on my hand now - nippy!

JDQuinn75 profile image
JDQuinn75 in reply to Eiram50

Yes blisters can happen as well if you’re on them to long . I’ve had that happen as well. If you don’t have comfortable covers on the crutches I’d recommend looking for some on amazon. They have some stylish ones on there and plus they make you more comfortable to get around when you have to be on your crutches for a length of time.

mille profile image

That's great news, I have been wondering how it went for you, not sure how long I will wait to get mine done, was told around 4 months. Hope you continue to do well xx

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to mille

I have to say, it’s painful and hard going in terms of non weight bearing but, hopefully this will ease off over the next couple of weeks. Stitches out on Monday and the wound seems to be healing nicely.

I wish you the very best for yours. X

mille profile image

Crutches are hard to use, I had to use them over Christmas when I couldn't weight bear with the stress fracture to my shin. I had a urinal beside by bed as was so hard getting up and down to the bathroom and I had a zimmer for inside the house. I bought some crutches from ebay that were more comfortable for my hands. Good that the wound is healing well. Did you get put to sleep for the operation? xx

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to mille

They had wanted to do a spinal anaesthetic but when looking with the doplar scan, there were no spaces, my spine having fused further since the last time. So, yeah, I ended up having a general, with nerve blocks x

mille profile image

Thank you for your reply. Hope each day get easier for you. xx

Eiram50 profile image

Thank you x

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