Hi , I was diagnosed with RA in 2015 and have had a few issues with bursitis in my ankles , which makes it very painful to walk. Each time my consultant has given me a steroid shot into my ankle, which has sorted it out. I've recently developed it again in my left ankle and it's severely restricting what I'm able to do as walking hurts. I'm due to start abatacept soon so will hopefully be able to get to see my consultant again then, but I just wondered if anyone else suffers with this and if so have you found anything that helps? Thanks. Best wishes to all.
Bursitis in ankle: Hi , I was diagnosed with RA in 201... - NRAS
Bursitis in ankle

I usually use ankle supports which really help. So long as it's not too tight.
have you thought about seeing a physio? I have bursitis ( not in my ankle) and physio has really helped me. You can self refer and in this area I got seen within 3 weeks 😵
Thanks Kitty. Gosh I'm glad you got seen so quickly! I had thought of asking rheumy nurse about being referred but didn't know you could self refer. Thank you, that's something else I can try then. I'm really glad it's helping you too x
try hot and cold packs and anti inflammatory drugs too.
Hi Julia31, I find a cold pack helps me. It takes down the swelling for a few days. In that time you get some relief from the constant pain. Hope you find a solution that works for you.Good Luck 👍
I have it in my hip, I was sent to physio but it hasn’t really helped, I have been told stretching and exercise is the best thing for it
Good luck
Thank you catcat01. I will try doing some ankle exercises this evening
I don’t know where you live but most areas councils run scheme with NHS where a dr r physio can refere you to use local leisure centres and swimming pools at a discounted rate( £12.50 a month where I live) you can go as many times as you like and attend classes as well, you see an instructor who is experienced to advice what will help your condition.
Both my physio and doctor told me that I qualified just for RA, Hope your successful if you apply x
Hi Julia31, sorry for the time gap in replying to your post. My situation mirrors yours to some extent; I was diagnosed in 2019 with RA and have had no end of problems with heel bursitis. I am also on Abatacept (and MTX).
So, in April 2021, my left heel became massively swollen, and it was insanely difficult to walk as the pain was so severe. I was referred by my RA consultant to a podiatry specialist nurse. He did an ultrasound of my left foot and found that my heel bursa was 20x its normal size. He referred me to a Consultant Anaesthetist, who 9 months later did an ultrasound-guided "Saline Hydrodilation" injection into my heel - this essentially uses saline to disperse the inflammation. I don't know the exact physiological mechanisms of how this works but it massively improved things for me, bursitis wise.
Unfortunately though, my left heel has since caused me other issues, not related to the injection; my heel started REALLY hurting again in early 2022, and I was due another injection. When the Dr did an Ultrasound on my heel, he said he couldn't do the procedure as I had completely torn my Achilles Tendon. Well, that explained why I was in excruciating pain / barely able to walk / would cry with the pain.
That is all a rather long-winded way of saying that there are treatments for severe heel bursitis, so I would talk to your consultant about the above procedure. Stick it into google too; there was some informative journal papers on the procedure too. Good luck!
Hi. Thank you for your reply and the information about the saline injection. I'm so sorry you've been through such a lot with your bursitis and a torn Achilles tendon. Has that healed now or are you still suffering with it? My bursitis got quite a lot better after a period of inactivity but is returning again now after I have begun trying to do very short walks each day. I have an appointment with my rheumatologist soon so I will mention it again.
Wishing you all the best.