Hi All,
I have been very busy with work and life so although have popped on have not had much to say! Still hav'nt really. I got bit of shock this eve while checking my email. Remember I had that MRI for my ankle in June? Well apparently the Consultant wrote to me calling me in to talk about it - Gulp! Today, I got an email from his secretary, saying he wants to talk to me. Oh oh! My ankle ok, well I can manage, apparently he was very concerned upon examination of my poor hoof that I cant raise on balls on right foot, anyway, he made all this ankle surgery sound very serious, something like 6 weeks off your feet totally and then 6 weeks pottering (thats 3 months) then another 12 weeks getting back to normal, could that be right and sounds very painful. Even the thoughts of using crutches on my Rheumatoid damaged wrists. Oh I am getting quite stressed. What did better half say, we'll have to wait to talk to the doc, not a bit concerned (well its not him is it?)
Its my tendon apparently thats damaged and maybe if I don't get it fixed I will develope OA on otherside again Gulp! The thing is who is going to mind me? It can't be my 83 year old mum again! I don't think Hubby can as he works for himself and although well intentioned....... My daughters both work full time, my son away? I'm scared. Has anyone any experience of ankle tendon surgery? Can they fix you? Does it work? is it worth the pain. I am confused. I went to have him look at my bunion, not a bit of it, he was much more interested in my ankle.
On a happier note, I am planning a party for my big birthday on 20/8, and in fact emailed ortho guy back to say scedule a consult for after 20/8 because I don't want to know the bad news of my MRI until after the celebration!
Another thing better half said is 'thats good is'nt it, they are going to fix you'? He just does'nt get it.